Investools – Advanced Options Course

Investools – Advanced Options Course
Investools – Advanced Options Course
**** Product: InvestoolsAdvanced Options Course
COST: $2,199
Author: Michael Follett
Size: 4.50 GB



Learn to ride market ups and downs.
Whether the market is up , down or sideways, you can use Options trading to come out ahead. This Course will give you more strategies to use to manage risk and help you reach your financial goals. You’ll learn several conservative strategies that can be applied in different ways – even in your retirement accounts.

Advanced Options Highlights

Take your option trading skills to a higher level, step by step.

Learn to generate cash flow with high probability strategies, and to use time in your favor with Calendar Spreads.

Evaluate how Advanced option strategies match your personal financial goals, and which strategies work best in which market conditions by assessing price, time and volatility.

Discover the benefits of vertical-****d strategies, such as Iron Condors and Butterflies, and create Diagonals by combining the best of vertical and time-****d strategies.

INVESTools – Advanced Options – 6 DVDs + Manual

DVD 1 : Introduction to Advanced Options & Selling Puts
DVD 2 : Credit Spreads, Bull Put Spreads & Bear Call Spreads
DVD 3 : Debit Spreads, Bull Call Spreads, & Bear Put Spreads
DVD 4 : Diagonal Spreads
DVD 5 : Straddles and Strangles
DVD 6 : Index Options & Butterfly Spreads

We also include manual and one on one coaching workbook

The seminar is easy to understand. Sure it needs concentration to achieve it’s purpose. The Course is simply great and the instructors know what they are talking about. It works. – One thing though, the Course does not give you a ready-to-run profit engine, you have to develop your own strategy set with the knowledge you get. Also you have to stick with your strategy and apply good money management. Then you will make profit.


Professional Skills for Finance and Accounting course

Is pleased
Falcon Training and Development
To announce the course
Professional Skills for Finance and Accounting
During the period 7 – 11 June 2024 to be held in Dubai
During the period 6 – 10 December 2024 to be held in Kuala Lumpur
As part of the programs "Finance and Accounting"
For further inquiries and request content, please communicate with
Ms : Jehan Gaber
Egypt Mob: 002 01158258349
UAE Mob 00971558853089
Tel: 0097167499496
Fax: 0097167499480

Morty Lefkoe – The Occuring Course

Morty Lefkoe – The Occuring Course
Morty Lefkoe – The Occuring Course
**** Product: Morty Lefkoe – The Occuring Course
COST: $1295
Author: Morty Lefkoe
Size: 504 MB



Discover How To Overcome Negative Feelings
On The Spot… Automatically

Dear Friend,

Imagine that you had the ability to dissolve any inner limitation on-the-spot. What would you do with your life? Who would you be? How would your life be different right now?

Would you achieve more than you ever thought possible? Would your relationships be richer and more rewarding? Would you have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are now living your best life?

Earlier this year, I taught 20 people how to use the Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP), a technique I created recently. Because of what they achieved, I can promise when you complete the new Occurring Course you’ll be able to…

# Stop fears that are holding you back.
# Dissipate anger that ruins relationships.
# Dissolve upsets so you can move forward.
# Melt resistance to taking action now.

You will be better in every way imaginable because, when this process becomes automatic, you’ll instantly apply it to situations that would have upset you in the past. Only later will you discover you hadn’t gotten upset when confronted with "upsetting" events.

Overcome The Most Difficult Aspect Of Making Change
The hardest part about most programs for change isn’t learning new ways of thinking or behaving; the hardest part is continuing that process. Usually you have to practice a technique to get results and then continue practicing… forever.

That’s why this Course is so different… and so powerful.

The Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP) will become so deeply embedded into your mind that it becomes automatic. You won’t have to constantly use it to continue getting results. You’ll find that you "use" the LOP so fast that you don’t even know it until a formerly upsetting event has passed.

Of Course there is one caveat. You do have to prime the pump with this technique. Just like those old fashioned water pumps, pulling the handle only once won’t get the water flowing. And it’s the same with this method. You’ve got to apply it over and over before it becomes automatic and then the positive results will flow into your life effortlessly after that. And that’s exactly what will happen when you complete this course.

Are you ready for the challenge?


Private Tutor SAT Writing 2024-2024 Prep Course

Private Tutor SAT Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

The purchase of this book includes an offer for a FREE DVD or Digital Download of 2 hours from our 20-hour SAT Prep video course. Private Tutor SAT Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course is a critically-praised, low cost alternative to the often unaffordable tutoring industry. Students can achieve the results of Private tutoring at a fraction of the cost. This complete Course covers all aspects of the SAT Writing sections including over 80 problems with answer explanations. The Essay section includes a fool-proof formula and sample essays. Written by Amy Lucas, a Summa Cum Laude graduate of UCLA with fifteen years of experience as an SAT Master Tutor and Education Specialist. The School Library Journal Starred Review stated "Library collections serving high school students as well as homeschoolers seeking instruction, practice, and basic standardized test-taking tips for the SAT will find this series an essential purchase." The Library Journal stated, " Verdict: highly recommended for students taking the SATs." Writing book can be used alone or with the corresponding 5-hour DVD course. • Achieve the results of Private Tutoring at a fraction of the cost! • Mastering the Parts of Speech • Improving Paragraphs, Sentence Correction, and Error ID Techniques • The Essay Formula to a higher score • Includes over 80 Problems and Answer Explanations • Personal one-to-one approach from an experienced Master Tutor INCLUDES: The Technique Parts of Speech Verb Errors Pronoun Errors Grammar Rule Mishmash Improving Paragraphs The Essay Structure & Formula Practice Drills Answer Explanations

File size: 5 MB
File type: 2024 | 164 pages | PDF

Download Link

Would You Like to Study Beyonce and Rihanna as a Course in University of Texas

Would You Like to Study Beyonce and Rihanna as a Course in University of Texas

Hey!:lollerskates: Come April2020, students at the University of Texas, Austin ‎will be‎ adding a new Course that will focus on Rihanna and Beyonce. This new course, Beyonce Feminism, Rihanna Womanism, will not be available until Spring2020, but the University has already released some details about the curriculum.

According to the University, “They will not be simply listening to Beyoncé and Rihanna for fun or even comparing the roles of Beyoncé and Rihanna in popular culture, rather, students will be studying how the lyrics, music videos, and actions of these women express various aspects of black feminism such as violence, economic opportunity, sexuality, standards of beauty, and creative self-expression.”

The course, according to its listing, “Hopes for students to understand the role black feminism plays in culture as well as everyday.


I got this is a bloggers plateform @ Welcome to Vivas Gist Blog: Would You Like to Study Beyonce and Rihanna as a Course in University of Texas

كورس كورس 5 Day Trend Trading Course ب 59 دولار مجانا لكم

كورس كورس 5 Day Trend Trading Course ب 59 دولار مجانا لكم

كورس 5 Day Trend Trading Course ب 59 دولار مجانا لكم

أعجبني هذا الكورس الذي وجدته في موقع أجنبي

يبدو تم رفعه أمس حجمه أكثر من 1 قيقابايت


الجزء الاول…winnersru

الجزء الثاني…winnersru

الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة خليجية

Certified Accounts Assistant course

Is pleased
Falcon Training and Development
To announce the course
Certified Accounts Assistant
During the period 5 – 9 April 2024 to be held in Casablanca
During the period 30 Aug – 3 Sep2020 to be held in Sharm El Sheikh
During the period 13 – 17 September2020 to be held in Istanbul
As part of the programs "Finance and Accounting"
For further inquiries and request content, please communicate with
Ms : Jehan Gaber
Egypt Mob: 002 01158258349
UAE Mob 00971558853089
Tel: 0097167499496
Fax: 0097167499480

تعليمي المتيـم : كورس المتاجره بالفوليوم سبريد – VSA FOREX Trading Mentorship Course

تعليمي المتيـم : كورس المتاجره بالفوليوم سبريد – VSA FOREX Trading Mentorship Course


ملأ الله اوقاتكم بكل خير و سرور ..

مرحبا احبائى فى موضوع وكورس جديد ان شاء الله …..

كورس اليوم عن احد تقنيات التحليل والمتاجره وهو التحليل باستخدام الفوليوم سبريد Volume Spread Analysis واختصاره VSA ….

– فى خلال اربعة فيديوهات يقوم المحاضر Gavin Holmes بشرح تقنيات المتاجره بالفوليوم سبريد VSA وكذلك دمجها مع تقنيات لوايكوف Wyckoff principles كما تشمل المحاضرات جلسه للمتاجره لايف ..

– الكورس لا يختص بسوق العملات لكن الكثير من التقنيات المستخدمه يمكن تطبيقها سواء لسوق الفوركس او الفوركس فيوتشرز Currency Futures وغيرها من الاسواق الماليه ….

VSA FOREX Trading Mentorship Course


.WMV, G2M4, 156 kbps, 1600×900 | English, WMA, 48 kbps, 1 Ch | 648 MB

.. التحميل بالمرفقات ..

" اى روابط بديله مرحب بها "

للتذكرة ..

( من لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله )

صدق رسولنا الحبيب ..


المتيـم : الفهرس العام لكافة موضوعات د / أحمد سميـــر


لا تنسونى من دعوة صالحة بظهر الغيب ..

احترامى وتقديرى ..

د / أحمد سميـــــــــــــــــــــر

الصور المرفقة خليجية
الملفات المرفقة

Amadeus Ticketing course

Amadeus Ticketing course
اخبار قطر الدوحة المقهى القطري
وتتوالى المفاجات مع الاكاديميه تعلن اكاديمية
عن اقوى دبلومه و اشهر دبلومه عالميه على المستوى المحلى و الاقليمى دبلومه تؤهلك للعمل بشركات السياحه ووكالات السفر على مستوى العالم فرصه لمن يرغب في الحصول على فرص عمل فى اكثر من 86 دوله دبلومة اماديوس العالميه
Amadeus Ticketing course
الدبلومه ديه هى اللى تحققلك حلمك وتجعلك تعمل فى شركات السياحه و الطيران كموظف لحجز تذاكر الطيران على جميع خطوط تذاكر الطيران مع اكاديميتنا
هتحقق كل اللى بتتمناه
و المفاجاه الكبرى متابعتك بالتدريب حتى استلام الوظيفه هذا سر نجاحنا
ومحاضره فى التنميه البشريه عن التعامل مع الشخصيات الصعبه مجانا
والسعر مفاجاه مع العلم بان اول 10 مشتركين هيكون لهم سعر خاص جدا جدا يلا بسرعه انتهز الفرصه و احجز مكانك
العرض سارى لمده محدده و لععد محدود
يلا ابداتسجيل بيناتك على الرابط التالى لتكن من الفائزين معانا بالعرض وعند اكتمال العدد سوف يتم الاتصال بك لاستكمال اوراقك :

For more info call :
T: +202 279 46163
M:+20100133 5382
F: +202 279 53529
Email :
Director of the Academy
Eng/mohamed Wasfi
العنوان: 26 شارع اسماعيل اباظه – بجوار محطة مترو سعد زغلول – وسط البلد – القاهره

Effective Budgeting and Cost Control course

Is pleased
Falcon Training and Development
To announce the course
Effective Budgeting and Cost Control
During the period 26 – 30 April2020 to be held in Casablanca
During the period 27 Sep – 1 Oct2020 to be held in Sharm El Sheikh
As part of the programs "Finance and Accounting"
For further inquiries and request content, please communicate with
Ms : Jehan Gaber
Egypt Mob: 002 01158258349
UAE Mob 00971558853089
Tel: 0097167499496
Fax: 0097167499480