Keira Knightley: ‘I don’t think you can say that beauty is a curse’

Keira Knightley: ‘I don’t think you can say that beauty is a curse’

She doesn’t want her future daughter to be an actress: “I should imagine that if she wanted to act, I wouldn’t have a choice but, no, I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. It can be completely heartbreaking for most people who do it, because the amount of rejection is enormous. And it doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, it’s impossible for that not to take a toll. Even if you’re successful, you still have to go through a s—load of rejection. So I would say to my daughter: ‘Be a doctor or a lawyer – something stable and useful.’”

On her good looks:
“I don’t think you can say that they’re a curse. It would be stupid of me to say that my looks haven’t played a part in my career, because obviously they have. And obviously they have got be contracts with Chanel, but there have been as many, if not more, parts that I haven’t got because of the way I look. So I suppose it balances out.”

Being famous when she was younger:
“I reached my peak of grown-up behaviour at 20 and 21, and it’s been downhill since then. I was terribly sensible as a teenager but I’ve got far less so as I’ve grown up, which has been a huge relief for everyone – including my parents. I’m not actually worried about turning 30. Because, honestly, my early 20s were not much fun. Then, after 25, things just got better and better. Maybe you stop caring as much about where you should be going and what other people think.”

Her wedding to James Righton:
“It was a bloody good day and a lot of fun. And yes, being married feels pretty good. You only get to choose one member of your family and I made a good choice. So well done, me!”

Her favorite style icons are Bjork & Helena Bonham Carter:
“I always think that all the people on those ‘red cross’ lists are the best dressed. that swan dress was my all-time favourite. I’m always telling my stylist, ‘Don’t make me too proper!’ If it’s perfect, I’m not interested.”

Don’t call her “babe”:
“I don’t really notice ‘love’ or ‘darling’, but ‘babe’ I do find really tricky.”

[From Glamour & The Telegraph]

Cele|bitchy | Keira Knightley: ‘I don’t think you can say that beauty is a curse’

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