Death To All Your Senses: Billy Ray Cyrus’ Hip-Hop Sequel To Achy Breaky Heart

Death To All Your Senses: Billy Ray Cyrus’ Hip-Hop Sequel To Achy Breaky Heart


If you’re having the kind of day where you don’t really give a shit that Your eye sockets will heave Your eyeballs out onto the floor and Your ears will close up along with Your coochie and/or b-hole, then here’s the perfect thing for you.
Because Billy Ray Cyrus got sick of Miley Cyrus getting all the attention by terrorizing the retinas of the masses, he shot a shit puddle of a video for the Sequel to Achy Breaky Heart with help from Dionne Warwick’s rapping son Buck 22, Larry King and a bunch of twerking Thundercat hos. Thanks to Larry King’s intro, the song and the pile of cut-off raccoon tails on Billy’s head, this video is the unsexiest thing ever.

Three questions:

1. Who, besides Billy Ray and his accountant, asked for a Sequel to Achy Breaky Heart?

2. Why did Dionne Warwick let this happen?

3. How am I still typing even though all of my bodily functions have pretty much shut down and turned on me for watching all 3:33 minutes of this musical torture device?
via Gawker

Dlisted | Death To All Your Senses: Billy Ray Cyrus’ Hip-Hop Sequel To Achy Breaky Heart

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