State Farm Inoculates Itself From Anti-Vaxxer Rob Schneider

State Farm Inoculates Itself From Anti-Vaxxer Rob Schneider

If you’re going to trust anyone to have an authoritative scientific stance on vaccines, the guy who starred in a film as a fish tank cleaner-turned-successful-male-prostitute is definitely it. State Farm feels differently— they pulled their commercial starring comedian Rob Schneider after his anti-vaccination stance inspired mass social media outcry.

Schneider had revived his character "Richmeister" for a series of SNL-themed adsthat State Farm began running last month. Soon afterward, the company was faced with enormous Facebook and Twitter backlash over their decision to employ someone with a viewpoint so detrimental to public health.

State Farm’s director of Public Affairs, Phil Supple, told PR Week that the "ad has unintentionally been used as a platform for discussion unrelated to the products and services we provide. With that, we are working to remove the ad From our rotation at this time."

State Farm Inoculates Itself From Anti-Vaxxer Rob Schneider