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Polished up my LLBean Katahdin Boots

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limit my search to /r/malefashionadviceuse the [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] following search parameters to [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] narrow your results:see the search faq for details.

Some of my shoes have light colored stitching that I would like to [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] keep [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] that way, or changes in the tanning so that there are different shades (from brown to tan) on the same [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] piece of leather. So I figured that a natural polish would be the best option. I just haven been impressed at all with the kiwi natural though. It looks reasonably nice when I done, but the moment I start moving around in them, the waxy ***** starts breaking up and leaving a white, dull residue. They have almost all of the expense of an actually decent "pretty" boot (like Daltons) without actually being on that level. An uncomfortable compromise between dress boot and blue collar work boot. If you really want that kind of thing, just get Katahdins or Iron Rangers or Beckmans.

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