CDAN October 15th 2024 – Quick And Dirty

CDAN October 15th 2014Quick And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This foreign born still A list mostly movie actor has seen better days since his one big monster movie hit which is fast approaching a decade ago. Anyway, there was a time last year when he was dating this foreign born actress. They actually went out for a few months and then after a few months she asked when she was getting paid. It turns out she only goes out with guys for money. Well, our actor says he never pays, but wanted to get back at this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is really well endowed and shows it off. So, our actor told the actress/hooker that the well endowed actor would pay her so he set them up. Apparently our well endowed actor did pay up but dumped her after a second time together but not before she got called his girlfriend too in the tabloids.
Popular Guess: Gerard Butler, Madalina Ghenea and Michael Fassbender

Blind Item #2
This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor from a franchise that is taking forever to get going again has made a couple of million dollars the past few years, but he and his celebrity girlfriend have blown all their income on drugs and only have a place to live because producers of his movies pay for his accommodations and meals.
Popular Guess: Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle

Today’s Blind Items- Quick And Dirty
#1 – Kindness- This married A list mostly movie actress has not worked as much recently since she won an Academy Award.This weekend though she saved this former B list talk show host turned probably failed reality star. Nothing life saving, but the former reality star got caught up in donating at an event and realized she did not have that kind of money and told the A lister who stepped up and covered the amount so the reality star would not lose face. It was just under $50K.
Popular Guess: Reese Witherspoon/Natalie Portman and Maria Menounos

#2- This former B list mostly movie actress turned failed actress turned I got a lucky break and am famous again because of a cult hit had a morning interview the other day and explained her coke use in the dressing room as the only way she could ever be up that early.
Popular Guess: Tara Reid

#3- This B list mostly movie actress with A+list name recognition who does other things on the side threw a fit the other day when a class was canceled and combined with the exercise class she attends. She said she didn’t want anyone within ten feet of her because she thought they would take photos which caused everyone else to be on top of each other and all hate her.
Popular Guesses: Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #1
Which A-list rapper had his PR team go out and send cease and desist letters to several blogs which posted a pic of him giving a professional to another man?

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #2
What B-list singer and celebrity spawn dubbed the singing voice of that A-list actress and Oscar winner/nominee in that movie where she sings those ’80s cover songs? She went uncredited for this job (but got a nice paycheck), and was pissed off when the actress did the talk show circuit saying she had so much fun singing.

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #3
What A++ list rapper and mogul is actually 3 yrs. older than he says he is? His birth year magically changed when he started seeing his wife, who also is 3 years older than she says she is.

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #4
What aging former A+ list diva singer/actress pulled the "don’t you know who I am" card when waiting in the checkout line at Whole Foods? The cashier definitely knew who she was and ordered her to go to the back of the line like all the rest of the people, which she surprisingly did (not without some bitching and moaning).

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #5
What former boybander is getting ready to ditch his beard? They immediately went in two different directions after posing on the red carpet for an overseas premiere. He to his boyfriend, she to a much older man.

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #6
Which B-list talk show host and that A-list reality star are set to spoof their staged "feud" at an upcoming awards show?

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #7
What former A-list tweener doesn’t have a new "girlfriend", she’s just his sober coach?

CDAN May 15th 2024 – Down And Dirty

CDAN May 15th 2014Down And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This A list reality star from an A list reality show went ballistic the other night because the person who was holding her drugs left the club early. The reality star was yelling at a ****guard to locate the guy because she wanted him and the drugs back before she left the club.
Popular Guess: Khloé Kardashian

Blind Item #2
This B list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and had his best days a couple of decades ago was out shopping at a grocery store the other day and kept lifting his shirt and then rubbing his genitals whenever any attractive woman passed by. He did this a few times before someone notified the management but our actor got out of there quickly without being confronted.
Popular Guess: Mickey Rourke

Blind Item #3
An ex-girlfriend of this D list celebrity who is engaged to a former B list mostly television actress who never acts any longer but is a kazillionaire from her past acting and current endeavors says that her boyfriend broke up with her because she could no longer deal with his fascination for young girls. It creeped her out and she always had to act and look as young as possible when they were having sex.
Popular Guess: Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate Olsen

Blind Item #4
This former A list mostly movie actor is married. He also has kid(s). He likes to pretend he has a happy marriage but he has been hooking up with a model he met through this A+list mostly movie actor. Probably a toss away from the A+ lister.
Popular Guesses: Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

Blind Item #5 – Kindness
He might not look like your typical pop star, but this foreign born B+ list entertainer(singer) can spend with the likes of them. In a good way. While out the other night for dinner he picked up the tab of the table next to him. It was a couple celebrating their anniversary. He also paid for two bottles of wine for the couple at $1000 a piece. Pretty nice gift.
Popular Guess: Ed Sheeran

Blind Item #6
It had the potential to be as good as the scene from Blades Of Glory, but alas, our figure skater never made it out to the ice in front of the public. This very much still underage Olympian was hammered the other night before she was scheduled to perform with other skaters but had to withdraw after she started puking prior to taking the ice.
Popular Guesses: Gracie Gold, Polina Edmunds

Blind Item #7
The all pill and booze diet is finally starting to take its toll on this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. During the shooting of her latest film she was a mess and things have steadily become worse as she promotes her latest movie.
Popular Guess: Nicole Kidman

Blind Item #8
This B list mostly movie actor who was in a huge huge film must be doing a ton of drugs to get his notorious pot friendly movie actress co-star to complain to producers about his behavior. They even made him leave work early twice last week because he was unable to focus or work.
Popular Guesses: Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart, Woody Harrelson and Jennifer Lawrence

Today’s Blind Items – Down And Dirty

#1 – This former multiple late night talk show host has two children. One he acknowledges and one he doesn’t because of their race.
Popular Guesses: Arsenio Hall, Craig Kilborn

#2- I guess this A-/B+ list mostly television actress got what she wanted by sleeping with that married almost network executive. More episodes of her show.
Popular Guesses: Rachel Bilson, Kristin Kreuk

#3 – The pregnancy of this B list mostly television actress is going to be tough to hide, but she wants to start filming her middling hit show again so producers can’t replace her. She is hoping they will write it in.

#4 – This married A+ list mostly movie actor was forced to abandon his car in the strip club parking lot he was visiting because of an oil leak in the streets. I would love to hear the explanation he gave his very conservative wife about why he took a cab home from a business meeting.
Popular Guess: Ben Affleck

CDAN August 25th 2024 – Quick And Dirty

CDAN August 25th 2014Quick And Dirty

Blind Item #1
Noticeably absent from the pre-Emmy parties is this former B list mostly television actress who would normally be everywhere because of the hit cable show on which she previously starred. A long trip to rehab has her scared to go anywhere though and it is 50/50 if she will show at the Emmy Awards tonight.
Popular Guess: Anna Gunn

Blind Item #2
This southeast Real Housewife is nearly bankrupt because her husband spent all her money or has her money tied up as collateral for his loans that have all gone bad. She had no idea about most of them.
Popular Guess: Cynthia and Pete

Blind Item #3- VMA Awards
This B- list celebrity from a very famous family was asked to leave after walking the red carpet because she was wasted out of her mind and security didn’t want any trouble from her during the telecast.
Popular Guesses: One of the Willis girl, Solange Knowles

Blind Item #4
This Disney Channel star who is second billed on a show on the network and is still way under age was shaming her friends into trying coke at a party over the weekend. They declined while our tweener did several lines.

Blind Item #5
At a party this weekend this OITNB star who was on a long running show a few years ago spent all night dodging the advances of this B list mostly movie actor who has been flirting with television the past year. The actor, who used to be with an A+ list mostly movie actress would not leave the OITNB actress alone and at one point parked himself in front of the women’s restroom to wait for her.
Popular Guess: Laura Prepon and Billy Bob Thornton

Blind Item #6
This former B list tweener who starred in two big shows for this tweener network is trying her best to not get sued for walking away from her new canceled show. Apparently the network wants to make her pay. My guess is she will end up being forced to do some other show for the network at a reduced rate to make amends.
Popular Guess: Jennette McCurdy

Blind Item #7
This B list mostly television actress who looks great has been on network television for what seems like two decades straight on one network show after the other was wearing her wedding ring at a party this weekend but whispered to a few people that her long time husband had moved out several months ago and is living with some unknown actress in her early 20’s.
Popular Guesses: Alyson Hannigan, Patricia Heaton, Courtney Thorne-Smith

Blind Item #8
The people of this A list mostly television actress are in full scramble mode because her husband has been a no show at every event our actress turned up at this weekend but are begging him to show up to the Emmy Awards because they don’t want every question to the actress to be about her husband and where he is.
Popular Guess: Kerry Washington

Blind Item #9
This former B list mostly television actress turned reality star with the A+ best friend is desperate to get a second season of her show. She is holding off announcing her divorce until she finds out whether it is being renewed. If it isn’t renewed then the announcement will just be a Kneepads cover.
Popular Guess: Leah Remini

Blind Item #10
This B+ list mostly movie actor who has had his chances this summer in movies and not done well after his stellar television role left his wife at the front door of a party and didn’t talk to her again until he found her when he was ready to leave. He just ignored her. It was really depressing to witness.
Popular Guess: Aaron Paul

Today’s Blind Items – Quick And Dirty
#1 – This married soon to be again A list mostly television actress was having an affair with a guy on her show so he was fired because his boss was jealous.
Popular Guess: Katherine Heigl

#2 – This B+ list mostly television actress threw a tantrum at her agent’s office last week when she found out she wasn’t getting her own tickets to the Emmy Awards even though she is a star of a network show. She is having to attend as a +1 of her movie/tv actor husband.
Popular Guesess: Felicity Huffman, Kyra Sedgwick

#3- This A list mostly television actress on a hit network show is about to get slammed with a wave of bad publicity. Her new boyfriend’s ex is going to be in the tabloids calling the actress a homewrecker. Our actress has never had bad publicity.
Popular Guesses: Sofía Vergara, Zooey Deschanel

CDAN May 13th 2024 – Down And Dirty

CDAN May 13th 2014Down And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This one might be tough to explain. This B list mostly television actress is also an offspring of a celebrity. She also happens to be pregnant, but is trying to keep it quiet until the father can get divorced from his wife. The couple were still living together when he got the actress pregnant.

Blind Item #2
This foreign born A list mostly movie actor spent Mother’s Day with the mother of his most recent child and not his long suffering B list mostly movie actress wife and their kids.
Popular Guess: Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith

Blind Item #3
This still married B list television and movie actress hooked up with this B+ list mostly movie actress. It isn’t the first time they hooked up, but is since the latter hooked up with the former’s sometime female model lover.
Popular Guess: Evan Rachel Wood, Michelle Rodriguez and Cara Delevingne

Blind Item #4
This B list celebrity/sometime actor/sometime reality star who is most famous for something other than acting spent his Mother’s Day brunch getting up from the table he shared with his mother to do lines of coke in the bathroom. Now we know how he stays so skinny.
Popular Guess: Rob Kardashian

Blind Item #5
This married A+ list mostly movie actor spent most of his Mother’s Day afternoon and evening alone in a dive bar on the coast slowly drinking himself to oblivion. He did get a limo home and had an assistant pick up his car yesterday morning.
Popular Guess: Ben Affleck

Blind Item #6
This foreign born B list mostly movie actor who gets some great roles even though he has a **** most people don’t remember, got a gift from his celebrity wife that he wouldn’t stop talking about at the premiere of his new movie. She hired an escort for him for the night. His wife did not join in and was not even there. His wife was at the premiere, and didn’t seem all that thrilled he was telling everyone.
Popular Guess: Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Wood

Blind Item #7
More than one of the children of this former A+ list mostly movie actress wanted nothing to do with their mother on Mother’s Day. The children are still upset at some of the behavior of their mom. Meanwhile, a child that has forgiven the mother has been the recipient of new home that mom just bought her.
Popular Guess: Demi Moore

Blind Item #8
This B list reality star and host thought she was getting a network show. Nope. She was already burning bridges at her place of employment. The next few months will be tough for her.
Popular Guesses: Chelsea Handler, Maria Menounos

Blind Item #9
This B list mostly television actress from a very hit cable show was being chased by paps in her car and managed to help her married B+ list mostly movie actor escape before the paps could get a photo of the two together.
Popular Guess: January Jones and Ethan Hawke

Blind Item #10
This stylist and former reality star is hurting for money. He has been getting samples from designers and then selling them. The designers want the samples back, but our stylist has been blowing them off. Lawsuits are forthcoming.
Popular Guesses: Brad Goreski, Robert Verdi

Today’s Blind Items – Down And Dirty

#1 – This married former General Hospital actor star is HIV+.

#2- This offspring of a former A+ list mostly movie actress is hiding her drug use and bulimia again.
Popular Guesses: One of the Willis girls, Olivia Newton-John’s daughter

#3- This married former B list mostly television actress who doesn’t work much since a scandal hit her family blames her former drug use on this former A list mostly television actor who was her boyfriend and co-star on a hit show back in the day.
Popular Guess: Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson

#4- An ex-girlfriend of this former A list mostly television actor who had a hit show and some movies and then disappeared says that the actor likes using one of his guns as a sex toy. If the woman complains, she goes home.

CDAN September 01st 2024 – Quick And Dirty

CDAN September 01st 2014Quick And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This former B- list mostly movie actor from an acting family says one of his family members is going to hell because of their sexuality. I wonder if he will say the same thing about his own daughter who is also gay.
Popular Guess: Stephen Baldwin

Blind Item #2
It is one thing to quietly tell a couple of friends you are not a fan of something you are getting paid to wear or pretend to like, but this B list mostly movie actress who is clinging by her fingernails to the franchise she was in and her B list status trashed the company and the clothes that pay her six figures a year at one of the stores to employees of the store while making a paid appearance. Idiot.
Popular Guess: Ashley Greene

Blind Item #3
This B- list mostly television actress who got her start on reality television is getting really good at sleight of hand. The world thinks she is dating an actor because of some well placed pics and she is dating the guy sometimes, but she is also dating a married producer on her show in hopes that when the show inevitably gets canceled he will bring her to his next project. When she starts sleeping with a woman then she will have completed the Bowfinger.
Popular Guess: Katharine McPhee

Blind Item #4
This married talk show host has been even more obnoxious than usual and will only agree to a permanent co-host who is completely single so she will be free to hook up with him.
Popular Guesses: Matt Lauer, Mario López

Blind Item #5
This still pretty young B list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He also has had trouble getting parts the past few years. His significant other said it was because he looked older than he was and talked him into getting some botox. He loved the new look so much that he has now had botox multiple times and plastic surgery to his face and is completely changing the look that made him famous to begin with. He should talk to Jennifer Grey about how that worked for her with a little phone call to Keri Russell.

Blind Item #6
This B list reality star from the A list network reality show that only attracts C listers is really worried about the new season because not only did our B lister screw over someone close to a new person on the show but also had a love triangle that also left some really bad feelings. Our B lister knows it is going to be miserable seeing the new person almost everyday.
Popular Guess: Karina Smirnoff and Julianne Hough

Blind Item #7
This B list celebrity is now a former reality star again. She also couldn’t stop cheating on her partner so the two split and also divided the kids. I really don’t understand this new celebrity trend of dividing the kids.
Popular Guess: Jillian Michaels

Blind Item #8
This B list entertainer/athlete/reality star has a curfew that his wife set for him. He also has set times he has to check in each day with his wife and ask before he is allowed to go out. Meanwhile, she is cheating on him.
Popular Guesses: Carmelo and La La Anthony, Hank Baskett and Kendra Wilkinson

Blind Item #9
This hooker to the stars was in a town to meet one currently unemployed NFL player who probably should not be blowing $10K for a weekend. The thing is, after spending two nights with the NFL player she spent one night in town with this A list celebrity who also happens to play football and also shouldn’t be hanging around with this particular hooker.

Blind Item #10
This B list singer thinks her B list athlete boyfriend is just ignoring all the groupies that come after him. He only ignores them when it is convenient as she will soon discover.
Popular Guess: Keri Hilson and Serge Ibaka

Blind Item #11
This actress on a hit almost television show might be the star, but no one on the show actually likes her or has anything to do with her outside show functions because of some of her political views and beliefs.
Popular Guesses: Laura Prepon, Taylor Schilling, Patricia Heaton

Today’s Blind Items- Quick And Dirty
#1- This A+list singer says she owes her career to one of her employees who was convicted of beating a woman. Strange twist.
Popular Guess: Rihanna

#2- This married celebrity chef who always seems to be cheating might not actually be married any longer. She recently filled out a government form and indicated she is single even though she publicly says she is married.
Popular Guess: Giada De Laurentiis

CDAN September 25th 2024 – Quick And Dirty

CDAN September 25th 2014Quick And Dirty

Blind Item #1
They might be in the same city and hotel together, but this married A list mostly television actress on a very hit network show is not even staying in the same suite as her husband. He has a completely different room on the same floor. She did pay for his room though out of her own pocket. Her room is being paid for.
Popular Guess: Kerry Washington and Nnamdi Asomugha

Blind Item #2
This married former celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity turned begging for a reality show celebrity is being paid by this A list magician as an assistant. The only assisting she does is in the bedroom.
Popular Guess: Holly Madison and David Copperfield

Blind Item #3
This former B list mostly television actress who has fallen on hard times from a hit almost network show asked a former reality star for an introduction to a former cast mate of the former reality star who makes her living as a broker if you will between women and men who are willing to pay to be with celebrities.
Popular Guess: Mischa Barton

Blind Item #4
This former actress turned host turned actress again is still technically married and knows she has lost a lot of her popularity so has turned her sights on a very up and coming precedent setting star who she hooked up with over the weekend and is trying to get her a gig on his new show.
Popular Guess: Tempestt Bledsoe and Tyler Perry

Blind Item #5
This B list mostly television actress from a long running hit show that seemed to go on forever on an almost network has network show now and is doing press. When she stopped by the set of one talk show, the married actor turned host who interviewed her kept commenting on her breasts to the point where the actress borrowed a sweater to wear until the interview started. She has dealt with creepy before but she said with this guy that she almost felt violated.
Popular Guess: Sophia Bush and Mario Lopez

Blind Item #6
This B list mostly movie actress who manages to stay B list despite not doing much was already having marriage issues before her nude photos got sent out over the internet. Her husband knew the time frame of the photos and knew she hadn’t been sending them to him even though they were married. They might have ended up in that A list musician’s hands though.
Popular Guess: Kate Bosworth and Chris Martin

Blind Item #7
With all the divas and celebrities at the iHeartRadio thing over the weekend you would think that biggest pain would be one of the performers. Nope. The biggest pain by far and someone who could not let any sentence pass her by without telling the world who she is married to was the celebrity wife of the oft married former A list hair band that reached its peak in the 80’s. She complained about everything and she also had a gig promoting something on the side and had a list of demands that would have made her husband’s rider from back in the day look pleasant.
Popular Guess: Courtney Bingham

Blind Item #8
This married B- list mostly television actress who used to have a different celebrity profession stars on a somehow hit show on an almost network. She has been in this space before as her husband continued to cheat. She finally caught him and they are splitting, but the interesting thing is that her supposed bff and former co-star has chosen sides and chose the husband because he can do more for her career than our actress.
Popular Guess: Jaime King and Jessica Alba/Selma Blair

Blind Item #9
This former A list mostly television actor from a long running hit network show has returned to his celebrity roots in his new gig was confronted by a homeless person the other day who called the actor the N word when the actor didn’t give him any money. The homeless person is black and our actor is not. The actor then started using the N word repeatedly as he got in the face of the homeless person.
Popular Guesses: Jerry Seinfeld, Kelsey Grammer

Blind Item #10
This married foreign born B list singer has already introduced her kids to her lover and is just rubbing salt in the face of her husband at this point.
Popular Guess: Lily Allen

Blind Item #11
This foreign born almost A list mostly movie actor is set to begin shooting his A+ list franchise again soon. His drug use and cheating is out of control though and his very gorgeous girlfriend left him after a very nasty encounter.
Popular Guess: Sam Worthington

Today’s Blind Items- Quick And Dirty
#1 – Some very important members of her family never wrote or called to offer condolences to this A list mostly movie actress.
Popular Guess: Nicole Kidman

#2- This permanent A+ list singer says her ex-husband took her virginity by raping her.
Popular Guesses: Mariah Carey, Tina Turner

#3 – Old Hollywood- This former B+ list mostly movie actor once starred in one of the most famous movies of all-time was killed. A man was convicted of the crime, but according to the tabloid selling former lover of a deceased A list celebrity it was the A lister who killed the actor after he threatened to go public with their gay love affair if money was not forthcoming.
Popular Guess: Sal Mineo