Jennifer Lopez: I used to be ‘thickish’ but lost 10 pounds by going vegan

Jennifer Lopez: I used to be ‘thickish’ but lost 10 pounds by going vegan


She used to be “thickish”? “You got to work out, you got to watch what you eat. It’s a job – you’ve got to buckle down. I’ll be honest with you guys, since I had the babies about six years ago, I had that really stubborn 8 to 10 pounds on me. People are used to seeing me be kind of thickish, but when I started eating [vegan], right away I dropped like 8 to 10 pounds. It was a real change, but more than that I felt better and people were like, ‘Your energy’s better’ … everything’s better.”

You got to do this vegan thing:I feel great mentally and physically! I feel better when I’m in shape and taking care of myself. I did full vegan for almost four, five weeks, then I just started incorporating proteins for myself The truth is, even if you’re 70-80 percent vegan, it’s so much better having those vegetables, greens, plant-****d stuff. It’s going to change your life and health.”

Her kids went vegan too:
“When I started doing this, I got the whole household on board. They won’t love everything right away — when you go from regular milk to almond milk or rice mike, it’s a big change — but little by little they get into it … sometimes my son will be like, ‘I want American cheese, I don’t like this vegan cheese.’”

More diet, less fitness:
“I’m not an exercise fanatic. I don’t love it, but I do dance a lot for the shows, so that helps.”

[From Us Weekly & Extra] ounds_by_going_vegan/

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