CDAN May 13th 2024 – Down And Dirty

CDAN May 13th 2014Down And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This one might be tough to explain. This B list mostly television actress is also an offspring of a celebrity. She also happens to be pregnant, but is trying to keep it quiet until the father can get divorced from his wife. The couple were still living together when he got the actress pregnant.

Blind Item #2
This foreign born A list mostly movie actor spent Mother’s Day with the mother of his most recent child and not his long suffering B list mostly movie actress wife and their kids.
Popular Guess: Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith

Blind Item #3
This still married B list television and movie actress hooked up with this B+ list mostly movie actress. It isn’t the first time they hooked up, but is since the latter hooked up with the former’s sometime female model lover.
Popular Guess: Evan Rachel Wood, Michelle Rodriguez and Cara Delevingne

Blind Item #4
This B list celebrity/sometime actor/sometime reality star who is most famous for something other than acting spent his Mother’s Day brunch getting up from the table he shared with his mother to do lines of coke in the bathroom. Now we know how he stays so skinny.
Popular Guess: Rob Kardashian

Blind Item #5
This married A+ list mostly movie actor spent most of his Mother’s Day afternoon and evening alone in a dive bar on the coast slowly drinking himself to oblivion. He did get a limo home and had an assistant pick up his car yesterday morning.
Popular Guess: Ben Affleck

Blind Item #6
This foreign born B list mostly movie actor who gets some great roles even though he has a **** most people don’t remember, got a gift from his celebrity wife that he wouldn’t stop talking about at the premiere of his new movie. She hired an escort for him for the night. His wife did not join in and was not even there. His wife was at the premiere, and didn’t seem all that thrilled he was telling everyone.
Popular Guess: Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Wood

Blind Item #7
More than one of the children of this former A+ list mostly movie actress wanted nothing to do with their mother on Mother’s Day. The children are still upset at some of the behavior of their mom. Meanwhile, a child that has forgiven the mother has been the recipient of new home that mom just bought her.
Popular Guess: Demi Moore

Blind Item #8
This B list reality star and host thought she was getting a network show. Nope. She was already burning bridges at her place of employment. The next few months will be tough for her.
Popular Guesses: Chelsea Handler, Maria Menounos

Blind Item #9
This B list mostly television actress from a very hit cable show was being chased by paps in her car and managed to help her married B+ list mostly movie actor escape before the paps could get a photo of the two together.
Popular Guess: January Jones and Ethan Hawke

Blind Item #10
This stylist and former reality star is hurting for money. He has been getting samples from designers and then selling them. The designers want the samples back, but our stylist has been blowing them off. Lawsuits are forthcoming.
Popular Guesses: Brad Goreski, Robert Verdi

Today’s Blind Items – Down And Dirty

#1 – This married former General Hospital actor star is HIV+.

#2- This offspring of a former A+ list mostly movie actress is hiding her drug use and bulimia again.
Popular Guesses: One of the Willis girls, Olivia Newton-John’s daughter

#3- This married former B list mostly television actress who doesn’t work much since a scandal hit her family blames her former drug use on this former A list mostly television actor who was her boyfriend and co-star on a hit show back in the day.
Popular Guess: Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson

#4- An ex-girlfriend of this former A list mostly television actor who had a hit show and some movies and then disappeared says that the actor likes using one of his guns as a sex toy. If the woman complains, she goes home.

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