تجميعة اللعبة الرائعة والمسلية Chicken Invaders Collection

تجميعة اللعبة الرائعة والمسلية Chicken Invaders Collection

<div style="****-align: center;">Chicken Invaders Collection

<font size="2">خليجية

Chicken Invaders 1

Chicken Invaders 2: The Next Wave

Chicken Invaders 2 : The Next Wave Christmas Edition

Chicken Invaders 3: Revenge of the Yolk

Chicken Invaders 3: Revenge of the Yolk Christmas Edition

Chicken Invaders 3: Revenge of the Yolk Easter Edition

Chicken Invaders 4 : Ultimate Omelette

Chicken Invaders 4 : Ultimate Omelette Christmas Edition

Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette Easter Edition

Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette Thanksgiving Edition

Chicken Invaders 5: Cluck of the Dark Side

<b><font size="4"><font color="Red"> >>Game Installation

Mila Kunis Sued for Stealing a Chicken

Mila Kunis Sued for Stealing a Chicken



In totally normal news concerning normal people and their regular, everyday movements, a completely normal person has filed a lawsuit against Mila Kunis, alleging that Kunis stole a Chicken named "Doggie" some 25 years ago – which, again, is absolutely a thing a totally normal person would do.

The story goes that 25-odd years ago, when Kunis was still living in the Ukraine and in the first grade, her pal Kristina Karo had a pet Chicken that answered to "Doggie" whom she loved like a dog and was quite fond of. Kunis, they say, was also quite taken with Doggie, and would often visit after school to play with the pet.

But then one day something went terribly wrong.

Doggie went missing. And Kristina says that, back in the day, Mila confessed to Stealing the bird."Kristina, you can have any other Chicken as a pet, you have a whole Chicken farm."
Needless to say, this sent Karo spiralling down into a mental wreck, eventually requiring extensive therapy.

The years passed. Mila and her family moved to Los Angeles where she became the bright, shining star that she is today. Kristina herself made the jump across to America to try and start a new life and pursue her dreams. But the scars of that awful day, that terrible theft, still ran deep. Try as she could, she simply could not get away from that awful day. The day her beloved Doggie was stolen from her. Swiped away by a menacing, calculating, back-stabbing former friend.

Kristina has never been able to full recover. In fact, you could say she’s been sent clucking mad.

The proximity of living in the same city as Kunis has proven too great a mental hurdle to overcome, with the vision of Doggie dancing in her head returning anew. So Kristina has been forced back into therapy over the incident, leading her to file the lawsuit against Mila in order to recoup the money spent on treatment, as well for the lifetime of mental duress the childhood theft has caused.

And that is why Kristina Karo is suing Mila Kunis for the preposterous sum of…


Karo, realistically, just wants to finally put the whole incident behind her so she can focus on furthering her career.

Which is, um… this.

https://youtu.be/_663i6ffpzk (again, I can’t get video to post)

Mila Kunis Is Being Sued Over A Stolen Chicken Named "Doggie" – Pedestrian TV

Simple Stuff For the ****ing Challenged (Nutella pie, roast, chicken noodles)

Simple Stuff For the ****ing Challenged (Nutella pie, roast, chicken noodles)

Just wondering if anyone else finds ****ing a scary task? I’m pretty good at it when I really try, but I am always in a rush and looking for great, quick, non-challenging recipes (although I am going to get out of my comfort zone and try Effie’s Greek macaroni looking dish at least once :)) Here are a few tried and true delicious recipes that even the worst **** can’t screw up. Please contribute some of your own.

Mississippi Pot Roast (as a whole, I HATE roast, but this is so delicious)
1 roast
1 package of ranch
1 package of au jus gravy
1 stick of butter
Put in crock pot on low and cover for 6 hours. I serve over mashed potatoes and left overs make great sandwiches. It has a pulled pork ****ure. Some people double the flavor packets, but that’s a little too much sodium for my taste.

Nutella Pie
1 graham cracker crust (some use chocolate…too much for me)
1 jar (13 oz, I think) of nutella
1 bar of cream cheese softened
1 tub (8 oz?) of whipped topping
Spread 1/3 of Nutella on crust. (I heat it so it will spread easier) mix remaining Nutella, whipped cream, and cream cheese together. Pour mixture on top and chill pie for 4 hours. This is VERY rich, so know your audience when making this one 🙂

Chicken and Noodles (this is so simple, but such a comfort food…kids love..it’s almost like a lazy man’s chicken and dumplings)
1 package of chicken thighs
2 boxes of chicken broth(or whatever fills it up)
1 can of cream of chicken
1 stick of butter
tThe biggest package of egg noodles they make
Pour the first four ingredients in a crock pot, cover, and turn on low for 6-8 hours. chicken should almost dissolve into the broth. Put egg noodles in and turn on high for 45 minutes

None of these are exactly healthy, sorry, but they are quick and delicious, even for picky eaters. Anyone have any others? Please give them to me in the simplest terms imaginable. Imagine you are teaching a six year old child to ****…..

شرح عمل طريقة البروستد الدجاج Brostd chicken

شرح عمل طريقة البروستد الدجاج Brostd chicken



واحد ونصف دجا
3 ملاعق طعام دقيق
8 حبات بطاطس
حبتين ليمون
كأس بقسماط
4 ملاعق طعام زبدة
4 بيضات
نصف ملعقة هيل
فلفل أسود

– ينظف الدجاج ويقطع من 6 إلى 8 قطع ويخلى من العظم والجلد.- يتبل بالملح والليمون والفلفل والهيل وتغطى بالدقيق ثم البيض والبقسماط.
– يقلى في زيت عميق مع زبدة ويمكن تقطيع الدجاجة إلى أربع قطع دون إخلاء العظم والجلد ويتبل كما سبق ثم تغطى بالبيض والبقسماط وتحمر.
– تقشر البطاطس وتقطع على هيئة أصابع وتحمر وتقدم مع البانيه مع الملح والكاتشب وتقدم ساخنة مع سلطة الخضار

يسلمووووووووووو على الوصفة كثير حلوة وبسيطة.
سلمت اناملك وصفة رائعة

Make Her Prom Truly Magical With a KFC Chicken Corsage

Make Her Prom Truly Magical With a KFC Chicken Corsage


Here we are in Prom season again, and there’s a delicious scent in the air. But this time it’s not fragrant flowers. It’s fried chicken.

Enter KFC, who is encouraging prom-goers to adorn their wrists With fried Chicken before heading to the big dance and twerking all up on each other, which I assume is what the kids are doing these days.

You can actually order one for $20 (sorry, limit of 100). You get a lovely Corsage for your date and a $5 gift card to go and buy the Chicken yourself.

A note from the florist, Nanz and Kraft:

"Chicken not included (duh.). Each Corsage kit includes a $5 KFC gift check, so you can customize your Corsage With Original Recipe, Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken. Whichever best matches her dress. Local corsages will have fresh baby’s breath and out-of-town corsages will have silk baby’s breath."


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Make Her Prom Truly Magical With a KFC Chicken Corsage

Tsao’s Chicken دجاج الجنرال تساو

Tsao’s Chicken دجاج الجنرال تساو


500 جم صدور دجاج مخلي من العظم و الجلد مقطع قطع صغيرة2 ملعقة كبيرة نشا
3 ملعقة كبيرة دقيق
نصف ملعقة صغيرة بيكنغ باودر
نصف ملعقة صغيرة ملح
ملعقة كبيرة زنجبيل طازج مبشور
ربع كوب زيت أو 4 ملعقة كبيرة زيت حسب الرغبة

2 ملعقة كبيرة خل
2 ملعقة كبيرة زيت السمسم
ربع كوب ماء
ملعقة كبيرة صويا صوص
2 ملعقة كبيرة صوص المحار ( يمكنك الاستغناء عنه )
ملعقة كبيرة نشا
2 ملعقة كبيرة كاتشب
ربع كوب سكر أو ملعقة كبيرة سكر حسب الرغبة
ربع كوب بصل أخضر مقطع حلقات
قليل من البصل الأخضر للتزيين


1- تغلف قطع الدجاج بالنشا.2- توضع البيضة المخفوقة مع الدقيق والملح والبيكنج بودر في وعاء وتخلط حتى تمتزج العناصر ثم يضاف لها الدجاج.
3- يحمر الدجاج في مثلاة غير لاصقة مع الزيت ويقلب حتى يشقر لونه وينضج ثم يرفع من النار.
4- في نفس المقلاة يضاف زيت السمسم والبصل الأخضر والزنجبيل المبشور ويحرك لمدة 3 دقائق ثم يضاف الخل والماء والسكر ويترك على النار حتى يذوب السكر.
5- يذوب النشا مع الصويا صوص والكتشب ثم يضاف إلى الخليط على المقلاة ويحرك لمدة دقيقتين ثم تضاف قطع الدجاج ويقلب حتى يسخن.