Mercedes Javid in Los Angeles September 2024)

صور Ashley Greene and Miley Cyrus – "LOL" set candids in Paris, France, September 6, 2024

صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2024Ashley Greene and Miley Cyrus"LOL" set candids in Paris, France, September 6, 2024

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صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2024Ashley Greene and Miley Cyrus"LOL" set candids in Paris, France, September 6, 2024

Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: Various Events from September 2 -17, 2024

Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: Various Events from September 2 -17, 2024

Reines & Princesses: Princesse Mette Marit

Norway’s royal family welcomed the President of Estonia for a state visit to Oslo on 2 September 2024





Crown Princess Mette Marit participated in the two days of reusing clothes, organized by Fretex (Norwegian salvation army) in Bergen on September 6-7, 2024



Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit began an official three-day visit in the Norwegian region Nordland on 9 September 2014






Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit opened a national center of excellence in Drammen on 15 September 2024.



Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway opened an exhibition at the City Hall of Oslo on 17 September 2024. The exhibit highlights artistic creations made by people who have suffered from drug problems or who were in the world of prostitution. Through art, they were able to start a new life.




Reines & Princesses: Princesse Mette Marit

CDAN September 19th 2024 – Divas

CDAN September 19th 2014 – Divas

Blind Item #1
This openly gay actor from a hit network show has a significant other but perhaps he is not getting what he needs at home because he was hitting up Grindr hard the other night at an after party for a film and left after about 20 minutes to meet a "friend."
Popular Guess: Jim Parsons

Blind Item #2
The daughter of this former A list mostly television actor who seems like he has been on a cable television show for a decade or longer yelled at her famous father because he was drinking. She yelled at him that he had promised to not drink that night and she was going home if he didn’t stop. The actor put the drink down.
Popular Guess: Richard Dean Anderson

Blind Item #3
Our favorite chain smoking tattoo hiding Academy Award nominated actress is paying her fitness instructor for private one on one lessons that involve no clothes but lots of cardio.
Popular Guess: Melanie Griffith

Blind Item #4
Usually when someone is hiding a relationship it is because they are cheating. In this case though, this A list model is hiding her boyfriend because she thinks her A+ list celebrity bff will never understand. The A+ lister is notorious for dumping friends who can’t focus 100% of their attention on her.
Popular Guess: Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift

Blind Item #5
There is no love lost between these two co-stars on a hit almost network show that is only classified a hit because it is on that network. Apparently the higher listed of the pair was hit on by the husband of the lesser co-star but the lesser co-star blames the higher listed star. I’m not always a fan of the higher listed star, but she is big on fidelity so would never do that.

Blind Item #6
This permanent A list singer/musician who is height challenged suffered a serious blood infection last month when he was injected with a B12 shot after a show. The singer was treated for three days in a hospital.
Popular Guess: Prince

Blind Item #7
This married B list mostly television actor on a very hit network show that has a new spin-off this year says that the rub and tugs he gets everyday in his trailer is not cheating and really believes that it is just a part of his **** that is massaged like any other.
Popular Guess: Michael Weatherly

Blind Item #8
This A list foreign born singer might be a one hit album wonder. A monster one hit album to be sure, but still just one. Apparently years of chain smoking has caused the still very young singer problems with her vocal cords and recording sessions have not gone well or been too painful for her to sing longer than a few minutes at a time.
Popular Guess: Adele

Blind Item #9
Even though they have been in the same city for the past couple of days, this former A+ list mostly movie actress turned solid B+/A- lister has not seen her celebrity significant other. He has been hooking up with a woman who caused problems for the couple before.

Blind Item #10
The former girlfriend of this B list mostly television actor who is big on cheating and not very successful in his latest television efforts has written a book about the actor. Well, it doesn’t call him by name, but the book is filled with stories of things the guy did to her and made her do and made her watch and also the time she had to spend in a mental hospital to recover from their time together. Itis quite the "novel."
Popular Guess: Charlie Sheen

Four For Friday- Divas
#1 – This A+ list singer might like the world to think she is sweet and kind and goes to church every Sunday, but she demanded that a woman at an arena be fired because the woman wanted an autograph and asked our singer directly.
Popular Guesses: Katy Perry, Carrie Underwood

#2 – Kindness- This A+ list singer insists that for every ticket her record company buys to her shows to give away to industry people that they buy an equal number to give to school kids in that particular city. Oh, and she makes sure that the kids sit as close as the industry people.
Popular Guesses: Taylor Swift, Katy Perry

#3 – This former A+ list singer who has turned to judging for the most part to make a buck once walked into her dressing room and turned right back around because she didn’t like the lighting. Yep. She was back in her car and in her hotel room 10 minutes later and stayed until the lighting was changed.
Popular Guesses: Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani

#4- This now deceased talk show side kick would only make appearances if an escort was provided to him. She had to be blonde and no older than 25. he didn’t require that they sleep with him but if they did he would always say yes the next time that organization or company asked him to appear. The answer was usually no if they didn’t.
Popular Guess: Ed McMahon

صور Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Elle UK September 2024

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Elle UK September 2024

تحميل صور فضائح Celebrity Gossip, Photos, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Elle UK September 2012 2024 – 2024 يوتيوب فيديو افلام اغاني فيديو



Magazine Breaking News and Photos | Just Jared

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CDAN September 20th 2024 – 10 Blind Items

CDAN September 20th 2014 – 10 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
This long running network reality show has already been shot but editors are having trouble finding enough sober footage of one of the contestants to weave the story together. She is in almost every scene and everyone knew she was drunk but they were so used to it they didn’t realize how bad it was until the show got to the editing stage.
Popular Guess: Brandi Glanville

Blind Item #2
This almost A list singer talked her way out of rehab but her parents have forced her to attend AA meetings or they would cut her off. That is a big deal. She is attending multiple meetings a day.
Popular Guess: Lana Del Rey

Blind Item #3
This comedian turned actor turned a lot of everything has been married forever. He has starred in movies and television and did I say he has been married forever? He is hooking up with someone who was born after he got married. I don’t think he has ever been a blind. He might have been a Kindness though a couple of years ago, because he does some very good deeds. Cheating on his wife is not one of them.
Popular Guess: Billy Crystal

Blind Item #4-Kindness
This B list mostly movie actress who was A list when she was in that franchise has slowly dropped since she chose to walk away from it. She thought she could make it big without it. She was wrong. Anyway, she is promoting a new movie and was already running late for a television interview but stopped to chat with a mentally challenged teen in a wheelchair who was with his mom. He had a poster from her franchise and she signed it and then patiently talked to him for almost 20 minutes before finally heading to her television appearance.
Popular Guesses: Kirsten Dunst, Megan Fox

Blind Item #5
This former reality star turned a different kind of reality star turned host turned celebrity was trying to play off two executives to get a new show. She was sleeping with them both until they found out. Now she is scrambling to find something to get her on television. She is even thinking about going back to the channel she said she would never return to and would consider it a failure in life.
Popular Guess: Bethenny Frankel

Blind Item #6
This B- list mostly television actress who just completed a nice little run on a critically acclaimed series and has been on lots and lots of shows and even more movies should keep a very close eye on her similarly listed husband who just completed a run on a network show that held on for dear life to get to syndication. He just filmed a movie and has been hooking up with a co-star who has never managed to make it through any show or movie without hooking up with someone. It is probably why she has trouble getting really great work and only gets good work.
Popular Guess: Rosemarie DeWitt, Ron Livingston and Ashley Greene

Blind Item #7
This actress is foreign born and probably B+ list if you get pay cable. A list if you listen to David Hasselhoff records. Two shows at once for this actress who said her parents hated her past and cut her off but when she started making money on her new shows and getting famous they suddenly appeared in her life wanting money and cars and won’t stop asking her for things.
Popular Guesses: Malin Åkerman, Paula Malcomson

Blind Item #8
These two co-stars on a FOX show ending soon showed up on a red carpet together for a charity event wasted and then spent the entire night standing at the valet stand smoking pot. At the end of the night they picked up a swag bag and then got into their waiting car.
Popular Guess: Someone from Glee

Blind Item #9
Proving once again that she is just not very nice, this B list actress from a hit network show threw a tantrum until she was allowed to change an outfit so she didn’t have to wear the same thing as the "fat girl," who is her co-star and a MUCH nicer person and a MUCH better actress who is going to have a very long career unlike the mean one.
Popular Guesses: Lea Michele and Amber Riley, Beth Behr and Kat Dennings

Blind Item #10
This B+ list mostly television actress on a very hit show who also has another gig that does pretty well is trying to get a visa for a guy she hooked up with on vacation. He tried to get one on his own and couldn’t and it might be important. Whispers on set say our actress is pregnant.
Popular Guess: Lucy Hale

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item