Taraji P. Henson to send her son to an all-black college so he won’t be profiled

Taraji P. Henson to send her son to an all-black college so he won’t be profiled


The success of Empire: “This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my career…I played a lot of characters that could’ve been borderline stereotypical women, but my job as an actress is to make the audience understand and empathize with the people. ****** is a lot. She wears me out but I know this woman. I’ve done my research inside and out. I took ****** from Lee and made her my own.”

She’s not about awards: “Right now, the hype is great. I hope that now, because of my name, people are starting to connect the dots. But for me, it’s not about awards because that’s so political, so finicky. Yes, having that beautiful trophy is a great accomplishment, but that doesn’t alter how I’m gonna move in this industry. I just put my knuckles to the wall and I work.”

All of the African-American women on TV these days: “It feels good that there’s not just one black person. I don’t like that we get fixated on one or two at a time, or three at a time. If you look at Caucasian Hollywood, every year there’s a handful of new faces you’ve never seen before, then after that, they got five movies coming out and they’re introducing you to more talent. So I’m just so happy to see what’s happening on television right now. We have options and that’s how it should be.”

On not comparing herself to other actresses:
“If you don’t stay in your lane and you start looking around, you’ll go crazy. I use to have this crazy thing with Amy Adams, and I love Amy Adams. You see her [consistently] getting nominated, as she should, because Amy does good work. But, it’s like, ‘Well, I did good work too.’ But if you choose to stay in that place then you become miserable. It’s a pity party and no**** cares. I’m human, so I’ve done it. But I check that because it’s ego and it’s the devil.”

Her 20-year-old son Marcel: “My child has been racially profiled. He was in Glendale, California and did exactly everything the cops told him to do, including letting them illegally search his car. It was bogus because they didn’t give him the ticket for what he was pulled over for. Then he’s at University of Southern California, the school that I was going to transfer him to, when police stopped him for having his hands in his pockets. So guess where he’s going? Howard University. I’m not paying $50K so I can’t sleep at night wondering is this the night my son is getting racially profiled on campus.”

[From Uptown]

Cele|bitchy | Taraji P. Henson to send her son to an all-black college so he won’t be profiled

If You Send Diamonds To Anna Kendrick’s Home, She Will Throw Them In The Trash

If You Send Diamonds To Anna Kendrick’s Home, She Will Throw Them In The Trash

Anna Kendrick, being cute as button if a button were drop-dead, rip-your-face-off sexy, is the kind of person you’d expect to have … admirers, and by “admirers,” I mean “stalkers.” But not that completely insane kind that show up at her house and pitch tents made of their own skin in her front yard. Kendrick’s stalkers, so far, are more the nerdy types who pine away at home and live under the ***** misconception that, if only she knew them, she’d fall madly in love with them.

Some of that admirers, she told Marc Maron on his podcast this week, have gone so far as to find her home address, which she really, really wishes they hadn’t done. And on her birthday (which was August 9th, not that any of us are keeping track), she got gifts. Things like, say, teddy bears.

Some of these gifts come with sweet letters that say things like, “I’m sorry if this is an invasion of privacy, but … ” But NOTHING. It’s a creepy invasion of privacy. Period. Do not Send things to a celebrity’s home address. “If you’d Send Them through the proper channels, it’d be a lot sweeter and much less creepy,” Kendrick says. In fact, Kendrick told Maron, whenever she receives gifts from strangers addressed to her at Home, she throws Them in the trash. She doesn’t even give Them to friends, or to people who might want the gifts, because she just doesn’t know if one of those stuffed teddy bears is STUFFED FULL OF ANTHRAX, and she wisely doesn’t want to take the chance.

How far does this “goes in the trash” policy extend? As far as possible, Kendrick tells Maron.

“I got [a gift] with, like, a really long letter about how he really felt like we should be together, and if I would just give him a chance, and he didn’t want to do it over social media because he thought that would pressure me because it was public … he [wanted] to be a gentleman. And he, uh, sent me a pair of diamond earrings.”

“Get the f*ck out of here,” Maron said. “For real ones?”

“For real diamond earrings,” Kendrick responded. “I did go and check. And I was just like, these have to go into the trash. I can’t. I cannot. I cannot wear them. I can’t give Them to someone. It’s too weird. If the teddy bear goes in the trash, these go in the trash. Just on principle. So, I had to Throw Them away. If you Send something to my house, it’s going in the trash.”

She also admitted that, while she hasn’t had to deal too much with stalker issues, she did have to hire a guy to investigate one person who got a little too psycho.

So the lesson here is: Keep your stalking limited to the confines of your own goddamn heads, and don’t Send Anna Kendrick things to her house, because no matter how expensive it is, it’s just like throwing money in the trash. And if the gentlemen who sent Kendrick earrings is reading this, you should understand that she’s not wearing them. She Will never wear them. Because they are in a landfill. Please get some help you crazy, crazy person.

If You Send Diamonds To Anna Kendrick’s Home, She’ll Throw Them Away