Joan Collins’ son says he felt abandoned by her

Joan Collins’ son says he felt abandoned by her

My mum Joan Collins, the narcissist: Son reveals how he felt abandoned by difficult and controlling star – and why her life still seems far too dramatic

  • Sacha Newly, 49, said he loves his 81-year-old actress mother in interview
  • But admitted she was difficult and had a strained relationship in childhood
  • Mr Newly and his sister Tara, 51, felt abandoned after being put with nanny
  • Portrait painter has described early life in a yet to be published memoir
  • He also revealed unusual relationship with nanny, Sue Delon, who died

PUBLISHED: 00:59, 9 March2020 | UPDATED: 07:56, 9 March2020



Together: Sacha Newly with his mother Joan Collins in 1999. He described her as a ‘narcissist’

As Alexis Carrington in the glossy soap opera Dynasty, she was a difficult and controlling mother.
But Dame Joan Collins’ portrayal may have been closer to life than audiences realised, according to her only son.
Sacha Newley, 49, said he loves the 81-year-old actress ‘deeper than I can process’ but added that he had a strained childhood relationship with her and described her as a ‘narcissist’ who ‘abandoned’ him and his sister Tara, 51.
The portrait painter also said: ‘Her life still seems far too dramatic. Too much is happening. She is always dealing with some disaster. As much as she says she longs for a peaceful life, I don’t think she could handle it.’
Mr Newley, whose father was Dame Joan’s second husband, the actor and singer Anthony Newley, has described his early life in a yet to be published memoir, Hollywood Child; the rights have been bought by a film producer.
‘My mother wasn’t a monster, she was a narcissist,’ he said in an interview with the Sunday Times. ‘I can’t remember her hugging me, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
‘I just wanted mummy to love me, and I wanted a connection with the mummy I found so overwhelming and so dazzling. She nourished me in a way a muse nourishes; at a distance.’
He claimed his mother handed over care of her two children to a nanny because she was ‘overwhelmed’ by being a mother, leading him to feel she had abandoned him.

Mr Newley puts his mother’s alleged coldness down to her difficult relationship with her own father. ‘It’s true to say my mother didn’t receive a great deal of affection from her father,’ he said.
‘He was a glacier. My mother didn’t get physical warmth from her father and a girl needs that.’




With his mother and sister Tara in 1968 (left) and with Joan Collins at Heathrow Airport when he was 17 (right)



Mother and son at Buckingham Palace in 1997 as she collected her OBE. Mr Newly has revealed they had a strained childhood relationship and he felt abandoned after she left him in the care of a nanny

He also revealed his unusual relationship with the nanny, Sue Delong, who later committed suicide after being fired from a series of jobs.
He said how he would get almost sexual gratification from her physical methods of disciplining him.
He said: ‘There was a lot of S&M. She wouldn’t just sit on me, but sit and grind me into the carpet. It was like the relationship boys might have with their older brothers, but in my case it was with a woman who was employed, so it had a different frisson about it.’

Anthony Newley speaks in 1981 on marriage to Joan Collins






Mr Newly with his father, Anthony Newly, Joan’s second husband (left) and at his mother’s book launch (right)



The portrait painter also revealed his unusual relationship with the nanny, Sue Delong, who later committed suicide after being fired from a series of jobs

Mr Newley said that he and his mother – who married fifth husband Percy Gibson, 49, in 2024 – are currently ‘recalibrating’ their relationship and have frequent lunches so they can talk.
He also gave his assessment of his father, who died in 1999. While describing him as a musical genius, ‘the third in the holy trinity of Sinatra and Sammy Davis’, he put his father’s comparative lack of success down to his womanising.
Asked for a comment yesterday, a spokesman for Dame Joan said she had been told by her son that the Sunday Times interview was ‘sensationalised.’

Read more: Joan Collins’ son says ‘I felt abandoned by mum the narcissist’ | Daily Mail Online

Anne Hathaway felt ‘punched in the gut, shocked & slapped’ during the ‘hate’

Anne Hathaway felt ‘punched in the gut, shocked & slapped’ during the ‘hate’


Dealing with Hathahate: “What are we supposed to do—pretend like it didn’t happen? People treated me a certain way. But I’ve grown from it. This whole thing has made me a way more compassionate and loving person. And I don’t feel sorry for myself.”

The awards season for Les Mis: “I damaged my health during Les Mis, which I didn’t want to mention in case it seemed like I was courting sympathy,” she says. She was exhausted, flu-ridden, and frustrated about the lack of interest in the character and in the issue of sexual slavery. So when Hathaway won the award for Best Supporting Actress, she was “weirdly presentational. One of the things I’ve been accused of is being inauthentic. And they were right—but not for the reason they thought. I couldn’t tie this moment to what I really wanted to say. And that’s on me, because Lupita did it.”

Learning about the backlash: “Punched in the gut. shocked and slapped and embarrassed. Even now I can feel the shame. I was in crisis. Now I’d be fine. I really would be. I’d let it roll off my back, but at the time I was still partly Fantine. I was still identifying with being a victim.”

The Oscar dress controversy: “I found a dress, like a month before. It was the most beautiful, reflective, shimmery dress—rainbows were going to dance off me.” However, the day before the ceremony, Hathaway was called by a tearful stylist’s assistant saying that the dress had already been worn. So she regrouped, choosing a gown by Valentino. “I love the house, and he’s my buddy. One of my favorite people in the entire world. It all made sense.” But that night, at Oscar rehearsals, her Les Misérables castmate Amanda Seyfried showed Hathaway her Alexander McQueen dress. “And it’s a lilac version of my dress. Two completely different designers.” At 10 o’clock the night before the Oscars, “I didn’t have a friggin’ dress, which I normally wouldn’t care about …” Long pause. “But I really needed a dress, and every**** hates me, and I just really needed a dress.”

Directors didn’t want her: “I had directors say to me, ‘I think you’re great. You’re perfect for this role, but I don’t know how audiences will accept you because of all this stuff, this baggage.’”

She’s not a vegan anymore: “I just didn’t feel good or healthy, not strong.”

[From Harper’s Bazaar]

Cele|bitchy | Anne Hathaway felt ‘punched in the gut, shocked & slapped’ during the ‘hate’

صور Fearne fashions a festive floppy felt hat! 2024 w,v

Jennifer Lopez ‘felt abused in one way or another: mentally, emotionally, verbally’

Jennifer Lopez ‘felt abused in one way or another: mentally, emotionally, verbally’


Jennifer Lopez makes a surprising admission in her upcoming memoir, True Love: She’s felt abused in some of her past relationships. While she doesn’t specify the abuser, Lopez writes, “I’ve never gotten a black eye or a busted lip, but I’ve felt abused in one way or another: mentally, emotionally, verbally.” (She does not claim any physical abuse.)

Her new book describes the many ups and downs of her love life, as well as the reasons behind her 2024 split from Marc Anthony, the father of their 6-year-old twins, Max and Emme. But this wasn’t the book she planned to write.
“It started out as fan book, a diary of the years I went on tour,” Lopez tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue. “But it turned into something else. As I started looking at things, it helped me face a lot. I would never go into specifics about my relationships, and I don’t. But the idea was that I learned something.”

Lopez, who has been married three times, says she’s learned a lot about love, especially when it comes to the importance of standing up for oneself.
“Every day that you don’t walk out that door, every day you accept things in your partner and in yourself, is a day that you’re saying it’s okay,” she writes.
“I had to learn to take care of myself and know my worth,” the American Idol judge also tells PEOPLE. “When things are not working out, and you’re not being treated in a way that you want to be treated, you have to look at that because it’s no****’s fault but yours. You have to take control and you have to set up your own boundaries. You have the power to change it.”

Anthony, she says, is supportive of her and her new book. “He read it and said, ‘Wow, I didn’t realize you were going through this whole journey,’ ” says Lopez. “We try to be supportive of each other. We feel that’s the best thing for our kids.”
For Lopez, who broke up with choreographer Casper Smart in June, it’s now about putting all these lessons into practice.
“I’m learning to set up boundaries, you know what I’m saying?” says the singer, who adds that she is definitely single. “I call myself a W.I.P. – a work in progress. I’m still learning and growing every single day.”

[From People]

Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Lopez ‘felt abused in one way or another: mentally, emotionally, verbally’

Martin Sheen Felt "Powerless" During Son Charlie Sheen’s Meltdown

Martin Sheen Felt "Powerless" During Son Charlie Sheen’s Meltdown

Tough love isn’t just tough for the person getting it. Martin Sheen says he was at a loss for how to help his son Charlie Sheen During the latter’s very public Meltdown back in 2024, which led to him getting fired from his hit CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men.

"What he was going through at that time, we were powerless to do much," the Grace and Frankie actor, 74, told Radio Times in a new interview, recalling his son’s erratic behavior and bizarre Twitter rants. "Except to pray for him and lift him up."
Sheen — who has three other kids, actor Emilio Estevez, Ramon Estevez, and Renee Estevez, with wife of 53 years Janet Templeton — says he tried to be "as present as possible" for Charlie, 49, but that there were "many things that the public [was] not aware of" at the time.

"Only those of us that knew him understood what was going on," he shared. "I’m talking about steroids, at that time. He was in a very desperate situation. And he was doing what he Felt would get him out of it — going public. And it was very painful. No less painful for him."
Having had his own issues with alcoholism, the West Wing star knew that his son was facing an uphill battle. But no one could fight it for him.

"You can assure them you’re there and you love them, but you cannot effect change," Sheen told Radio Times of what he learned from Alcoholics Anonymous. "That’s your ego, for the most part. You pray for a moment of clarity, you trust in a higher power, and you never, ever give up hope. Because that is a measure of despair."
Of course, Sheen wasn’t the only one worried about Denise Richards‘ ex. Last year, Charlie’s former costar Jon Cryer admitted to HuffPost Live that he once lived in constant fear of something happening to his colleague.

"Any**** who’s had an addict as a friend knows that you live with this fear — you know, is the next phone call gonna be the one where something horrible has happened?" Cryer explained. "And I had that a lot with Charlie. And it was very, very tough to live with."

Read more: Martin Sheen Felt "Powerless" During Son Charlie Sheen’s Meltdown – Us Weekly
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