Hasbro is offering to exchange Play-Doh toy that looks like a penis (NSFW?)Hahah

Hasbro is offering to exchange Play-Doh toy that looks like a penis (NSFW?)Hahah

Hasbro is offering to exchange Play-Doh toy that looks like a penis

By Danielle Haynes خليجية خليجية | Dec. 30, 2024 at 9:46 PM



خليجية Parents To Play-Doh: Penis-Shaped Toy "Completely Ruined" Christmas

San Antonio Express-News


PAWTUCKET, R.I., Dec. 30 (UPI) — Hasbro has offered to replace part of a Play-Doh molding kit after some parents complained the piece looked a little too phallic. Angered parents took to social media after Christmas, complaining that an extruder in the Play-Doh Cake Mountain set — which was meant to mimic a cake icing tool — looked too much like a penis.

Others found the toy part amusing.

"It’s pretty phallic. It’s a pretty phallic cake decorating piece, not necessary, I don’t think," one consumer identified only as Ashley told KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Okla.

Posts angry consumers made to the Play-Doh Facebook page were deleted, but the company responded Tuesday, saying it is replacing the piece of the product in question.

"We have heard some consumer feedback about the extruder tool in the Play-Doh Cake Mountain playset and are in the process of updating all future Play-Doh products with a different tool. Should any consumer want a replacement extruder for this item, they can contact Hasbro’s Customer Service Department at 800-327-8264," the Play-Doh Facebook post read.
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