Author suggests JK Rowling stop writing adult fiction

Author suggests JK Rowling stop writing adult fiction

24 February 2024

Author suggests JK Rowling stop writing adult fiction

By Anthony ZurcherEditor, Echo Chambersخليجية
Are JK Rowling’s books taking ****f space away from younger, more talented authors?

By writing the adult fiction novel The Casual Vacancy, JK Rowling "sucked the oxygen from the entire publishing and reading atmosphere", making it harder for aspiring authors to flourish.

At least, that’s what Lynn Shepherd, an Author of "literary mysteries" set in 19th Century England, thinks. On Friday she penned a piece for the Huffington Post in which she contended that the Author of the Harry Potter saga has "had her turn" and should stick with children’s books (which she admits she hasn’t read).

"Rowling has no need of either the ****f space or the column inches, but other writers desperately do," she writes.

She concludes by telling Ms Rowling:
Enjoy your vast fortune and the good you’re doing with it, luxuriate in the love of your legions of fans, and good luck to you on both counts. But it’s time to give other writers, and other writing, room to breathe.

So what happens when you take dead aim at one of the most popular authors of modern times? Nothing good, that’s for certain.

"What Ms. Shepherd appears to be suggesting is that Rowling should be happy with the success she’s earned, and should stop, because apparently, there is no more reason for Rowling to continue writing in the adult market," writes Author Nathan Scalia for Lit Reactor.

It’s a "ridiculous" argument, he says. "If my book doesn’t succeed, it’s because it didn’t resonate with fans the same way that Harry Potter did. There’s room enough on the book****f for both."

Shepherd misunderstands literary economics, says Author Larry Correia.

"JK Rowling making a dollar does not take a dollar out of your pocket," he writes. "That is loser talk. Quite the contrary, she has grown our market, and brought more readers into genre fiction, so she’s actually put dollars IN your pocket. "

Steven Salvatore Shaw writes for the blog beautifulCHAOS that Shepherd is belittling young adult (YA) novels.
"There is so much more room for creativity with **** in the YA genre than in adult fiction (not that I’m knocking adult fiction by any stretch), but it’s obvious that Shepherd hasn’t bothered to understand the genre that she’s trying – and failing miserably – to critique," he writes.

But why stop at criticising Shepherd? Amanda Green on the blog According to Hoyt contends that the Author reflects the entitled attitude of an entire generation.

"They haven’t been taught what it means to have to face consequences for their actions or inactions," she writes. "Our schools don’t help. How can they when more and more of them are doing away with pesky little things like homework or take a test one time and learn to live with your score?"

Romance Author Tymber Dalton writes that Shepherd’s piece is a shining example for new authors of what not to say in public.

"I can’t think of a faster way to totally tank your career than to piss off a WORLD of readers by looking like a jealous, petty, wannabe hack," she writes.

In case there was any doubt about that point, visit Shepherd’s Author page on the online bookseller, where her books are getting blasted with one-star reviews from outraged Harry Potter fans.
"I didn’t read this book but, if the author’s HuffPo article taught me one thing, it’s that I don’t have to read a book in order to judge it," reads on typical post. "So here’s a one-star review. Not because I believe in trolling, but because Lynn does. You want to pan other writers work without reading it first, then enjoy the world you built."

At the beginning of her piece, Shepherd concedes that a friend told her not to write it, as "everyone will just put it down to sour grapes".

If she’s a really good friend, she’s not saying "I told you so" right now.

Update: As reader SoIndianaGuy points out in the comments, best-selling Author Anne Rice (of Interview With a Vampire fame) has also weighed in on the topic. On her Facebook page, she calls Shepherd’s piece a "vicious, cynical, resentful and thoroughly ugly article".

She continues:
Never have I seen anything this malicious ever directed towards an actor, a painter, a ballet dancer, an opera singer, a film director. No, this is the kind of petty, spiteful condescending criticism that is for some reason reserved for writers in our world. And that it was written by some one who is a writer herself makes it doubly nasty and shocking…
In my life as a novelist, I’ve come to believe we are only in competition with ourselves when we strive to do our best; there is plenty of room for a multitude of successful endeavors in the ever changing world of books and readers, and there always will be.

It all goes to show that you should be very careful picking fights with people whose book sales are counted by the million.
Source: BBC News – Author suggests JK Rowling stop writing adult fiction

And the article in question…..

Lynn Shepherd

Novelist and copywriter

If JK Rowling Cares About Writing, She Should stop Doing It

Posted: 21/02/2014

When I told a friend the title of this piece she looked at me in horror and said, "You can’t say that, everyone will just put it down to sour grapes!" And she does, of course, have a point. No struggling but relatively ambitious writer can possibly be anything other than envious. You’d be scarcely human otherwise. But this particular piece isn’t about that.

I didn’t much mind Rowling when she was Pottering about. I’ve never read a word (or seen a minute) so I can’t comment on whether the books were good, bad or indifferent. I did think it a shame that adults were reading them (rather than just reading them to their children, which is another thing altogether), mainly because there’s so many other books out there that are surely more stimulating for grown-up minds. But, then again, any reading is better than no reading, right? But The Casual Vacancy changed all that.

It wasn’t just that the hype was drearily excessive, or that (by all accounts) the novel was no masterpiece and yet sold by the hundredweight, it was the way it crowded out everything else, however good, however worthwhile. That book sucked the oxygen from the entire publishing and reading atmosphere. And I chose that analogy quite deliberately, because I think that sort of monopoly can make it next to impossible for anything else to survive, let alone thrive. Publishing a book is hard enough at the best of times, especially in an industry already far too fixated with Big ****s and Sure Things, but what can an ordinary Author do, up against such a

And then there was the whole Cuckoo’s Calling saga. I know she used a pseudonym, and no doubt strenuous efforts were indeed made to conceal her identity, but there is no spell strong enough to keep that concealed for long. Her boy hero may be able to resort to an invisibility cloak, but in the real world, they just don’t exist. With a secret as sensational as that, it was only a matter of time until the inevitable happened, and then, of course, this apparently well-written and well-received crime novel which seems to have sold no more than 1,500 copies under its own steam, suddenly went stratospheric. And as with The Casual Vacancy, so with this. The book dominated crime lists, and crime reviews in newspapers, and crime sections in bookshops, making it even more difficult than it already was for other books – just as well-written, and just as well-received – to get a look in. Rowling has no need of either the ****f space or the column inches, but other writers desperately do. And now there’s going to be a sequel, and you can bet the same thing is going to happen all over again.

So this is my plea to JK Rowling. Remember what it was like when The Cuckoo’s Calling had only sold a few boxes and think about those of us who are stuck there, because we can’t wave a wand and turn our books into overnight bestsellers merely by saying the magic word. By all means keep writing for kids, or for your personal pleasure – I would never deny anyone that – but when it comes to the adult market you’ve had your turn. Enjoy your vast fortune and the good you’re doing with it, luxuriate in the love of your legions of fans, and good luck to you on both counts. But it’s time to give other writers, and other writing, room to breathe.

Source: If JK Rowling Cares About Writing, She Should Stop Doing It | Lynn Shepherd

Author Naomi Wolf suggests IS videos of hostages being beheaded are fake

Author Naomi Wolf suggests IS videos of hostages being beheaded are fake

‘Where are they getting all these folks from?’ Author Naomi Wolf is condemned for suggesting ISIS hostages are ACTORS and be-headings aren’t real

  • Writer, 51, posted a number of Facebook messages questioning footage
  • Asked if there was any record of the hostages being abducted initially
  • Claimed it would need at least five people to ‘stage an event like this’
  • Also suggested Obama’s deployment of troops in Africa to fight Ebola was a ploy for them to return infected by the deadly virus



Controversial: Naomi Wolf, 51, sparked fury on social media after questioning the authenticity of the ISIS beheading videos

Author Naomi Wolf has been accused of being ‘disrespectful’ after suggesting footage of hostages being beheaded by ISIS militants isn’t real.
The 51-year-old American writer made a series of controversial statements questioning the authenticity of the footage in a number of messages on her Facebook page.
The initial post in which the feminist activist questions where the terror group are ‘getting all these folks from’ was deleted.
In another post, she also said that the Obama administration was sending troops to West Africa to confront the Ebola outbreak so they could return with the deadly infection – justifying a military takeover of Africa.

Social media users quickly rounded on her with some suggesting her theories were ‘crazy’ while others said her views were ‘harmful’ and had disrespected the victims’ families.
A video released on Friday appeared to show British hostage Alan Henning being beheaded by Jihadi John.
He is the fourth person to have been brutally murdered at the hands of the extremists, and a fifth, former Army ranger Peter Kaggis, has been threatened as the next victim.
After making the controversial statements over the weekend, Wolf defended her actions saying she was criticizing the reporting of the story – suggesting the video had not been properly confirmed by two sources.
The post, that was later taken down, said: ‘OK two of the hostages just happened to go from long careers into the military to… sudden humanitarian work (same was true of the latest British hostage). Where are they getting all these folks from?
‘If someone is abducted there is a record with Amnesty and with Reporters without Borders. Can someone please confirm that these organizations have any record of this person having been abducted?
‘The NYT (New York Times) yesterday ran a depressingly sloppy editorial claiming that all the ISIS beheading videos must be real because ‘there are so many of them on youtube’.
‘THAT’s journalism? They also called ISIS ‘evil’ many times – which is not langauge of a news analysis, it is a theological category for some faiths and a Global War on Terror talking point… this may all be true but it takes five people to stage an event like this – two to be ‘parents’ – two to pose for the cameras… one in a ninja outfit… and one to contact the media that does not bother checking who ANY of these four other people are…’
During the social media backlash, Mark Boothroyd said: ‘Don’t insult these people who have given their lives for humanitarian work.
‘The activities of all these people have been well ********ed over the years. They are known people with families and friends who have supported them. Stop spreading conspiracy theories.’
Scroll down for video



Anger: This post, which has since been deleted, from Naomi Wolf caused controversy, saying the video was staged and questioning where the hostages who have been executed came from


Retort: Following the post and the reaction on social media, Wolf clarified that ISIS are ‘super bad’

And Matt Hill added: ‘A minimal amount of research would show you you’re wrong – there’s plenty of information out there about the hostages.’
After noticing some of the responses, she took to her Facebook page again and wrote: ‘I stand by what I wrote today: the videos of beheadings need to be independently confirmed before they are part of the historical record. They may well be completely accurate but there are not yet independent confirmations that they are accurate.’

Another post said: ‘A commentator below self-identified as being the New York Times reporter covering the hostage crisis. This reporter asked me to take my post about asking for confirmation of the hostage story down, as this reporter said that keeping it up is "irresponsible" and not respectful to the pain of the families involved.

‘Once again to clarify. The reason I ask that media check and confirm a story like the series of videotaped beheadings of aid workers and journalists is that that is what journalists are supposed to do. It is sad and baffling to me that my post below reminding journalists to get two sources confirming information before they run stories repeating government talking points, is being interpreted as "a conspiracy theory".’
She also condemned President Obama’s decision to send troops to Western Africa to help combat the Ebola outbreak, suggesting the military will bring it back to the United States.
She said: ‘And…TV news in US reporting Department of Defense is sending three thousand troops to Liberia..troops with no medical construct and run field hospitals for Ebola….then they will be quarantined for 21 days…and eventually come home.


‘Disrespectful’: One Twitter user reacted angrily to the statement suggesting the comments were ‘horrible’


Reaction: Canadian commentator Colby Cosh said Wolf had crossed over into ‘baseless conspiracy theories’


History: Another user referred to her past achievements when questioning her controversial views

‘A crazy idea as Liberia and Sierra Leone already have a dense infrastructure if medical aid organizations on the ground…many Western ones…that already have doctors nurses and well tested medical education networks that were activated to educate people about AIDs. I was in Freetown and witnessed this.
‘What they don’t have is enough doctors or supplies. They need the CDC not the Pentagon. So why send soldiers with no medical background?
‘A. Militarized Africa has long been on the agenda but B. Three thousand Ebola-exposed American troops creates a direct vector into the US and whatever happens a narrative can exist to justify military condoning of US populations…quarantining Americans…emergency measures to limit travel…crisis best left to military not civil authorities.
‘People in Liberia and Sierra Leone know perfectly well how to build more buildings for more beds..these are modern societies…they just need money. There is no practical reason to put our soldiers in the eye if ebola. That is why I dont (sic) like this narrative.’

UN’s Ban Ki-moon calls for unity to tackle Ebola crisis (related)




Resolute: In her most recent post, the Author has said that she stands by what she wrote…en-t-real