‘The Osbournes’ Mysterious Daughter Returns With an Amazing Voice & Creepy Music Vid

‘The Osbournes’ Mysterious Daughter Returns With an Amazing Voice & Creepy Music Vid

Well it turns out one of the Osbourbe kids might actually have some talent.

‘The Osbournes’ Mysterious Daughter Returns With an Amazing Voice and Creepy Music Video

Remember The Osbournes’ secret daughter? The one we knew existed, but never showed up on the family’s reality show? Well, Aimee Osbourne is back in the spotlight and she actually has an incredible singing voice.

Recording under the name ARO (pronounced "Arrow"), Osbourne has released the video for her brand new single "Raining Gold." It’s Creepy and mildly horrifying, but ARO’s haunting vocals are on-point. Watch the full clip (or, if you’re squeamish, close your eyes and just listen) in the player below.

As a teen, Aimee shunned the cameras as the rest of her family members, including dad Ozzy Osbourne, starred in the MTV reality series The Osbournes. Now 31 years old, the singer says she initially pushed back against her desire to pursue Music as a career.

"I fought it for a long time," she said in a press release. "It’s natural to want to rebel against what your parents do. Once I accepted Music was my path, I rebelled by wanting to do it my own way. I also didn’t think it was respectful to my father’s career and creativity to assume that I could jump on the back of all he had worked his entire life for."

Meanwhile, little sister Kelly had her own brief foray into the Music biz With a punk cover of Madonna’s "Papa Don’t Preach" in 2024. She went on to release two pop-rock albums in 2024 and 2024.

‘The Osbournes’ Mysterious Daughter Returns With an Amazing Voice & Creepy Music Vid

‘The Osbournes’ Mysterious Daughter Returns With an Amazing Voice & Creepy Music Vid

Well it turns out one of the Osbourbe kids might actually have some talent.

‘The Osbournes’ Mysterious Daughter Returns With an Amazing Voice and Creepy Music Video

Remember The Osbournes’ secret daughter? The one we knew existed, but never showed up on the family’s reality show? Well, Aimee Osbourne is back in the spotlight and she actually has an incredible singing voice.

Recording under the name ARO (pronounced "Arrow"), Osbourne has released the video for her brand new single "Raining Gold." It’s Creepy and mildly horrifying, but ARO’s haunting vocals are on-point. Watch the full clip (or, if you’re squeamish, close your eyes and just listen) in the player below.

As a teen, Aimee shunned the cameras as the rest of her family members, including dad Ozzy Osbourne, starred in the MTV reality series The Osbournes. Now 31 years old, the singer says she initially pushed back against her desire to pursue Music as a career.

"I fought it for a long time," she said in a press release. "It’s natural to want to rebel against what your parents do. Once I accepted Music was my path, I rebelled by wanting to do it my own way. I also didn’t think it was respectful to my father’s career and creativity to assume that I could jump on the back of all he had worked his entire life for."

Meanwhile, little sister Kelly had her own brief foray into the Music biz With a punk cover of Madonna’s "Papa Don’t Preach" in 2024. She went on to release two pop-rock albums in 2024 and 2024.

Creepy Millionaire Robert Durst’s Ego Finally Gets Him Arrested for Murder

Creepy Millionaire Robert Durst’s Ego Finally Gets Him Arrested for Murder

I don’t know if anyone watched the HBO 6-part ********ary "The Jinx", but I was positively riveted by this guy and his Creepy eyes, and the AH-HA moments of the last two episodes. Most people think he got away with 3 murders (he actually admitted to dismembering a guy, but was still acquitted!) but his big mouth and ego may have Finally done him in. Even so, I still wonder if they’ll nail him this time, he’s a slippery one and his money has gotten him out of lots of trouble in the past. Pretty fascinating guy though. There’s tons of info online about his antics over the years.

Infamous Murder Suspect Robert Durst Arrested on Eve of HBO’s The Jinx Finale

By Daniel Politi

خليجيةRobert Durst is pictured in this booking photo taken March 14,2020 and provided by the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office.

Robert Durst was Arrested in New Orleans late Saturday night on Murder charges. His attorney made the arrest public on Sunday hours before the finale of HBO’s The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst was scheduled to air. The ********ary series is what has brought the 71-year-old real estate heir back in the spotlight, and he was being held Sunday on an extradition warrant out of Los Angeles, reports local ABC affiliate KTRK. His lawyer said that Durst will not fight extradition to Los Angeles and hopes his client will be able to see a judge in New Orleans on Monday. He has then vowed to fight the charges in Los Angeles.

“All reports are that he was polite and cooperative as always,” said Durst’s attorney, Chip Lewis. Houston NBC affiliate KPRC asked Lewis about the timing of the arrest: “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s happening on the eve of the series finale.”

Durst has made news over more than three decades because he has been a person of interest in three deaths since 1982. “The arrest comes as authorities were interviewing new witnesses in the 2000 slaying of a Los Angeles writer, Susan Berman,” reports the Los Angeles Times. Berman was friends with Durst, who at the time of her death was also suspected in the disappearance of his wife in 1982. Then less than a year after Berman’s death, Durst was Arrested for the killing of Morris Black, his neighbor in Texas. He jumped bail before the trial but was caught in Pennsylvania for shoplifting. He admitted killing Black but said it was in self-defense and was found not guilty.

خليجيةRobert Durst (C) sits in State District Judge Susan Criss court with his attorney Dick DeGuerin (R) on November 10, 2024 at the Galveston County Courthouse in Galveston, Texas.

In a look at what has made The Jinx such an interesting ********ary series, the Atlantic’s David Sims notes that Durst “agreed to speak to [director Andrew] Jarecki for reasons that are hard to fully fathom” but that “perhaps the most compelling thing about The Jinx is that it’s set the wheels of justice in motion again.”

https://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/03/15/robert_durst_infamous_real_estate_heir_arrested_be fore_finale_of_the_jinx

Creepy Millionaire Robert Durst’s Ego Finally Gets Him Arrested for Murder

Creepy Millionaire Robert Durst’s Ego Finally Gets Him Arrested for Murder

I don’t know if anyone watched the HBO 6-part ********ary "The Jinx", but I was positively riveted by this guy and his Creepy eyes, and the AH-HA moments of the last two episodes. Most people think he got away with 3 murders (he actually admitted to dismembering a guy, but was still acquitted!) but his big mouth and ego may have Finally done him in. Even so, I still wonder if they’ll nail him this time, he’s a slippery one and his money has gotten him out of lots of trouble in the past. Pretty fascinating guy though. There’s tons of info online about his antics over the years.

Infamous Murder Suspect Robert Durst Arrested on Eve of HBO’s The Jinx Finale

By Daniel Politi

خليجيةRobert Durst is pictured in this booking photo taken March 14,2020 and provided by the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office.

Robert Durst was Arrested in New Orleans late Saturday night on Murder charges. His attorney made the arrest public on Sunday hours before the finale of HBO’s The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst was scheduled to air. The ********ary series is what has brought the 71-year-old real estate heir back in the spotlight, and he was being held Sunday on an extradition warrant out of Los Angeles, reports local ABC affiliate KTRK. His lawyer said that Durst will not fight extradition to Los Angeles and hopes his client will be able to see a judge in New Orleans on Monday. He has then vowed to fight the charges in Los Angeles.

“All reports are that he was polite and cooperative as always,” said Durst’s attorney, Chip Lewis. Houston NBC affiliate KPRC asked Lewis about the timing of the arrest: “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s happening on the eve of the series finale.”

Durst has made news over more than three decades because he has been a person of interest in three deaths since 1982. “The arrest comes as authorities were interviewing new witnesses in the 2000 slaying of a Los Angeles writer, Susan Berman,” reports the Los Angeles Times. Berman was friends with Durst, who at the time of her death was also suspected in the disappearance of his wife in 1982. Then less than a year after Berman’s death, Durst was Arrested for the killing of Morris Black, his neighbor in Texas. He jumped bail before the trial but was caught in Pennsylvania for shoplifting. He admitted killing Black but said it was in self-defense and was found not guilty.

خليجيةRobert Durst (C) sits in State District Judge Susan Criss court with his attorney Dick DeGuerin (R) on November 10, 2024 at the Galveston County Courthouse in Galveston, Texas.

In a look at what has made The Jinx such an interesting ********ary series, the Atlantic’s David Sims notes that Durst “agreed to speak to [director Andrew] Jarecki for reasons that are hard to fully fathom” but that “perhaps the most compelling thing about The Jinx is that it’s set the wheels of justice in motion again.”

https://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/03/15/robert_durst_infamous_real_estate_heir_arrested_be fore_finale_of_the_jinx

10 Creepy Old Mental Institutions

10 Creepy Old Mental Institutions

10 Creepy Old Mental Institutions.

10 Creepy Old Mental Institutions : creepy

10 Creepy Old Mental Institutions – Album on Imgur

Taunton State Hospital


Metropolitan State Hospital


Trenton State Hospital


Athens Lunatic Asylum


Topeka State Hospital


Waverly Hills Sanitarium


Danvers State Hospital


Rancho Los Amigos Hospital


Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum


Dorea Insane Asylum
