Bobby Flay & Stephanie March have separated after ten years of marriage

Bobby Flay & Stephanie March have separated after ten years of marriage

Bobby Flay & Stephanie March have separated after ten years of marriage

There have been rumors about Bobby Flay’s wandering eye for as long as I can remember. Flay married Law & Order: SVU star Stephanie March in 2024 – it was his THIRD marriage and her first. And rumors followed them everywhere. I still believe something very fishy happened between Flay and January Jones, and there were also rumors about Flay and Giada de Laurentiis. Incidentally, Flay and Giada were together in Miami just before she announced her divorce too. But I’m sure it’s nothing, right? Right. Plus, some commenters always claimed that Flay likes a certain types of pretty young ladies to work at his restaurants. All of this is totally unconfirmed, of course. But now it looks like Stephanie March might have had enough!

“Iron Chef” Bobby Flay ****s his steaks medium rare … but his marriage is well, done, and divorce is right around the corner. Sources close to the couple tell TMZ … Bobby and his wife, “Law and Order: SVU” star Stephanie March, separated 3 weeks ago. Flay moved out of their NYC home.

We’re told both have hooked up with attorneys … and divorce talks have started.

The marriage has been deteriorating over the past year-and-a-half. We’re told things reached a boiling point last year when Bobby didn’t come to the hospital until the day after Stephanie’s appendix burst. She was livid when she claims he said he was busy with work and had to leave before she was discharged … but offered to send his assistant to help out.

Bobby and Stephanie celebrated 10 years of marriage in February … only not together. We’re told Flay spent the time in Florida at a wine festival with his ‘B-Team’ — his group of assistants. Bobby and Stephanie were married in 2024 and have no kids together — he already has 2 previous divorces under his belt … this will be her first.

[From TMZ]

Yeah, just my opinion: they’ve been on the rocks for a while. And a lot of people saw this coming, and a lot of people have wondered what took Stephanie so long to see that Flay is a total dog. Oh well… better late than never. I kind of hope Stephanie cleans his clock financially. I’m also wondering if it’s “suspicious” that Flay and Giada both split from their partners within four months of each other?

Cele|bitchy | Bobby Flay & Stephanie March have separated after ten years of marriage

Virginia ban on gay marriage ruled unconstitutional

Virginia ban on gay marriage ruled unconstitutional

And one by one, they fall. I pray PA will follow soon.

Federal judge strikes down Virginia’s ban on gay marriage
By Ian Simpson
16 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A federal judge found Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional late on Thursday, saying it denied gay couples a fundamental freedom to marry.

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Arenda Wright Allen in Norfolk, Virginia, added momentum to growing acceptance of gay marriage in the United States.

Allen said Virginia’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage violated the right to due process and equal protection of the law under the U.S. Constitution. She stayed execution of her order pending an appeal to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

"The Court is compelled to conclude that Virginia’s marriage Laws unconstitutionally deny Virginia’s gay and lesbian citizens the fundamental freedom to choose to marry," Allen, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, wrote in her opinion.

Allen’s decision follows two high-profile rulings on gay marriage by the U.S. Supreme Court last year. The high court paved the way for gay marriage to resume in California, and struck down the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA) federal law that denied federal benefits to legally married same-sex couples.

Federal judges have cited the DOMA ruling in finding gay marriage bans unconstitutional in Utah and Oklahoma.

Seventeen states plus the District of Columbia recognize gay marriage, including eight states where it became legal in 2024.

Thirty-three ban same-sex couples from marrying by constitutional amendment, statute, or both.

In 2024, 57 percent of Virginians voted for the constitutional amendment imposing the ban. But a poll released in October by Virginia’s Christopher Newport University showed that 56 percent of likely voters opposed the ban, while 36 percent favored it – reflecting the reversal in public opinion.

(Reporting by Ian Simpson; Editing by Ken Wills)

Richard Marx and Cynthia Rhodes Divorcing After 25 Years of Marriage

Richard Marx and Cynthia Rhodes Divorcing After 25 Years of Marriage


The king of love ballads and his wife are no longer singing the same tune.

Richard Marx, 50, the pop singer behind romantic ’80s and ’90s hits like "Right Here Waiting," and "Hold On to the Nights," has announced that he and his wife, actress and singer Cynthia Rhodes, 57, are splitting, PEOPLE confirms.

The couple have been separated since July and are in the process of Divorcing After 25 Years of marriage, his rep tells PEOPLE.

The announcement was initially made on Friday’s episode of Katie. "Well, you’re back on the market," Katie Couric said. "How are you feeling about dating?"

"It’s all brand new to me, so I’m just having fun," Marx replied. While he did admit that recently turning 50 had had an effect on him, he insisted he wasn’t having a midlife crisis.

"You hit 50 and go, what do I want to do differently?" he explained. "I want to do as much differently as possible."

Marx and Rhodes met in 1983, when the actress, best known for her role as Penny Johnson inDirty Dancing, was playing John Travolta‘s love interest in the film Staying Alive and Marx was working on the soundtrack.

After four Years of dating, they wed in 1989. She then retired to concentrate on raising their three sons, Brandon, 23, Lucas, 21, and Jesse, 20. The couple lived in Lake Bluff, Illinois.,,20803475,00

Pioneers In Illinois Gay Marriage Lawsuit Ready For Wedding Bells After 50 Years

Pioneers In Illinois Gay Marriage Lawsuit Ready For Wedding Bells After 50 Years

such an amazing and sweet couple.

Mazel Tov gents

Pioneers In Illinois Gay Marriage Lawsuit Ready For Wedding Bells After 50 Years Of Waiting

Pioneers In Illinois Gay Marriage Lawsuit Ready For Wedding Bells After 50 Years Of Waiting


Come Monday, everything changes for Chicago same-sex couple Jim Darby and Patrick Bova — in one respect.

Darby and Bova, the lead plaintiffs in Lambda Legal’s successful Illinois Marriage equality lawsuit, will be among 15 couples marrying at the Museum of Contemporary Art the day After the state’s hard-won same-sex Marriage law takes effect.

In other respects, Darby, 81, and Bova, 76, are already married. In 1995, they "wed" in an impromptu ceremony at the grave of Sgt. Leonard Matlovich, the first gay servicemember to out himself, in Washington’s Congressional Cemetery. As of July, the couple will have been together for 51 years.

Once they complete their vows, Darby and Bova will officially be husband and husband in the eyes of the law, giving them new rights, obligations and protections beyond the civil union they entered in 2024.

Darby, a veteran of the Korean War, said he didn’t expect he would live to see his Wedding day.

"I did not think this would ever come," Darby told The Huffington Post. "I was involved with the gay veterans for 20 Years and it seemed like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell would never come to an end. And when it did, it came so fast we were almost caught by surprise."

Darby and Bova first laid eyes on each other on July 17, 1963. Darby had ridden his motorcycle from his home at Grand and Halsted to Hyde Park to visit a friend.


"I was walking to the beach and I saw this tall handsome guy walking down the street reading a book," he said. "While he was walking. And I whistled at him! My friend panicked and said, ‘We don’t whistle at guys on the South Side!’ But I didn’t give a shit."

Bova, a University of Chicago student at the time, had been out "sort of cruising" to meet someone. He never heard the whistling and kept walking. But about 10:30 at night, Darby saw him again, peering into a bookstore ******** Darby walked up and asked, "Do you have a light?"

"I thought to myself that is a corny line!" Bova remembered. "On the other hand, that was a fail-safe line in those days because most people smoked."

"And that was it," Darby said. By that September, Darby had landed a teaching job at a South Side high school and they were living together in Bova’s apartment. They were "as for-keeps as possible, given our circumstances," Bova said.

"We didn’t, of course, imagine getting married," Bova added. "I don’t think any**** was talking about such things then."

Bova and Darby in Montreal, Quebec in 1967.

Darby taught in Chicago public schools until 1992. Bova worked as a librarian with the National Opinion Research Center from 1963 until 1998.

Through the years, they’ve shared fond adventures. Hopping into the car and traveling to Mexico and California without a set route were some of Bova’s favorites.

In Tijuana in 1984.

"We’d just look at the atlas and rely on some serendipity. We were together in the car all those times and I really appreciate it as a precious memory," Bova said.

The two also have been dedicated activists, especially on issues concerning gay veterans. In 1993, Darby was arrested at a White House protest against the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.


"The plan was to sit down and not move," Darby said. "The policeman said, ‘You’re going to get up or I will pick you up.’ I said, ‘Honey, you can pick me up anytime you want!’" He put on white gloves — in those days, any interaction police had with gay people they would wear gloves — and two of them picked me up, carried me away and I was thrown in the paddy wagon."


It wasn’t Darby’s first arrest. In 1952, when he was home on leave from Korea, Darby and a friend went to Sam’s, a gay bar at Clark and Division. Soon After they arrived, the lights went up and the cops rushed in. Darby, then 21, was charged with disturbing the peace and was jailed for the night.

The next day, he was back at Sam’s for another drink with his friend.

Darby said he has no plans to get arrested again. "Patrick said he won’t bail me out anymore," he joked.

In recent years, Darby and Bova have traveled to the Illinois state capitol in Springfield multiple times to lobby for Marriage equality legislation. They focused their conversations on state lawmakers who were military veterans. One voted in favor of equality After previously saying she was undecided. The couple also spoke at press conferences.

When the Marriage bill was signed into law by Gov. Pat Quinn in November, a photo of Darby and Bova kissing was splashed onto front pages across the country. That night, they wore the "crumpled" corduroy jackets Darby said have become something of an accidental trademark for them in many of their public appearances.


Marriage comes with another huge benefit for Darby and Bova, who share a home in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. When they die, they’ll be allowed to be buried next to each other in the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, according to their wishes. The privilege is only granted to legally married couples.

Ahead of their big day, the two husbands-to-be were asked to describe the other in one word. Neither could.

"What I often say is that when Jim enters the room, it doesn’t matter if it’s with a group of people or even in the morning when he comes down for coffee, he brightens the room," Bova said. "He lightens it and brightens it and brings the atmosphere alive. Every**** feels that way. If I get together with friends and Jim’s not there, it’s not quite the same. He’s a catalyst for happiness."

"I can’t imagine life without Patrick," Darby said. "When I’m away for X number of hours, I begin to wonder what he’s doing now and how he is. And that’s only hours. … I got the best thing on the block."

As for relationship advice for a younger generation? Bova offered a simple suggestion:

"Take the long view. Especially now, for the same-sex couples, that long view is much more promising and inviting with marriage, whatever your ideas about that are. You don’t have to get married, but you now can, and that puts a whole different light on how you interact. You want to not think of this as two weeks or two months, but as Years down the line."


****ing Show Hosts/Restauranteurs Pat & Gina Neely Ending 20 year Marriage

****ing Show Hosts/Restauranteurs Pat & Gina Neely Ending 20 year Marriage

Run Pat – RUN!!! I’d leave just so I wouldn’t have to hear her nails on chalkboard voice…she so got on my nerves.


After 20 years of marriage, former Food Network stars Pat and Gina Neely have decided to divorce. The couple cited ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the reason for their split. So sad!

Pat and Gina Neely won’t be ****ing as a couple anymore. The former Down Home With The Neelys hosts have sadly decided to split. The couple released a joint statement on their impending divorce and said that it was the “best decision” for both of them.
Pat Neely & Gina Neely Divorce: Former Food Network Stars Ending Their Marriage

“Today we announce that we are Ending our Marriage of 20 years for irreconcilable differences,” Pat and Gina revealed in a joint statement to WMC News 5. “This was a tough decision, but we believe it is the best decision for us.”
The couple, best known for Down Home with the Neelys, are focused on moving on.

“Moving forward our focus will be on our individual brands and we are optimistic about our respective futures,” they continued in their statement.

Pat Neely & Gina Neely: ‘Down Home With The Neelys’ Hosts Divorcing

Pat and Gina dated in high school, Peoplereports. The couple have two daughters: ****bi, as well as Spenser, Gina’s daughter from a previous marriage.
Down Home With The Neelys hit the airwaves in 2024; Pat launched it with the help of fellow Southern chef Paula Deen, and the Show would go on to air 79 episodes.
It’s so sad that the two have split — the pair have such bubbly demeanors, and they seemed so in love! Twenty years is a long time, and this must be a difficult time for them, however amicable their decision.
HollywoodLifers, are you sad about Pat and Gina’s split? Do you think that there’s hope for reconciliation? Let us know!