A Woman’s Skinny Jeans Actually Put Her In The Hospital

A Woman’s Skinny Jeans Actually Put Her In The Hospital

A Woman’s Skinny Jeans Actually Put Her In The Hospital

A Woman’s Skinny Jeans Actually Put Her In The Hospital – MTV

by MTV News Staff 19h ago By Brittney McKenna

There’s one activity you should never, ever do in super-tight denim, her doctor warns.

What’s the most dangerous item of clothing in your closet? Maybe those studded heels you tried (and failed) to walk in on New Year’s Eve? Or how about … your Skinny jeans?

For one Australian woman, a form-fitting outfit apparently led to a four-day Hospital stint, the Associated Press reports.
The unidentified 35-year-old showed up at Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia complaining of tight, numb legs that left her unable to walk properly after she’d worn Skinny Jeans while helping a family member move for most of the previous day.

It turns out that all the squatting associated with moving, combined with the restrictive pants, caused swelling, nerve blockage and muscle damage in the patient. She Actually had to have the Jeans cut off in order to receive treatment.


The case was outlined in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry in a study titled “Fashion victim: rhabdomyolysis and bilateral peroneal and tibial neuropathies as a result of squatting in ‘skinny jeans,’” which explained:
“[S]he had been helping a family member move house. This involved many hours of squatting while emptying cupboards. She had been wearing ‘skinny jeans’, and recalled that her Jeans had felt increasingly tight and uncomfortable during the day. Later that evening, while walking home, she noticed bilateral foot drop and foot numbness, which caused her to trip and fall. She spent several hours lying on the ground before she was found. … [H]er Jeans could only be removed by cutting them off.”

(She’s reportedly OK now, BTW.)

It’s not the first time Skinny Jeans have caused a problem for wearers, either — reports of the dangers of extremely tight clothing have been around for years.
Now, we know even the risk of nerve damage probably isn’t enough to tear you away from your favorite pair of Skinny jeans.
So take a pro tip and save the squatting for another trend: yoga pants.

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