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Angelina Jolie To Have More Cancer Prevention Surgery

Angelina Jolie To Have More Cancer Prevention Surgery

The actress made headlines around the world last year after she announced she’d had a preventative double mastectomy in a New York Times op-ed

Less than a year after penning a revealing op-ed in the New YorkTimes about her decision to undergo a preventative double mastectomy, Angelina Jolie has revealed that she plans to Have More cancer-prevention surgery.

Last May, Jolie wrote that she’d tested positive for the breast-cancer-related BRCA1 gene, meaning she had a horrifying 87 percent chance of developing the disease. “Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could,”Jolie wrote. “I made a decision to Have a preventive double mastectomy.” Doctors said the Surgery reduced her risk of developing breast Cancer to just 5 percent.

But carrying the BRCA1 gene also means that Jolie’s risk of developing ovarian cancer—the disease which took her mother’s life at the age of 56—is at 50 percent and the Oscar-winning actress has confirmed that she’s planning on undergoing More Surgery to lower her Cancer risk. “There’s still another Surgery to have, which I haven’t [had] yet,” she told Entertainment Weekly, for this week’s cover story. “I’ll get advice from all these wonderful people who I’ve been talking to, to get through that next stage.”

In her Times op-ed, Jolie also wrote about her decision to make her health issues public, writing, “I choose not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer. It is my hope that they, too, will be able to get gene tested, and that if they Have a high risk they, too, will know that they Have strong options.”


Angelina Jolie To Have More Cancer Prevention Surgery – TIME

Have you ever worn a wig?

Have you ever worn a wig?

Hi all. I Have short hair. I used to Have very long hair, but got sick of the work involved and Have had it quite short for a few years now. Sometimes I miss long hair. I’ve tried growing it out a few times but always end up cutting it.

Anywho, I Have been considering buying a wig, just about shoulder length, just to change things up every once in awhile. Are they hard to wear? I feel kinda silly and think well WTH, we women wear padded bras (some of us), makeup, etc.

I don’t plan on spending a fortune on one anyway, it would just be "for fun."

Tips? Advice?

O.J. Simpson’s kids have been cursed by their father

O.J. Simpson’s kids have been cursed by their father

OJ SIMPSON EXCLUSIVE – ***** ****s, hounded out of jobs, ‘broke’ and haunted by a life of luxury that they lost: OJ’s children reveal the curse of their father 20 years after Nicole Simpson’s brutal death

  • First picture since 2024 of Sydney Simpson, now 29, working as a waitress in an Atlanta restaurant
  • She now goes sometimes by **** Portia and met with ********ary filmmaker Daphne Barak
  • On 20th anniversary of Nicole Simpson’s murder OJ’s children reveal how hard life has been since the notorious car chase and murder trial
  • Live under the radar, struggle to hold down work and claim they have no money – despite daughter Arnelle saying she has control over OJ’s funds
  • She says she still loves him but admits he ‘did something wrong’
  • Wracked by the lives they could have had if they hadn’t been caught up in their father’s downfall and shame
  • Arnelle exclaimed: ‘We were the first black family in Brentwood’ – referring to upscale neighborhood of LA

PUBLISHED: 12:10, 4 June 2024 | UPDATED: 14:51, 4 June 2024

There is nothing about the sweet looking girl dressed in a dowdy waitress uniform that would make a stranger look twice.
And that is exactly how she wants it to be. For 20 years the girl who quietly serves dinner to diners in an Atlanta restaurant has played hide and seek with the world’s media.

She has become an expert at not being noticed. The last time she was photographed in public was in 2024. I wonder if I would even recognize her if I hadn’t met her eighteen years earlier, back when she was a little daddy’s little girl, clinging to her infamous father, OJ Simpson.
This is Sydney Simpson – though no**** here knows her by that ****. Now she is Portia.



Different identity: These are the first pictures of Sydney Simpson since 2024, in two stills taken from footage filmed for an upcoming Daphne Barak ********ary to mark the 20th anniversary of Nicole Simpson’s murder. Sydney now goes by the **** Portia at the Atlanta restaurant where she works



Daphne Barak writes: I chatted with the shy waitress. Her colleagues in the busy restaurant said she keeps to herself. They described her as ‘very quiet, as if she has a problem she can’t talk about’



Low key: Sydney Simpson (last pictured here in 2024) has kept on the move and changed jobs constantly in her bid to shake off her notorious family history and the public’s curiosity about her life
She has spent the past two decades of her life on the run and hiding as if she herself had committed a crime when her only ‘mistake’ is her parentage and events well beyond her control.
It is 20 years this month since OJ Simpson was tried for the brutal double murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman.

The trial was a media sensation. For the first time cameras were allowed inside the courtroom and suddenly witnesses became stars of what could be labelled the first reality TV show.
America was transfixed by the spectacle that began on 17 June 1994 with that now infamous slow-motion car chase as television helicopters filmed OJ’s white Bronco being driven by his friend along the LA freeways while OJ sat in the back, a .357 Magnum to his head.

I chatted with the shy waitress. Her colleagues in the busy restaurant said she keeps to herself. They described her as ‘very quiet, as if she has a problem she can’t talk about’

His ultimate acquittal was as sensational as the news that the Hall of Fame running back turned bit-part actor had been charged in the first place.
It was the trial of the century. We know what happened to OJ next. Despite the criminal court’s ‘not guilty’ verdict, he lost a civil suit brought by the Goldmans and Browns and still owes them $33million.
Today he’s in jail, guilty of an armed robbery in Vegas and serving nine to 33 years in a jail in Nevada.
But so little is known about what happened to the lives of the other ‘victims’ of this story – OJ’s children: Arnelle, 46 and Jason, 44, from his first marriage to Marguerite Whitely and Sydney, now 28, and Justin, 25, Nicole’s children.
Twenty years on they are not easy people to find and for a reason. They have lived with the legacy of their father’s trial all this time and perhaps the most profoundly affected, and affecting, is Sydney.
I was in contact with Arnelle and she suggested, that as part of my upcoming special on the 20th anniversary of Nicole Simpson’s death, I should visit Sydney in Atlanta as a waitress where her half-brother Jason works as a sous-chef.
Surprisingly, the people she works with did not even know these two are related.





Daddy: Arnelle Simpson said OJ’s children still love him but at turns claimed they did and didn’t visit him in jail



Daddy’s girl: Sydney, pictured here with OJ and brother Justin at the grave of their murdered mother, Nicole Brown Simpson. Sydney, the youngest of the children and who was in the house when her mother was murdered, was close to her father but has drifted from him

I chatted with the shy waitress. Her colleagues in the busy restaurant said she keeps to herself. They described her as ‘very quiet, as if she has a problem she can’t talk about’.
As she carried on her work I heard her giving her **** to a diner, telling them: ‘My ****? My **** is Portia’.
Their caution over their identity is well founded from the experiences of their relatives. OJ’s sister, Shirley, told me that her father used to be a **** and explained that she had once run a catering business.
She said, ‘But people cancelled reservations with us when they heard I was OJ’s sister.’
Every**** touched by the OJ case carries a stigma, sadly.

‘People cancelled reservations with us when they heard I was OJ’s sister’
– Shirley Simpson

But for Sydney it seems that more than any of the others her life was so irrevocably transformed by the murders and the trial because she was the youngest.

She was just eight and her brother Justin was five on the night of the murders. She was in the house asleep.

I met Sydney first in 1996 when I conducted the first interview with OJ Simpson after he was acquitted.

It was in his house in Brentwood, Los Angeles. OJ was trim and ***** and he came across as a loving father to Sydney and Justin. His sister Shirley was there as well.
They gave every impression of being a warm united family, recovering two years after the trauma.
But one thing stands out more than any other during that first interview. As OJ was telling me about how he had suffered, the kids became visibly upset because they couldn’t find the family’s pet dog.
They were panicked and worried and OJ seemed only impatient and dismayed that he was not the center of attention during the search.



Shocking: Sydney was upstairs sleeping when her mother, Nicole, was murdered. On one occasion it was alleged that she, during a public fight with her father she had blurted out, ‘You murdered mom’





Big brothers: Sydney lives with brother Justin, (pictured left in 2024) and works alongside half-brother Jason (pictured right) in the same Atlanta restaurant



Secrets… Arnelle Simpson posing with Daphne Barak at the new juice fasting resort in California, SecretFast, where they met. Arnelle told Daphne about how the children have coped ahead of the 20th anniversary

The next time I met Sydney was 1998 when I spent a couple of days filming ‘A Day In A Life with OJ’.
We filmed him having breakfast with a bunch of old pals who supported him despite public opinion that was overwhelming against him. Then we headed to the golf course.
Afterwards we returned to his home. I still carry the image of Sydney with him on the sofa. She was in his arms, looking happy and safe. The outside world, the headlines the opinions and theories about her father all looked so far away, irrelevant in this father-daughter moment.
But obviously the relationship has changed over the years. In the meantime, Sydney made some headlines of her own. On one occasion it was alleged that she, during a public fight with her father she had blurted out, ‘You murdered mom’.

Then in January 2024 she was taken into custody after being violent and resisting arrest.
While working with Jason, Sydney also shares an apartment with her younger brother, Justin. He is a bus boy.

On one occasion it was alleged that Sydney, during a public fight with her father she had blurted out, ‘You murdered mom’

Her family is proud of the real estate license she recently got having passed the exam.

In the early days OJ’s sister, Shirley Baker and her husband Benny tried to provide some sort of ‘normal’ family home for the kids.
Earlier she had told me, ‘We were there to send the kids to school in the morning, with a meal and a smile.’

It was tough because OJ paid them a minimal fee, and the only reason they could manage to shuttle between their own modest home in California to Miami as often as they did, was because their daughter Terry is a flight attendant who could get them flights almost for free.



Sold off: Arnelle couldn’t meet the modest payments on OJ’s Florida mansion – even though said she had power of attorney over his $25,000-a-month NFL pension. It has now been sold, apparently to OJ’s fury



Family affair: OJ Simpson’s daughter Arnelle and his niece Tracy, her partner Sam, Erbil Gunasti and Daphne, discuss OJ’s legacy over dinner

Today money is still a big issue for the OJ kids.
Over 4 days, at the new juice fasting resort Secret Fast in California, Arnelle and I talked and hiked and she revealed just how desperate their situation is and how difficult it has been for all of the siblings to maintain any sort of stability or job.

Arnelle told me that she is now looking for new employment, a new ********, a new life.

She said she worked ‘for a rapper called Hash for a while and then produced some fashion shows’ but that is all past tense.
There were reports that they were in danger of losing the house in Miami her father bought in a bid to escape the millions of dollars in civil judgment brought against him in Los Angeles.

The reports also claimed OJ was angry that Arnelle had been spending his $25,000-a-month NFL pension that he was allowed to keep.

‘I love my father, I love my father… Yes, he did something wrong’
– Arnelle Simpson

Arnelle explained it this way: ‘The home is gone. All the money went to attorneys anyway. There was no point to keep it. It went for for closure. It’s gone’.
Intriguingly, she elaborated: ‘I have the power of attorney for my fathers affairs while he is, you know, in his "situation".

OJ still owes the Goldman family $33m from the civil action.

So how do they feel about their father?
‘I love my father,’ Arnelle told me. ‘I love my father,’ she repeated before adding: ‘Yes, he did something wrong’.

She was referring to his latest brush with the law in Vegas – the reason he is in a Nevada jail. Hinting, though, that his punishment is too harsh.
The contradiction between her different moods continued. I couldn’t understand how she could sit telling me there was no money and then in the next breath excitedly share plans for a 50th birthday extravaganza for her cousin, Tracy, across three days in Vegas. She were scheduled to fly there, dine in a luxury hotel and then stay at a lavish mansion which she claimed belonged to a friend of OJ.

‘Would you visit your father as well?’ I asked trying to make sense of it all.



First reality TV stars: America was transfixed by the spectacle that began on 17 June 1994 with that now infamous slow-motion car chase as television helicopters filmed OJ’s white Bronco being driven by his friend along the LA freeways while OJ sat in the back, a .357 Magnum to his head





Haunted: The murder of Nicole and Ron Goldman has haunted OJ’s family for the last 20 years and forever disrupted and hampered their lives. Each of them ask ‘what could have been’



Defiance: Despite the devastation the murder had on their finances, prospects and anonymity, Arnelle arrogantly exclaims: ‘We don’t need any****. I don’t need help… I am OJ Simpson’s daughter!’

Arnelle told us, how they used to visit him: ‘He was wearing jeans, we could spend four hours with him, some family time. He was in a good mood. It wasn’t that bad.’
But it was unclear whether they still do. I remarked that OJ’s sister Shirley told me that she was scheduled to visit him soon and asked that when she was due to be in Vegas for a birthday party would she take the opportunity to visit him?
But she said she wouldn’t, yet didn’t elaborate.

Arnelle said she was thankful for not having kids because she said, ‘I don’t have any baggage’.
But doesn’t she? At another moment, when we rest under the pergola in Secret Fast, she said: ‘We have been living with ‘this‘ for 20 years… Me, my brothers, my sister…’
Unlike her younger siblings, Arnelle still remembers the good life that comes with being a celebrity daughter. She has the memories to make a painful comparison between what life had to offer her back then and today.
She said of her privileged life in LA: ‘Back then we were the first black family in that neighborhood in Brentwood!’

At another moment, she said: ‘I kept in touch with few of the "****s" from before.’
She looked so pre-occupied, with so much weight on her shoulders from a sort of father’s curse she has been carrying around for two decades.
She showed me photos of her with Sydney and Justin and proudly said: ‘Look, Justin is 6ft 2ins. And Sydney has been losing weight.
‘You know, when the whole thing happened to Paris (Michael Jackson’s daughter, trying to kill herself) I called them. I told the family: "Hey, it could have happened to us… to Sydney and Justin, but we brought them up okay"’.
Then she said: ‘For 20 years… every**** has had an opinion about us.’
Yet another moment, she screamed with much anger: ‘We don’t need any****. I don’t need help… I am OJ Simpson’s daughter!’

Read more: OJ Simpson’s children reveal father’s curse 20 years after Nicole Simpson’s brutal death | Mail Online

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Nicole Kidman would ‘much rather have a family’ than all the awards & accolades

Nicole Kidman would ‘much rather have a family’ than all the awards & accolades

Nicole on her life in Nashville with Keith & their kids: “We watch America’s Funniest Home Videos and reruns of The Brady Bunch, that’s very much our life.”

Her emotions were intense as a child:
“I loved getting lost in characters and a lot of that was to do with not being comfortable with who I was, so [I created] a fantasy life. I had intense feelings as a child; I used to cry when my mother would go and play bridge. I’d be crying in bed, waiting for her to come home. My depth of emotion was powerful.”

On bad reviews:
“When [reactions are] amazing I’m up front and center; when they’re bad I’m up front and center. I like to push it, test how far I can go with things. Not for the sake of just being provocative, but for the sake of not conforming and saying, ‘There’s not necessarily a right and a wrong here, there’s a gray.’ Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I say to myself, ‘Okay, just keep trying stuff.’”

She’s tired of actors famous for being famous:
“The way in which actors are defined is so different now. So much of it is by their clothes and how they look and all of the celebrity that surrounds that, whereas it used to be you went to drama school and you were trained as an actor.”

How she decides what projects to do
: “Ultimately I ask Keith, ‘Is this a possibility to do?’ It may sound old-fashioned, but I want the family to work. And I feel pain when I’m away; I literally feel a yearning and a pain…I’m on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer and my husband says to me, ‘You’ve become more Cancer – you’re all about the family now.’”

Work/family decisions:
“For actresses, if you’re in a relationship, there’s an enormous amount of give and take, particularly when you get pregnant. They say your art gets affected when you have a family, but I’d much rather have a family. Having experienced the greatest awards and accolades, the idea of being alone with that doesn’t work for me. It may for some**** else, but it’s not for me.”

Late in life love:
“Keith always says, ‘We’re lucky we met late in life. The sadness of that is we can’t have six kids together, but the greatness of that is [we are done] with all the other stuff, so now we are totally present for this.’ That’s a great thing to hear from a man,” says Kidman. At his concert on their wedding anniversary in Australia earlier this year, Urban dedicated a song to his wife with the words, ‘Eight years, baby girl. This song is for you. I love you so much.’ Even her friends, she says, were jealous of that one. “I had two girlfriends sitting with me and they were like, ‘Bitch!’” Kidman laughs. “I went, ‘Hey! I’ve been to hell and back!’”

The hell of being married to Tom Cruise?
“Now I have the ability to go, ‘Okay, this too shall pass.’ Sometimes you’ve just got to navigate through pain and depression. Maybe you have a down day, but life is contrast. I’d rather feel it and know it.”

On giving birth:
“Giving birth is just whoa! What I remember the most is the cry. When the baby is born the cry penetrates on such a deep level and Keith says that too. He goes, ‘what about that cry!’ And we actually did record our birth. So we’ve heard it back. And every time it jolts me back into the moment.”

[From The Edit] _all_the_awards_accolades/