CDAN May 15th 2024 – Down And Dirty

CDAN May 15th 2014Down And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This A list reality star from an A list reality show went ballistic the other night because the person who was holding her drugs left the club early. The reality star was yelling at a ****guard to locate the guy because she wanted him and the drugs back before she left the club.
Popular Guess: Khloé Kardashian

Blind Item #2
This B list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and had his best days a couple of decades ago was out shopping at a grocery store the other day and kept lifting his shirt and then rubbing his genitals whenever any attractive woman passed by. He did this a few times before someone notified the management but our actor got out of there quickly without being confronted.
Popular Guess: Mickey Rourke

Blind Item #3
An ex-girlfriend of this D list celebrity who is engaged to a former B list mostly television actress who never acts any longer but is a kazillionaire from her past acting and current endeavors says that her boyfriend broke up with her because she could no longer deal with his fascination for young girls. It creeped her out and she always had to act and look as young as possible when they were having sex.
Popular Guess: Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate Olsen

Blind Item #4
This former A list mostly movie actor is married. He also has kid(s). He likes to pretend he has a happy marriage but he has been hooking up with a model he met through this A+list mostly movie actor. Probably a toss away from the A+ lister.
Popular Guesses: Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

Blind Item #5 – Kindness
He might not look like your typical pop star, but this foreign born B+ list entertainer(singer) can spend with the likes of them. In a good way. While out the other night for dinner he picked up the tab of the table next to him. It was a couple celebrating their anniversary. He also paid for two bottles of wine for the couple at $1000 a piece. Pretty nice gift.
Popular Guess: Ed Sheeran

Blind Item #6
It had the potential to be as good as the scene from Blades Of Glory, but alas, our figure skater never made it out to the ice in front of the public. This very much still underage Olympian was hammered the other night before she was scheduled to perform with other skaters but had to withdraw after she started puking prior to taking the ice.
Popular Guesses: Gracie Gold, Polina Edmunds

Blind Item #7
The all pill and booze diet is finally starting to take its toll on this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. During the shooting of her latest film she was a mess and things have steadily become worse as she promotes her latest movie.
Popular Guess: Nicole Kidman

Blind Item #8
This B list mostly movie actor who was in a huge huge film must be doing a ton of drugs to get his notorious pot friendly movie actress co-star to complain to producers about his behavior. They even made him leave work early twice last week because he was unable to focus or work.
Popular Guesses: Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart, Woody Harrelson and Jennifer Lawrence

Today’s Blind Items – Down And Dirty

#1 – This former multiple late night talk show host has two children. One he acknowledges and one he doesn’t because of their race.
Popular Guesses: Arsenio Hall, Craig Kilborn

#2- I guess this A-/B+ list mostly television actress got what she wanted by sleeping with that married almost network executive. More episodes of her show.
Popular Guesses: Rachel Bilson, Kristin Kreuk

#3 – The pregnancy of this B list mostly television actress is going to be tough to hide, but she wants to start filming her middling hit show again so producers can’t replace her. She is hoping they will write it in.

#4 – This married A+ list mostly movie actor was forced to abandon his car in the strip club parking lot he was visiting because of an oil leak in the streets. I would love to hear the explanation he gave his very conservative wife about why he took a cab home from a business meeting.
Popular Guess: Ben Affleck

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