Samuel L. Jackson scolds reporter who mistakes him for Laurence Fishburne

Samuel L. Jackson scolds reporter who mistakes him for Laurence Fishburne

Oh, L.A. locals news, where the lady anchors are always done up like they’re on their way to Happy Hour at Charley Brown’s Steakhouse (LOCAL REFERENCE *****!) and where the “entertainment reporters” think all black dude movie stars look alike.
Sam Rubin has been on KTLA in L.A. since the pile of weed-infused oatmeal in my head can remember and maybe it’s because I only get my entertainment news fromGeorge PEENnacchio (LOCAL REFERENCE *****, part II!), but I don’t remember him being this embarrassing. But this morning, Sam gave every viewer a severe case of second-hand embarrassment when he mistook the national treasure in a Kangol hat that is Samuel L. Jackson for Montana Fishburne’s daddy. Samuel L. Jackson was on KTLA via satellite to whore out Robocop and during the interview Sam Rubin asked him about his Super Bowl commercial. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t do a Super Bowl commercial, but Laurence Fishburne did one for Kia. The switch in Samuel L. Jackson’s brain flipped to NOT THE ONE and he verbally slapped Sam Rubin down. When Sam Rubin tried to get back up and dust himself off, Samuel L. Jackson kept verbally slapping that bitch down. Call him Laurence Fishburne one more time, Sam!
As Sam’s co-anchors laughed at his ass, Samuel grabbed his hair and dragged that ho:

“You’re as crazy as the people on Twitter. I am not Laurence Fishburne! We don’t all look alike! We may all be black and famous, but we don’t all look alike. You’re the entertainment reporter for this station and you don’t know the difference between me and Laurence Fishburne? There must be a very short line for your job. Oh, HELL NO. Really? Really? I’m the other guy. The other one. What’s in your wallet?”

Samuel L. Jackson didn’t even have to reach through the screen and slap Sam Rubin because Sam Rubin slapped Sam Rubin for him.
After Sam finished dipping his **** in a tub full of First Degree burn cream, he went back on air and apologized to Samuel L. Jackson and also spit out a corroded dingle from a bull’s butt when he said that he wasn’t referring to Laurence Fishburne’s commercial for Kia, he was referring to the trailer for Captain America 2 that played during the Super Bowl.

Dlisted | What Happens When You Mistake Samuel L. Jackson For Laurence Fishburne

Michael Jackson Estate Targeted by IRS Shocking Tax-Cheating Allegations

Michael Jackson Estate Targeted by IRS Shocking Tax-Cheating Allegations

The Michael Jackson Estate is in the crosshairs of the IRS for allegedly cheating taxpayers out of a fortune … and now the taxman wants the Estate to pay the piper — to the tune of more than $700 million.

The Allegations are stunning. According to legal docs — obtained by the L.A. Times — when Michael died the executors told the IRS his net worth was around $7 million. The IRS now says MJ’s net worth was actually $1.125 BILLION!

And in a HIGHLY unusual move, the IRS claimed executors so grossly misled the agency, it doubled the tax penalty — from 20 – 40%. So the IRS claims the Estate didn’t pay $505 million worth of taxes, and when you add the 40% it comes to more than $702 Million.

As for what the agency says was under-reported:

— The Estate valued MJ’s likeness at $2,105. The IRS says the value is actually more than $434 million.
— The Estate valued Michael’s interest in a trust that owns songs by MJ and the Beatles at ZERO! The IRS says its more like $469 million.
— There’s another MJ trust the Estate claims is worth $2.2 mil. The IRS says it’s worth $60.6 mil.
— The Estate valued the Jackson 5 master recordings at $11.2 mil. The IRS says $45.5 Mil.

It’s pretty clear the Estate will fight this like crazy, but worst case scenario the taxes could wipe out what the Estate has made since MJ’s death … which could be devastating for Michael’s kids.

We contacted a rep for the Estate. So far no word back.

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Michael Jackson estate slams new molestation claim

Michael Jackson estate slams new molestation claim


10:00 A.M. PDTHoward Weitzman — attorney for Jackson’s estate — tells TMZ Safechuck has denied many times over the past 25 years that Michael ever did anything inappropriate to him … but is "now demanding money from Michael’s estate by claiming he suddenly recalls life differently." Weitzman says Michael is no longer able to defend himself, but "we believe these ***** and scurrilous allegations will not prevail."
A new sexual molestation claim has been filed against the estate of Michael Jackson by a man who claims the singer sexually abused him from the time he was 10 until he was around 15 … this according to a new report.

This latest claim was added on to the lawsuit filed by Wade Robson last year, so says The Daily Beast. The filing is sealed, but the site reports the claims are being made by James Safechuck, who appeared as a child alongside Jackson in a 1987 commercial for Pepsi (see below).

According to the report, Safechuck had long denied being sexually abused by Jackson, but decided to come forward after Robson made his claims public.

There were rumors about Jackson’s relationship with Safechuck in the late 80s … the singer was often seen with the young boy following their commercial together … including the opening performance of "The Phantom of the Opera" with Liza Minnelli (see above).

The estate has already objected to Robson’s claim because it was both suspicious and filed too late.

Read more: Michael Jackson — MJ Estate Slams New Molestation Claim |

The lawyer for the latest Michael Jackson sexual molestation accuser is coming out swinging … telling TMZ the pop star routinely made the young boy skip school so he could be "available" to MJ.

James Safechuck‘s lawyer, Maryann Marzano, tells TMZ … MJ publicly flaunted his relationship with the boy, making it appear they were best friends and Safechuck was Michael’s protege. The lawyer says in reality MJ was privately molesting the kid.

As TMZ previously reported, James Safechuck (who appeared alongside MJ in a 1987 Pepsi commercial) is accusing Jackson of years of sexual abuse. MJ estate attorney Howard Weitzman has called the allegations "***** and scurrilous."

Marzano says a "narcissistic" MJ would prevent Safechuck from going to school as a 10 and 11-year-old so the boy could be available to him when he was on tour.

Marzano tells TMZ, "If there is still any question about the predatory nature of Michael Jackson’s so-called ‘friendships’ with young boys, it should be laid to rest by the indisputable facts of what Michael did to James Safechuck."

The specific accusations are sealed, but Marzano says the case against Michael is airtight.

Read more: Michael Jackson Molestation Accuser: He Kept Me Out of School … To Molest Me |

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Diane Kruger In Roland Mouret & Joshua Jackson – 8th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo

صور Amy Jackson Wallpaper افلام خلفيات اغاني

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Samuel L. Jackson Urges Celebrities to Join in Protesting ‘Racist Police’

Samuel L. Jackson Urges Celebrities to Join in Protesting ‘Racist Police’

As thousands of protesters took to the streets of Washington, D.C., and New York this past weekend to protest the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, Samuel L. Jackson posted a video to his public Facebook page of him singing a song that expresses solidarity with the protesters and encourages his fellow Celebrities to join.
"All you Celebrities out there who poured ice water on your head, I challenge you to do something else," Jackson said in his message, referencing the ice bucket challenge trend that swept the Internet earlier this year.

The lyrics to Jackson’s song reference Garner’s last words after being placed in a chokehold by police. "I can hear my neighbor cryin’ ‘I can’t breathe’ / now I’m in the struggle and I can’t leave. Callin’ out the violence of the racist police. We ain’t gonna stop, till people are free."
"Come on," Jackson Urges at the video’s conclusion. "Sing it out." As of Monday morning, the post had been shared more than 50,000 times.