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Teenage girl dies of heart attack after not going to the toilet for eight weeks

Teenage girl dies of heart attack after not going to the toilet for eight weeks

Teenage girl dies of heart attack after not going to the toilet for eight weeks


The Independent
Alexandra Sims 11 hrs ago

© Nadine Hutton /Getty Images.. Emily Titterington died after going eight weeks without a bowel movement which left her with a compressed her chest cavity and displaced organs

A teenager suffering from a phobia of toilets has died from a heart attack.

Emily Titterington, 16, died after going eight weeks without a bowel movement which left her with a compressed her chest cavity and displaced organs.

An inquest in Turo, Cornwall, herd that Emily’s life could have been saved with appropriate medical treatment, but she has refused medical examinations.

Home Office pathologist Dr Amanda Jeffery said her symptoms were in keeping with a condition known as “stool withholding”, which is more frequent in children.

A post-mortem examination revealed that the 16-year-old had a “massive extension of the large bowel,” which Jeffery described as “like nothing I have ever seen before – it was dramatic”.

Emily, who also had mild autism, had suffered with bowel problems for most of her life but doctors had been unable to determine the cause.

Her GP Dr Alistair James said that Emily’s mother, Geraldine, 59, has battled with her daughter to be medically examined in the period leading up to her death, but her protests had been in vain.

Dr James told the coroner that he had prescribed laxatives but had not examined Emily’s abdomen.
He said: “Had I done so, we would be having a different conversation. Her death could have been avoided with the right treatment at the right point.”

Emily collapsed while at home in St Austell, Cornwall on 8 February 2024. Paramedics attempted to revive her but she was later pronounced dead in hospital.

Lee Taylor, a paramedic who attended the family’s home twice in the night of her death, described Emily as “looking pale” on his first visit.

She complained of pain between her shoulders blades, he told the inquest, but he did not notice any abdominal swelling and she refused to go to hospital and was extremely reluctant to be examined.

Taylor said that when he and student paramedic, Lisa Marie Edwards, arrived at the family home for the second time that night after 4am, “her father James was outside shouting at us to help, saying something had gone badly wrong.“

When they found Emily lying in the doorway of the bathroom Taylor said: “I could see that her abdomen was grossly extended. Her lower ribs had been pushed out further than her pubic bone – I was shocked.”

The inquest is ongoing.

Girl Scout Sells 117 Boxed of ******s Outside a Marijuana Dispensary

Girl Scout Sells 117 Boxed of ******s Outside a Marijuana Dispensary

Want some Girl Scout ******s to go along with your legal weed in Colorado? You’ll have to plan ahead.
Girl Scouts of Colorado officials are defending the organization’s decision to effectively bar its members from selling ******s Outside the state’s Marijuana dispensaries.
"There’s a place for everything, and just like a liquor store or a gun show, a Marijuana Dispensary isn’t a place for young girls to be selling ******s," Rachelle Trujillo, chief marketing officer for the Girl Scouts of Colorado, told the Huffington Post. "There are plenty of other options for customers of adult businesses to purchase ******s at other ********s."
In response to a California Girl Scout’s ingenious strategy to sell ******s outside a medical marijuana dispensary, the Girl Scouts of Colorado issued a statement on its Facebook page saying members may not sell ******s Outside recreational and medical dispensaries.
"Girl Scouts of Colorado doesn’t allow girls to sell ******s Outside of any adult-oriented business, whether that is a bar, strip club, casino, liquor store or Marijuana dispensary," the statement read. "We recognize these are legitimate businesses, but we don’t feel they are an appropriate place for girls to be selling ******s in Colorado."
Some commenters applauded the decision, but others questioned the logic.

"Grocery stores sell cigarettes and beer," one user wrote. "Is it ok for them to sell the ******s Outside of grocery stores?"
"While I do not agree with Colorado legalization of marijuana, I feel that this is a huge missed opportunity to increase our sales," wrote another.
Last week, Danielle Lei, a 13-year-old Girl Scout, sold 117 boxes of Girl Scout ******s Outside San Francisco’s Green Cross medical Marijuana Dispensary in just two hours.
The Girl Scouts of Northern California supported her strategy.
"The mom decided this was a place she was comfortable with her daughter being,” Dana Allen, director of marketing and communications for Girl Scouts of Northern California, told Mashable. "We’re not telling people where they can and can’t go if it’s a legitimate business."
In Phoenix, Lexi Menees, an 8-year-old inspired by Danielle, set up shop Outside a medical Marijuana dispensary.
"For me, this isn’t anything controversial," Lexi’s mother, Heidi Carney, told the Associated Press. "It’s medication. It’s no different than standing in front of a Walgreens or a CVS."
Colorado Girl Scouts told not to sell ******s outside pot shops

Girl Scout Sells 117 Boxes Of ******s In 2 Hours – NoWayGirl

I don’t smoke it, and even don’t like the smell, but this is pretty awesome.

Charmayne Maxwell of 90s Girl Group Brownstone, Dies After Fall at Soccer Game

Charmayne Maxwell of 90s Girl Group Brownstone, Dies After Fall at Soccer Game

Charmayne Maxwell, a member of the R&B Group Brownstone in the 1990s, has died After a mysterious fall. Maxwell was attending a Soccer Game in Los Angeles when she fell. Her death has been described as an ‘accident’ by Danish media Her & Nu, which broke the news. The songstress was married to Danish music producer Carsten Soulshock and leaves behind a son named Nicolaj.
Family members confirmed her death to Danish new sources and have taken to social media to mourn. On Twitter, Maxwell’s brother Brandon wrote: ‘Bad things happened to the most innocent people. My sister died in the most terrible way and I’m in so much pain right now.’
‘I’d love to be with my nephew Nicolaj right now. I feel bad that he has to deal with the loss of his mother at such a young age.’
Fellow Brownstone member Teisha Brown posted an old photograph of the girls performing on Instagram and wrote: ‘I just need to be by you one more time on stage Max.’

Brownstone is best known for their 1995 hit singe If You Love Me, which won a Billboard music award and was nominated for a Grammy. The Group was signed to Michael Jackson’s MJJ Music record label. Maxwell and Soulshock were together for over 20 years. They met when Michael Jackson hired the producer to work with Brownstone.

Carstons Soulshack and son Nikolaj

Read more: Charmayne Maxwell from ’90s R&B group Brownstone dies from ‘accidental’ fall | Daily Mail Online
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