الآن تحضيري للوحدة الخامسه The World of Money

الآن ..تحضيري للوحدة الخامسه The World of Money
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

هنا تجدون رابط تحضيري للوحدة الخامسه The World of Money

اتمنى أن ينال رضاكم واستحسانكم:smile (27):



دعواتكم لي :smile (75):

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

As we’ve previously reported, only about 1% of the budget of the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States goes to local pet ****ters, and the organization doesn’t operate any ****ters of its own. Not that you’d learn these facts from HSUS’s ads, which are full of dogs and cats.
An examination of HSUS’s 2024 tax return (the most recent available) reveals that although the extreme animal-liberation group took in more than $130 millionin revenues, very little went to local pet ****ters. How much went to help pet ****ters in your state? Take a look at the map below (PDF). The answer may shock you.
Of its $130 million in revenues, HSUS gave less than $10,000 to help local pet ****ters care for pets in 29 states. ****ters in nine States – Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Utah – didn’t receive a single dime from HSUS to help them care for pets.
If only 1% of HSUS’s budget goes to local pet ****ters, where Does the other 99% go? A few examples of wasteful HSUS spending:

Instead of funding the lavish lifestyles of HSUS execs who are socking away your donations in off-shore hedge funds, consider donating to pet ****ters in your area.

HumaneWatch | HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

تحضيري للوحدة الخامسه Work & Money

تحضيري للوحدة الخامسه Work & Money
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دعوه في ظهر الغيب تكفيني

The Money Map Method Your Roadmap to Online Success

The Money Map Method: Your Roadmap to Online Success
The Money Map Method: Your Roadmap to Online Success
**** Product: The Money Map Method: Your Roadmap to Online Success – Video Bootcamp Series
COST: $97
Author: Declan O’ Flaherty
Size: 625 MB



A full blown, no holds barred, exclusive training series delivered to you in 9 modules spanning over 4 hours that can be watched Online and ed to Your hard drive in video, audio and ppt pdf format.Get ready to take notes! Declan will spill his guts letting you in on EVERY secret there is to building and running a successful, profitable Online business …without a budget!

HERE are just some of the awesome things you’ll discover…

The best places to search for hungry buyers actively looking for solutions to their problems

The Reason why 94% of people have abysmal open rates when it comes to their email marketing вЂ" and how you can easily avoid it from the very beginning

Why most people don’t opt-in on squeeze pages to get emails, but to freebies вЂ" and why Your subscribers will be eagerly waiting to open Your messages instead

Special conversion techniques only 1% of marketers use and 99% don’t even know about (game changer)

How to research, write and have a product up for sale in as little as a couple of hours

How to structure Your content in such a way that forces Your reader to take action

Why 50 вЂ" 100 page eBooks may very well be the worst kinds of products to create вЂ" and how you can create much more value in far less time by focusing on "one” specific problem

Why most people are afraid to create and sell their own products вЂ" and how this makes absolutely no sense when you can crank out quality products on demand

How email marketing and relationship building begins from the very first point of contact and how you can take complete control of the process from the very beginning

How you can save massive amounts of time by Implementing my productivity tips that are responsible for tripling my results with minimal effort

How one productivity hack guarantees you follow through with Your goals and forces Your overall results to substantially increase due to compounding

How I create eBook covers and squeeze pages for free вЂ" and sales pages for less than $10 (very cool)

The best way to Instantly generate high quality subscribers without doing any extra work or making any sales (This one is huge)

How to send super targeted traffic to Your squeeze pages to the highest quality freebies that blows them away (higher quality report вЂ" higher quality lead)

How to build that all Important buyers list with a OTO (one time offer) sales page you’re prospects cannot resist getting out their wallets for

And more!

https://rapidgator.net/file/441cec76b9d32d97cb3816551e41210e/The_Money_Map_Method.part1.rar https://rapidgator.net/file/866f7ae10df1259e1b262110fcdeb709/The_Money_Map_Method.part2.rar

الآن مراجعة الوحدة الخامسة 5 The World of Money

الآن ..مراجعة الوحدة الخامسة 5 The World of Money
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هنا تجدون مراجعة شاملة ومنوعة للوحدة الخامسة The World of Moey..أتمنى أن تنال استحسانكم واعجابكم ..



وتقبلوا تحياتي ..:girl face (102):

Paul Scheele Paraliminal – Abundant Money Mindset

Paul Scheele ParaliminalAbundant Money Mindset
Paul Scheele ParaliminalAbundant Money Mindset
**** Product: Paul Scheele ParaliminalAbundant Money Mindset
COST: $49.95
Author: Paul Scheele Paraliminal
Size: 62 MB



Move beyond limits and build financial strength

This Paraliminal is about money. Cash. Financial support. It helps clear away any blocks, fears, and hang-ups you have about money, giving you the freedom to make your life easier, more interesting, and extraordinarily fulfilling. Period. Plain and simple.

It is time to eliminate any discomfort you have around Money and create a solid foundation from which to recognize your own value and worthiness to receive. It’s time to reframe your past and current ways of thinking to serve you more successfully. This Paraliminal will help you achieve this.

Here’s to your future Abundant Money mindset!

Here’s what you can expect with Abundant Money Mindset:

1) Abundant Money Mindset will help deal with your old stories about money-these are the ones you grew up with from the wounds of poverty and scarcity to the negative ideas heard from parents, teachers, bosses, and friends. These form the limiting attitudes and beliefs about yourself that can become deeply embedded in your neurophysiology. You can’t create a new Money Mindset if you’re trapped by an old one.

2) Abundant Money Mindset will also help you deal with your current story about Money – those competing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that may prevent you from fully realizing buckets of cash. These can arise as fears and doubts and show in your life as resistance, hesitation, and self-sabotage. They reflect your level of confidence in your ability to earn, save, and grow your financial resources.

3) And, your new Abundant Money Mindset Paraliminal will help you create a new ideal Money story.

Given all of the blocks people have to money, you might conclude Money is foul, evil, or infectious. And given how many people chase it, you would think it was the source of life and unending happiness. What a dysfunctional combination!

Money is none of that. It is a powerful and useful tool to make life easier and more interesting.

Your new Abundant Money Mindset will help you:

Earn more money, build financial strength, and use Money in ways that serve you.

Release thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that limit you.

Adopt new choices and habits that expand your Abundant Money mindset.

Capitalize on your innate creativity and brilliance to build your financial security.

Bring more passion and joy to what you do.

Create more value for everyone you serve.

Profit from the infinite possibilities available to you.

Feel and experience your expanding gratitude for your own abilities.

Trust in your worthiness to receive from an infinite universe.

Become a masterful steward of your riches for the benefit of your world and generations to come.


Will Smith: Jaden has 1 pair of shoes & ‘refuses to be a slave to money’

Will Smith: Jaden has 1 pair of shoes & ‘refuses to be a slave to money’

On fame: “I have the spirit of desire to make people’s lives better. Being famous is such a gift for me because small things make people’s lives brighter. You just shake some****’s hand. You just smile and write your name and people Will talk about it for the rest of their lives.”

On Ferguson: “It’s been rough for me trying to find my position in the struggle and where my voice is needed and helpful. You know, I grew up in Philadelphia, and Philadelphia has a really rough police-brutality history. I grew up in a neighborhood where it was very clear that the police were ‘them’ and we were ‘us.’ I also know that when I was seventeen years old, I had a $20,000 car, which made it certain that I got pulled over all the time. I had a red IROC-Z, the full stereo system and the rims and the paint job.”

On staying “cut” at age 46: “I like to look good, but I like my **** to function well more than anything. For me, it’s as spiritual and intellectual as it is physical. And emotional. I enjoy pushing myself. There is nothing like having to change your physical form to put you in contact with every weak part of yourself, to train yourself in discipline. You get confronted with all of the things you’ll be confronted with in your marriage, confronted with in your parenting, confronted with in your job. Put some**** on a treadmill and I’ll tell you how good they are at any other thing they do in life.”

On living like a pseudo monk: It’s such a strange thing. Jaden, my sixteen-year-old, he has one pair of shoes. He has three pair of pants and he has five shirts. Total. He has refused to be a slave to money. I so respect that. The younger generation is less of an ownership generation, anyway. And it’s such an interesting thing to watch, because I came from a middle-class background, but, you know, our lights and gas would be cut off from not paying the bill. I grew up in a house where you would need the kerosene heaters in the winter in case the bills didn’t get paid. And he’s from the complete other end of the spectrum. And it’s so interesting to me that from growing up in that space, he could see the need for things in a way that he’s rejecting. He’s like, ‘I’m not gonna let myself need things in that way’ — but I would like him to get another pair of shoes.”

[From Esquire]

Cele|bitchy | Will Smith: Jaden has 1 pair of shoes & ‘refuses to be a slave to money’

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

As we’ve previously reported, only about 1% of the budget of the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States goes to local pet ****ters, and the organization doesn’t operate any ****ters of its own. Not that you’d learn these facts from HSUS’s ads, which are full of dogs and cats.
An examination of HSUS’s 2024 tax return (the most recent available) reveals that although the extreme animal-liberation group took in more than $130 millionin revenues, very little went to local pet ****ters. How much went to help pet ****ters in your state? Take a look at the map below (PDF). The answer may shock you.
Of its $130 million in revenues, HSUS gave less than $10,000 to help local pet ****ters care for pets in 29 states. ****ters in nine States – Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Utah – didn’t receive a single dime from HSUS to help them care for pets.
If only 1% of HSUS’s budget goes to local pet ****ters, where Does the other 99% go? A few examples of wasteful HSUS spending:

Instead of funding the lavish lifestyles of HSUS execs who are socking away your donations in off-shore hedge funds, consider donating to pet ****ters in your area.

HumaneWatch | HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

تحضيري للوحدة الخامسة Work & Money

تحضيري للوحدة الخامسة Work & Money
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اعزائي وعزيزاتي اعضاء سعودي انجلش : يسرني أن أضع بين أيديكم تحضيري للوحدةالخامسة Work & Money ,,راجيةً من الله تعالى أن تنال استحسان الجميع وان يكون فيها عوناً لكم ..



لاتنسوني من صادق دعواتكم :smile (75):