Woman Finds Two-Way Mirror in Berwyn Bar Bathroom

Woman Finds Two-Way Mirror in Berwyn Bar Bathroom

The Mirror was placed on a door directly across from a private stall at Berwyn’s Cigars and Stripes, giving full-length view of whoever was sitting on the toilet

Woman Finds Two-Way Mirror in Berwyn Bar Bathroom | NBC Chicago

Comic Tamale Sepp was performing a set at a bar in Chicago’s west suburbs when she visited the women’s restroom and noticed something strange – a full-length Mirror directly across from the toilet. Sepp opened the door behind the Mirror and inside found a utility closet large enough to stand in. From the other side she noticed you were able to see through the Mirror and into the stall at Berwyn’s Cigars and Stripes.

Shocked, Sepp recorded her findings and posted the video on YouTube. In less than 24 hours it’s garnered more than 70,000 views. The owner of Cigars & Stripes, located at 6715 Ogden Ave., Ronnie Lotz, told Gawker’s Jezebel that “yes, absolutely” they have a Two-Way Mirror in their restroom, and it’s been there for nearly 15 years.

Lotz told the publication they’ve had the mirror’s view on customers since 2001, and as for those who have something to say about it? He says he would rather “burn this [bleep] place to the ground” before getting rid of the mirror, adding, “Do you know how much joy that Mirror has brought to us?”

As for why they installed the Mirror in the first place, he said in the same interview it was because “this is a fun house, honey, and if you don’t like the Two-Way mirror, go [bleep] yourself.” He invited people to “come see my mirror; eat my chicken wings,” adding that he enjoyed the attention from those outraged by the Mirror because, afterall, he’s "selling chicken wings.”

The full conversation went in many directions with Lotz, who has owned the bar for “16 miserable years," launching into short-lived discussions on everything from professional wrestling to hauntings to Lenny Bruce and an unidentified man who fell dead. The bar has since shared the article on their Facebook page.

In one of his last comments to Jezebel’s reporter, he asked, “But hey – how do you know this isn’t a publicity stunt I haven’t manufactured? You don’t, do you?” When tried to reach for additional comment, the restaurant’s voicemail box was disconnected. As of Monday afternoon they had not responded to an email request for comment.

The Berwyn Police Department said they are investigating the incident.