Malia Obama receives impressive offer of marriage

Malia Obama receives impressive offer of marriage

Kenyan lawyer offers Obama 50 cows, 70 sheep, 30 goats to marry his daughter Malia

Posted On 23 May2020

Nairobi – A Kenyan lawyer has offered US President Barrack Obama 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats for his daughter’s hand in marriage.
Speaking to The Nairobian, Felix Kiprono said his dream is to marry one of Obama’s daughters, Malia, and he is ready to meet Obama to discuss the matter when he visits Kenya in July.
“I got interested in her in 2024. As a matter of fact, I haven’t dated anyone since and promise to be faithful to her. I have shared this with my family and they are willing to help me raise the bride price,” he said.

The young lawyer claims his love for Malia is real and not infatuation. He claims Malia has Kenyan blood since his father Obama has Kenyan roots.

Kiprono said he is not after the family’s money, adding that his love is real.

“People might say I am after the family’s money, which is not the case. My love is real,” he said, adding that, “I am currently drafting a letter to Obama asking him to please have Malia accompany him for this trip. I hope the embassy will pass the letter to him. I will hand it over to the US Ambassador with whom we have interacted several times.”

The lawyer said that should Obama accept his request, his engagement to the ‘love of his life’ will be “unique with a twist.”

“If my request is granted, I will not resort to the cliche of popping champagne. Instead, I will surprise her with mursik, the traditional Kalenjin sour milk. As an indication that she is my queen, I will tie sinendet, which is a sacred plant, around her head,” he said.
“I will propose to her on a popular hill in Bureti near my father’s land where leaders and warriors are usually crowned. The place is called Kapkatet, which means ‘victory’,adding, “ours will be a simple life. I will teach Malia how to milk a cow, **** ugali and prepare mursik like any other Kalenjin woman,” he said.

Kenyan lawyer offers Obama 50 cows, 70 sheep, 30 goats to marry his daughter Malia – African Spotlight

Judge Strikes Down NC Gay Marriage Ban

Judge Strikes Down NC Gay Marriage Ban

It’s about damn time! I love that they kept the ROD office open late to issue the first licenses.

Judge Strikes Down NC Gay Marriage Ban

RALEIGH, N.C. — Oct 10, 2024, 5:50 PM ET


A federal Judge in North Carolina has struck Down the state’s gay Marriage ban, opening the way for the first same-sex weddings in the state to begin immediately.
U.S. District Court Judge Max O. Cogburn, Jr., in Asheville issued a ruling Friday shortly after 5 p.m. declaring the ban approved by state voters in 2024 unconstitutional.
Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger kept his Asheville office open late to begin issuing Marriage licenses to waiting couples.
Cogburn’s ruling follows Monday’s announcement by the U.S. Supreme Court that it would not hear any appeal of a July ruling by the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond striking Down Virginia’s ban. That court has jurisdiction over North Carolina.

Judge Strikes Down NC Gay Marriage Ban – ABC News

Robin Thicke & Paula Patton split after 9 years of marriage

Robin Thicke & Paula Patton split after 9 years of marriage

Robin Thicke’s Wife

Enough Is Enough …

We’re Separating

19 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

Breaking News


Paula Patton has finally had enough of Robin Thicke’s grab assing — she just announced the couple is separating after 9 years of marriage.

Paula told People, "We will always love each other and be best friends, however, we have mutually decided to separate at this time."

It shouldn’t be all that surprising — considering Robin’s constant flirting with other women … like the time he grabbed a female fan’s ass after the VMAs last year … the same night Miley Cyrus was grinding all over him on stage — but Paula has repeatedly said the behavior didn’t bother her.


Robin and Paula met more than 20 years ago and finally married in 2024. Paula gave birth to the couple’s first son Julian in 2024.

Read more: Robin Thicke’s Wife Paula Patton — Enough Is Enough … We’re Separating |

Supreme Court Brings Marriage Equality To The Entire Country

Supreme Court Brings Marriage Equality To The Entire Country

what an absolutely amazing time we are living in.

this is truly a great time to be alive. I got a tear in my eye hearing this news.

Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday that it is legal for all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, to marry the people they love.

The decision is a historic victory for gay rights activists who have fought for years in the lower courts. Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia already recognize Marriage equality. The remaining 13 states ban these unions, even as public support has reached record levels nationwide.

The justices found that under the 14th Amendment, states must issues Marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize same-sex unions that were legally performed in other states. Justice Anthony Kennedy delivered the majority opinion and was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor.

The lead plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges is Ohio resident Jim Obergefell, who wanted to be listed as the surviving spouse on his husband’s death certificate. In 2024, Obergefell married his partner of two decades, John Arthur, who suffered from ALS. Arthur passed away in October of that year, three months after the couple filed their lawsuit.

Obergefell was joined by several dozen other gay plaintiffs from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee who were fighting both to be able to marry and to have their Marriage recognized in every state in the country.

The country’s views of same-sex Marriage have transformed since 2024, when Massachusetts became the first state to allow gay couples to wed. In 2024, the Supreme Court began chipping away at the country’s legacy of discrimination against same-sex couples when it struck down part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which prevented same-sex couples whose marriages were recognized by their home state from receiving the hundreds of benefits available to other married couples under federal law.

President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to support Marriage Equality when he came out in favor of it in 2024, the same year that the Democratic Party made it part of its platform for the first time. The Republican Party and its slate of 2024 presidential aspirants, however, remain opposed to same-sex marriage. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) support a constitutional amendment protecting states that want to ban Marriage equality.

Some conservatives have advocated for a civil disobedience effort against a Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage. However, officials in red states told The Huffington Post recently that they are prepared to implement the decision, going so far as to ready gender-neutral Marriage licenses and set later office hours. Gerard Rickhoff, who oversees Marriage licenses in Bexar County, Texas, said that if same-sex couples are discriminated against elsewhere in the state, "Just get in your car and come on down the highway. You’ll be embraced here."

Angie Harmon and Jason Sehorn Separate After 13 Years of Marriage

Angie Harmon and Jason Sehorn Separate After 13 Years of Marriage

I want to know more about the woman who was harassing her at her home.…125554573

Angie Harmon’s days as a football wife are over.

The Rizzoli & Isles actress, 42, announced Sunday that she and retired NFL player Jason Sehorn had separated After 13 Years of marriage. "For the sake of their children, they ask for respect and privacy as they navigate this time in their lives," her rep told The Insider With Yahoo in a statement.

Talk of trouble first came in July when Harmon sought a protective order against a woman who had been harassing her at her Los Angeles home. Harmon included her three daughters – Finley, 11, Avery, 9, and Emery, 5 – in the order, but omitted Sehorn, explaining that he was living at their main house in North Carolina and didn’t visit the L.A. abode.

Harmon became engaged to the then-New York Giants cornerback, 43, on The Tonight Show in 1998. The Law & Order alum was being interviewed when Sehorn surprised her and popped the question. They tied the knot during a star-studded celebration in her native Texas in June 2001.

When Harmon signed on for TNT’s Rizzoli & Isles in 2024, the couple was living full-time in Charlotte, North Carolina, with their children, so she began commuting to L.A. to shoot the show, leaving Jason and her girls on the East Coast. She told Good Housekeeping in 2024 that the "mommy guilt" she was feeling over her decision was difficult.

"I’m a mess," she said. "I’ve lost 10 pounds since I got here. This is the hardest time in my life, for sure."

In 2024, she talked about trying to make time for her Marriage from afar, revealing that it was a challenge. "We don’t get out Friday nights early enough to catch a flight home," she told YourTango. "So I’m here. We sometimes meet in Texas, a 2 1/2 hour flight for both of us. I miss my kids, so it’s hard, but my children are so understanding."

Asked how she kept her Marriage happy, she answered, "It’s a lot of work, really."

Perhaps too much work at the end of the day.

Ireland votes overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex marriage

Ireland votes overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex marriage

Ireland passes same-sex marriage referendum –

Ireland votes overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex marriage
By Laura Smith-Spark, Kevin Conlon and Phil Black, CNN
Updated 11:10 PM ET, Sat May 23,2020

Story highlights

  • Ireland becomes first country to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote
  • The measure passed by more than 60%

Dublin, Ireland (CNN)Same-sex couples will soon be able to walk down the aisle in the Emerald Isle.

Voters in Ireland overwhelmingly chose to change their nation’s constitution Friday, becoming the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote.

The official results were announced Saturday at a Dublin Castle press conference: 1,201,607 voted in favor of the landmark referendum, while 734,300 voted against it, said Ríona Ní Fhlanghaile, an elections official.

Voter turnout in the majority Catholic nation was more than 60%, according to Fhlanghaile.

Despite speculation in the run-up that opposition to the measure might have been understated because people were too shy to tell pollsters that they planned to vote "no" — the outcome was lopsided, with the measure passing by just over 61% of the total vote cast.

Once the votes began to be tallied, the result was never in doubt.

Only one of the country’s 43 parliamentary constituencies failed to pass it.

Support from Ireland’s political leaders

As is the case in many other countries around the world, the issue is a polarizing one in Ireland, a country that didn’t decriminalize homosexuality until the 1990s.

This referendum was seen as a test of whether more liberal thinking can trump Ireland’s traditionally conservative, Catholic leanings.

The "yes" campaign enjoyed considerable support from the country’s political establishment.

Prime Minister Enda Kenny said prior to the vote that the country could "create history" and that a "yes" vote would "obliterate" prejudice along with irrational fears of difference. On Saturday, Kenny said the outcome "disclosed who we are — a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people."

"In Ireland, we’re known as a nation of storytellers," added Deputy Prime Minister Joan Burton. "And today, the people have told quite some story. This is a magical, moving moment."

Gerry Adams, leader of the Sinn Fein political party, called it "a huge day for equality," and over the border in Northern Ireland — the only part of the United Kingdom where same-sex marriage is still prohibited — Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness hoped they’ll take notice.

"The world is moving on and Ireland is taking the lead," said McGuinness. "Politicians, particularly in the north need to reflect on this progress."


About civil marriage equality

While same-sex "civil partnerships" were introduced in Ireland in 2024, advocates for marriage equality said those fell short of the recognition and protections afforded by marriage.
Gay and lesbian couples will now be able to enter into civil marriage, which "is different and distinct from religious marriage," according to Yes Equality, the umbrella group that spearheaded the campaign. "No religious institution can be forced to marry a lesbian or gay couple against their beliefs," the group’s website says. "Churches will be able to continue with religious ceremonies and will not be required to conduct wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples."
Opposition was largely organized by Catholic groups that focused on a message of protecting the traditional family.
Yes Equality says however that the outcome will have no bearing on surrogacy or adoption rights.
Despite the pounding they took at the polls, opposition groups struck a conciliatory tone after it was over.
"Congratulations to the Yes side. Well done. #MarRef," tweeted a conservative Catholic think tank that advocated against legalizing same-sex marriage.

"This is their day, and they should enjoy it," said another group opposing same-sex marriage, Mothers and Fathers Matter.
"Though at times this campaign was unpleasant for people on all sides, no**** who involves themselves in a campaign does so with anything but the good of their country at heart," read a group statement. "There is no better way to resolve difference than the way we are using today."

CNN’s Phil Black reported from Dublin. CNN’s Laura Smith-Spark wrote from London and CNN’s Kevin Conlon wrote from Atlanta. CNN’s Hazel Pfeifer and Vasco Cotovio, and journalist Peter Taggart contributed to this report.

Ireland passes same-sex marriage referendum –

صور Nicole Kidman: My Marriage to Tom Cruise Was ‘Intoxicating’

صور Nicole Kidman: My Marriage to Tom Cruise Was ‘Intoxicating’
صور Nicole Kidman: My Marriage to Tom Cruise Was ‘Intoxicating’ 2024 photos Gossip News تحميل صور فضائح Nicole Kidman: My Marriage to Tom Cruise Was ‘Intoxicating’ 2024 – 2024 يوتيوب فيديو افلام اغاني فيديو عارية تعري اثارة مثيرة جديدة

السلام عليكم زوار مقهى كل العرب وأعضاء منتديات مقهى كل العرب اقدم لكم صورة Nicole Kidman: My Marriage to Tom Cruise Was ‘Intoxicating’

In the new issue of *Vanity Fair*, the *Grace of Monaco* actress also revealed that her high-profile Marriage was a lot like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s relationship.

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Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William, William 2024

Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William, William 2024

صور الأمير البريطاني وليام صور حفل زفاف زواج الامير البريطاني وليام وليم Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William and William
صور الأمير البريطاني وليام صور حفل زفاف زواج الامير البريطاني وليام وليم Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William and William
صور الأمير البريطاني وليام صور حفل زفاف زواج الامير البريطاني وليام وليم Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William and William

صور الأمير البريطاني وليام صور حفل زفاف زواج الامير البريطاني وليام وليم Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William and William
صور الأمير البريطاني وليام صور حفل زفاف زواج الامير البريطاني وليام وليم Photos Britain’s Prince William wedding pictures marriage Britain’s Prince William and William



Stanley Tucci opens up on his second marriage: ‘You always feel guilty’

Stanley Tucci opens up on his second marriage: ‘You always feel guilty’

In 2024, Stanley Tucci lost his wife of 14 years, Kathryn, to breast cancer. He moved on in 2024 when he met Felicity Blunt, the sister of his The Devil Wears Prada co-star Emily Blunt, but the actor has admitted that Kathryn’s death still affects his second marriage.
"It was very hard to go on vacations at first, really hard to go with Felicity someplace," he told the Times.
"I felt guilty. It’s horrible. You always feel guilty."


Stanley Tucci and Felicity Blunt in 2024

Stanley now lives in the suburbs of London with Felicity, his three teenage children and new-born son Matteo, but he added of the potential jealousy in the relationship, saying: "There are photographs (of Kathryn) around at home.

"Not that many, but I would have difficulty. And especially when we first met it was only two years after Kate died. So…"
Stanley and Felicity, a literary agent, met in 2024 at the wedding of Emily and John Krasinski. The pair hit it off, and became engaged in 2024 during a holiday to Berlin, Germany.
"I panicked instantly afterwards," he admitted.

The Hunger Games actor Stanley and Felicity exchanged vows in a private ceremony in 2024, but decided to celebrate their marriage with a group of friends a few weeks later.

Acting as best man was Boardwalk Empire star Steve Buscemi and bridesmaids included Emily, her youngest sister Suzie and friend Amy Dixon. Celebrity guests included Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, Ewan McGregor,and Colin Firth.
Two years later they welcomed baby Matteo, with Stanley saying at the time of the announcement: "I’m very excited to be a dad. It’s incredible.
"I’m most excited to have a baby with Felicity and for the baby to be healthy."
Asked what sort of mother he thought Felicity would be, he sweetly replied, "A great one!"