Conor Oberst Files Libel Lawsuit Over Rape Allegations

Conor Oberst Files Libel Lawsuit Over Rape Allegations

By Jason Newman
February 20, 2024 9:30 AM ET

Bright Eyes frontman Conor Oberst filed a Libel Lawsuit against a woman who claimed the singer raped her 10 years ago. The suit claims that "the only connection between Oberst and [Joanie] Faircloth was one of artist and fan" and that Faircloth, who was 16 at the time of the alleged incident, "never had any physical contact" with Oberst and "posted laudatory comments" about the singer online.

"The Lawsuit filed today outlines Faircloth’s history of inventing stories and personalities online in order to gain attention," says the suit. "Through his attorneys, Oberst requested that Faircloth recant her ***** accusations, but she ignored the requests. Oberst has thus been forced to proceed with this Libel suit in order to set the record straight and to clear his ****."

Faircloth initially made the accusations last December in the comments section of an XOJane article entitled "I Dated a Famous Rock Star & All I Got Was Punched in the Face." The now-deleted comment alleged that Oberst’s brother was Fairchild’s English teacher, who arranged for Fairchild to meet Oberst after a show.

"Conor definitely took advantage of my teenage crush on him," wrote Fairchild. "At first, I was flattered when he was playing with my hair and had his hand on my leg. It was like my dream come true at that point. But then he clearly wanted to go further and I made it very clear and told him I was a virgin and wasn’t prepared to change that right then but he didn’t stop."

At the time, Oberst’s publicist issued a statement claiming the Allegations were "absolutely, un*****ocally *****" and "particularly serious and sickening."

According to TMZ, Oberst is suing for more than $1 million. In his statement, Oberst says that all proceeds from the Lawsuit will go to charities for victims of domestic violence.

Conor Oberst’s Statement Regarding Rape Allegations

Today Conor Oberst filed a Libel Lawsuit in a New York federal court against Joanie Faircloth, a resident of North Carolina, who *****ly accused him of Rape in the comments section of the xoJane ***site in December of 2024 and again, some days later, on her Tumblr page. The suit counters Faircloth’s ****less Allegations and states that Oberst never had any physical contact with her, either at the concert in Durham, NC at which she claims the attack took place, or at any other time. The only connection between Oberst and Faircloth was one of artist and fan – a fan who has posted laudatory comments about Oberst elsewhere online, including describing attending his band’s concert as the "Best memory ever!"

The Lawsuit filed today outlines Faircloth’s history of inventing stories and personalities online in order to gain attention. Although her ***** statements about Oberst have since been deleted from the ********s where they were initially posted online, Oberst’s suit alleges that her malicious lies spread across the Internet and are archived by multiple blogs. Through his attorneys, Oberst requested that Faircloth recant her ***** accusations, but she ignored the requests. Oberst has thus been forced to proceed with this Libel suit in order to set the record straight and to clear his ****.

Oberst is seeking to promote the truth and repair the distress this has brought upon him and his family. Oberst intends to donate the proceeds of this suit to charities benefitting the victims of violence against women.

Read more: Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst Files Lawsuit Over Rape Allegations | Music News | Rolling Stone
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Claims of Conor Oberst raping a woman ten years ago began making waves throughout the internet Over the past few days. The timeline started from an article posted on XO Jane in which a comment was made regarding Oberst that then circulated to Tumblr. The poster of the original comment has now created her own blog to share the events that she is alleging occurred between her and Oberst ten years ago. That full blog post detailing the events can be read below after the jump.

Look, I didn’t intend for any of this to happen. I was a somewhat regular commenter on xojane and felt safe there. Call it dumb, naive, etc but when I hit that post button, I did not think my comment would be anything more than an exchange with one or two other commenters sharing their stories. Was I stupid to think that making an accusation about Conor like this was just going to remain some blip in the comment section of a feminist ***site? Obviously. But I didn’t realize that Conor was still *that* popular, to be honest. I guess I felt too safe in that community. I had no intention for this to be all Over the place, I really did not.

I am not looking for my 15 minutes of fame or to sue or to let anyone else make money off of this situation (though some are already trying), I am not looking for anything. I am not trying to ruin this man (and that isn’t going to happen regardless). All I was looking for when I made the comment with my story was support from the ladies on that forum that I felt safe opening up to. But now this has been spread all Over everywhere and I feel like I need to speak up for the facts, for my character and for my intent (or lack there of).

I wish I could say I was really brave and I was speaking out for the benefit of other victims of Rape who may feel discounted in their experiences and alone. But I am not that brave. I am speaking now because everyone else is speaking for me and a lot of it isn’t accurate. But now that it’s out there, if anyone can relate to it and not feel so alone or needs any support, I’m here for that.

I am going to open this blog up for dialogue. You are welcome to send me questions. However, for the safety of my family and my sanity, I will only answer reasonable, respectful messages. I will not engage with absolutists who have already made their minds up about me and want to use this forum as a way to fuck with me or make this experience any harder. I just won’t. I will not answer messages that I consider to be out of line, too invasive, would jeopardize the safety & privacy of my family, are too triggering for me as a victim or just out right hate. I will not do it.

I do not expect anyone to coddle me or hate him or to believe me. That’s your choice and has no bearing on my life, but I do expect people to treat me with dignity and respect-this was and is very painful for me. It’s really hard to have my experience smeared everywhere and picked apart, Over analyzed, people criticizing me who know nothing of it, etc. But I made the stupid mistake that opened these flood gates so, I will deal with it. But please just try to be respectful-that shouldn’t be so hard. Please refrain from telling me what I could’ve/would’ve/should’ve done. That is highly offensive to any victim of anything and not your place. Please respect my privacy for the safety of my family.

Thank you.

Update: Conor Oberst Responds To Rape Allegations As “Un*****ocally *****”

Conor Oberst’s publicist has issued a statement and called the recent Rape Allegations against the singer “absolutely, un*****ocally *****.” Oberst will be consulting a Libel attorney regarding the claims as well. You can read the statement below after the jump.

Usually we wouldn’t feel the urge to comment on spurious blog chatter but the recent Allegations made about Conor Oberst by an anonymous commenter on the xoJane ***site are flagrant enough to demand our response. This individual’s accusations are absolutely, un*****ocally *****. Unfortunately, the internet allows for groundless statements like this to travel the world before the truth has any time to surface. This is a particularly serious and sickening allegation and there is no truth to it. Conor has nothing but abhorrence for the perpetrators of such crimes of sexual violence. The behavior attributed to him by this individual is in direct opposition to his principles. Conor is consulting with a Libel attorney regarding this matter.

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Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Alleged Conor Oberst Rape Victim Comes Forward