الآن مراجعة الوحدة الخامسة Work & Money

الآن ..مراجعة الوحدة الخامسة Work & Money

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اعزائي وعزيزاتي اعضاء سعودي انجلش ,,يسرني أن اضع بين ايديكم مراجعتي الشاملة والمتنوعة للوحدة الخامسة Work & Money..
ارجوا من الله تعالى أن تنال استحسانكم وتحوز على رضاكم ,, وان يكون فيها عوناً وفائدةً للجميع.



لاتنسوني من صادق دعاءكم ..:smile (75)::smile (75):

Stocks and how to Make Extra Money

Stocks and how to Make Extra Money

Hi Everyone ,
First i’d like to thank everyone for reading my Subject
And here i’m gonna discuss about Stocks Exchanges And How to Make Extra Money from investing and How to be a Financial and Technical Analyst Professional

But First we need to know some Terminology and Concepts that we should put in our Mind

What’s The Stock Exchange ?????
It’s Kind of markets that gather the forces of Supply and Demand
And it includes Stock Exchanges ,,,Derivatives ,,,Forex ,,,Commodities

Why do we invest in Stock Exchange ???
As investing in Stock exchange has a greater return than any other field

What’s the Inflation Rate ???

The low purchasing power as a result of prices rises with stable income

Kinds Of Investment
1-Direct Investment
2- Indirect Investment

There are 3 kinds of Investors which depends on how risky they are :

1- A Conservative Investor
(Someone who can’t have a loss more than 15%)
2- Moderate Risk Investor
( Someone who can handle a loss of 15%)
3-Risk investor
(Someone who can handle and accept a loss more than 15%)

that the potential risks ratio can be controlled by depending on Scientific Foundationsof investing

The Factors that determine the appropriate investment :
1- the size of the risk
2- the required Return on on the investment
3- the Time Span

Calculating the potential loss Reduce the feeling of Anxious

What’s Market ???
The Market is an organized Place where all the investors in all kinds are being gathered to buy and sell the Financial Securities in all kinds

We also need to know the following

1- Stock means that you have a share or a part of the company
2-Bonds means the company’s Debt Papers
3- Bills Of treasure are the Government’s Debt Papers

To Be Continued Soon

CDAN May 01st 2024 – The Money Is Gone

CDAN May 01st 2014 – The Money Is Gone

Blind Item #1
They didn’t hold hands or makeout for anyone, but it was pretty obvious this closeted barely A list mostly movie actor was showing off his boyfriend when they made an appearance together at an event outside the country.
Popular Guess: Jeremy Renner

Blind Item #2
This A+ list mostly movie actor decided to sleep one off at a Pottery Barn this week. Our actor walked over to a couch and passed out there for almost two hours. The staff let him be and when he woke up he didn’t say anything but just walked out of the store.

Blind Item #3
This barely hanging on to A list mostly movie actress who is also an Academy Award winner recently shot a spread for a magazine. Her people made it very clear that our actress would leave if anyone smoked near her or even if they smelled like smoke. Our actress then spent the entire time in between photos chain smoking. She went through two packs in about three hours.
Popular Guess: Nicole Kidman

Blind Item #4
This former A+ list performer(singer) who is now mostly a Vegas and casino fixture is married. Loves declaring what a family man he is. Well, our singer must really want this performer from Thunder Down Under to be in his family because the two men are practically living together and are fixtures at each others shows.
Popular Guess: Donny Osmond

Blind Item #5
This former A+ list mostly television actor who still enjoys A list **** recognition despite his failed television shows and movies since his long running hit is cheating. He has a girlfriend of two months but a chance encounter with an ex who is a foreign born B list celebrity/actress/model led to a series of hookups and his new girlfriend doesn’t have a clue.
Popular Guess: Matthew Perry

Blind Item #6
This A+ list mostly movie actor was smoking pot and canoodling with a woman under a Malibu beach house the other day who is most definitely not his movie actress significant other.
Popular Guess: Brad Pitt

Blind Item #7
According to an escort hired to be part of a threesome this week, this skinny former B+ list mostly movie actress was far more interested in doing line after line of coke than anything sexual.
Popular Guess: Tara Reid

Blind Item #8
This B list mostly movie actress recently tried and failed at the whole television series thing. Now, she is back in regular movies and is giving the makeup people a lot of work to do every morning. Apparently our actress has been cutting herself again. Surprising because I thought everything was much better in her life now.
Popular Guess: Christina Ricci

Blind Item #9 – Kindness
This former A list mostly movie actress has had a turbulent ride through Hollywood and is not even that old, but it feels as if she has been around forever. Her A list **** recognition is the only thing that is keeping her in the B range. Her history and personal life have kind of hindered her ability to get parts. Despite all of that, she is practically bankrupting herself because of all the Money she gives to two or three different charities and spends almost a thousand hours a year volunteering at them too.
Popular Guess: Winona Ryder

Today’s Blind Items – The Money Is Gone
the not too distant past this television actor was A list. It can be argued that he was A+. Not a great actor, but his show was a huge hit. Because of the show he landed a couple of easy big movie paychecks for movies that sucked. Money was rolling in for this actor. Millions of dollars a year. At the same time all the Money was coming in though he was gambling it all away. He didn’t worry though because there would always be another season or another movie paycheck. He just kept gambling and losing and kept chasing that big score at casinos. He was at casinos a lot. Part of his job was to go to casinos so it gave him the perfect excuse to be there. Not that long ago his show ended its run and so did the huge paychecks. He still gets checks but they are much smaller. He has tried his hand at other shows but none of them stuck. No one wants to give him a movie. He actually has to hustle to make a buck now and needs to do it because those tens of millions of dollars are Gone and now he only owns his house and is very low on cash. He still hasn’t stopped gambling, but he just gambles with much smaller amounts.
Popular Guesses: George Lopez, Tim Allen

Will Smith: Jaden has 1 pair of shoes & ‘refuses to be a slave to money’

Will Smith: Jaden has 1 pair of shoes & ‘refuses to be a slave to money’

On fame: “I have the spirit of desire to make people’s lives better. Being famous is such a gift for me because small things make people’s lives brighter. You just shake some****’s hand. You just smile and write your name and people Will talk about it for the rest of their lives.”

On Ferguson: “It’s been rough for me trying to find my position in the struggle and where my voice is needed and helpful. You know, I grew up in Philadelphia, and Philadelphia has a really rough police-brutality history. I grew up in a neighborhood where it was very clear that the police were ‘them’ and we were ‘us.’ I also know that when I was seventeen years old, I had a $20,000 car, which made it certain that I got pulled over all the time. I had a red IROC-Z, the full stereo system and the rims and the paint job.”

On staying “cut” at age 46: “I like to look good, but I like my **** to function well more than anything. For me, it’s as spiritual and intellectual as it is physical. And emotional. I enjoy pushing myself. There is nothing like having to change your physical form to put you in contact with every weak part of yourself, to train yourself in discipline. You get confronted with all of the things you’ll be confronted with in your marriage, confronted with in your parenting, confronted with in your job. Put some**** on a treadmill and I’ll tell you how good they are at any other thing they do in life.”

On living like a pseudo monk: It’s such a strange thing. Jaden, my sixteen-year-old, he has one pair of shoes. He has three pair of pants and he has five shirts. Total. He has refused to be a slave to money. I so respect that. The younger generation is less of an ownership generation, anyway. And it’s such an interesting thing to watch, because I came from a middle-class background, but, you know, our lights and gas would be cut off from not paying the bill. I grew up in a house where you would need the kerosene heaters in the winter in case the bills didn’t get paid. And he’s from the complete other end of the spectrum. And it’s so interesting to me that from growing up in that space, he could see the need for things in a way that he’s rejecting. He’s like, ‘I’m not gonna let myself need things in that way’ — but I would like him to get another pair of shoes.”

[From Esquire]

Cele|bitchy | Will Smith: Jaden has 1 pair of shoes & ‘refuses to be a slave to money’

تعليمي آستراتيجية money maker

تعليمي آستراتيجية money maker

السلام عليكم اخوتي في الله
احبب ان افتتح ورشتي الاولئ بآستراتيجية money maker الذي تم اختبارها واثبتت وجودها بالفريمات الكبيرة مثل 4 ساعات ولكن بما اني لست متفرغ والاسكالبنج يناسب شخصيتي ووقتي لذلك ساقوم بوضع توصيات ونتابع الاستراتيجية سويا واختبارها علئ فريم ال 30 دقيقة سارفق لكم المؤشرين مؤشر الآستاذ وضاح وبعض التعديلات بمؤشر ديمارك مع ابتداء اول يوم لافتتاح السوق باذن الله ساتابع معكم الفرص
تقبلوا تحياتي
نرحب بالتعليقات
الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة خليجية
الملفات المرفقة

Stocks and how to Make Extra Money

Stocks and how to Make Extra Money

Hi Everyone ,
First i’d like to thank everyone for reading my Subject
And here i’m gonna discuss about Stocks Exchanges And How to Make Extra Money from investing and How to be a Financial and Technical Analyst Professional

But First we need to know some Terminology and Concepts that we should put in our Mind

What’s The Stock Exchange ?????
It’s Kind of markets that gather the forces of Supply and Demand
And it includes Stock Exchanges ,,,Derivatives ,,,Forex ,,,Commodities

Why do we invest in Stock Exchange ???
As investing in Stock exchange has a greater return than any other field

What’s the Inflation Rate ???

The low purchasing power as a result of prices rises with stable income

Kinds Of Investment
1-Direct Investment
2- Indirect Investment

There are 3 kinds of Investors which depends on how risky they are :

1- A Conservative Investor
(Someone who can’t have a loss more than 15%)
2- Moderate Risk Investor
( Someone who can handle a loss of 15%)
3-Risk investor
(Someone who can handle and accept a loss more than 15%)

that the potential risks ratio can be controlled by depending on Scientific Foundationsof investing

The Factors that determine the appropriate investment :
1- the size of the risk
2- the required Return on on the investment
3- the Time Span

Calculating the potential loss Reduce the feeling of Anxious

What’s Market ???
The Market is an organized Place where all the investors in all kinds are being gathered to buy and sell the Financial Securities in all kinds

We also need to know the following

1- Stock means that you have a share or a part of the company
2-Bonds means the company’s Debt Papers
3- Bills Of treasure are the Government’s Debt Papers

To Be Continued Soon

الآن مراجعة الوحدة الخامسة 5 The World of Money

الآن ..مراجعة الوحدة الخامسة 5 The World of Money
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هنا تجدون مراجعة شاملة ومنوعة للوحدة الخامسة The World of Moey..أتمنى أن تنال استحسانكم واعجابكم ..



وتقبلوا تحياتي ..:girl face (102):