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Articles about Federal Agents

Man to remain in jail until trial on alleged Internet threats

By Kevin Amerman, OF THE MORNING CALL December 13, 2024

A federal judge Monday ordered a Lower Saucon man who allegedly posted a threat on the Internet to "initiate the most heinous school shooting ever imagined" to remain jailed while awaiting trial. prosecutors successfully argued that Anthony Douglas Elonis, 27, can’t be trusted if released and has disregarded court ordered directives in the past by driving with a suspended license and possessing a rifle while a [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] protection from abuse order filed by his wife prohibited him from owning a gun. Magistrate Judge Henry S. Perkin ordered Elonis to remain [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] in a detention facility.

Feds seize fake Uggs, Burberry bags at Rice’s

December 7, 2024

PHILADELPHIA (AP) Federal agents have seized $150,000 worth of fake bags, boots and makeup during a raid at an open air market in Bucks County. The Homeland Security agents focused on supposed Burberry scarves and handbags, Ugg boots and MAC cosmetics being sold by nine [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] vendors. Food and Drug Administration has a warning out for anyone who buys medications from overseas sources. Police said the three were charged after one arrived at a house at 421 N. Greenwood Ave., Palmer Township, with more than a pound of marijuana in his trunk and they found [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] more drugs and guns in the house. [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Alvin Alvarez, 31, of 360 Main St., Tatamy, is charged with possession of drugs and possession with the intent to deliver."Pretty Boy’ Floyd helped FBI build its reputation

Tammany Hall controlled New York City, Boss Tweed was in Boston, and Jim Pendergast ruled [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Kansas City. Each would fall in their own time. Tweed was ousted. He went to prison. But the FBI said Thursday that Arias’ business in the Bronx was part of a ring that used his fruit distribution and trucking companies to smuggle hundreds of kilos of cocaine into Bridgeport, Conn., from Colombia. Arias, 36, also known as Gilberto Miranda, was arrested Tuesday by Bethlehem police and federal agents from Allentown at 471 N. Courtright was convicted of first degree murder Wednesday in the slaying of his ex fiancee, Erin A. Young, 28, of Bethlehem. Courtright will be sentenced to life in prison at a hearing on Feb. 16 in Lehigh County Court.

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Apple ‘Closing In’ On Dr

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limit my search to /r/technologyuse the following search parameters to narrow your results:see the search faq for details.

It [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] the music streaming service, not the headphones.

Beats has been more than a headphone company since [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] they launched their pretty top notch music streaming product, beats Music, earlier this year. Apple aquisition is more than likely for the streaming service and all the assetts, people, and indexing associated with it. It a great services that uses musicians, audiophiles, and recording industry vets to index the music instead [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] of algorithms. I found it better for music discovery than Spotify, Play Music, or Slacker (never tried Rdio.) [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Apple headphones shouldn turn red next year. Apple clearly has [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] lost confidence in their iTunes team after the poorly received iTunes Radio. beats gives them an instant fix.

Also the more I think about it the hardware could be useful. blood pressure.

Beats has 67% market share mostly amongst younger people.

They give the technology to beats who adds it as an iPhone only feature.

Overnight there would be a jump in people buying iPhones.

Beats are pervasive too, like the iPhone. I almost suggest that the two companies share a similar, but not congruent, product philosophy. Both combine great product design with a solid, accessible user experience that a good fit for most people. Not everyone is going to search for hours to find the right pair of Sennhisers when their friends have [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] beats and those will be adequate for their listening habits of Pop, alternative Rock and Top 40.

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Q The wolf pack from

From left, Alex Meraz as Paul, Chaske Spencer as Sam, Bronson Pelletier as Jared and Kiowa Gordon as Embry are the Quileute wolf pack in "The Twilight Saga: New Moon."

I’m wrapping up "New Moon" Week: The Sequel, my second week of daily coverage of the blockbuster film "The Twilight Saga: New Moon," today.

In the second film based on Stephenie Meyer’s best selling book series, the supernatural love triangle between human Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and werewolf Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) really starts to develop.

Last week, I brought you features on Lautner, Pattinson and Stewart I wrote after attending the massive "New Moon" press day at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles. This week, I’ve brought you Q with the three leads in the film, as well as some of the filmmakers. press conference, in [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] which they fielded questions from several entertainment journalists, including yours truly.

Oklahoma born Chaske Spencer, who plays Sam, Bronson Pelletier, who plays Jared, Kiowa Gordon, who plays Embry, and Alex Meraz, who plays Paul, chatted about a variety topics, including coping with the cold, filming shirtless scenes and bonding like brothers. (The Q has been slightly edited for clarity and length.)

Q: Was there a wolf boot camp for this or do your abs just naturally look great?

Spencer: No, they made us work out. It was an hour of training, they got us a trainer. We went in, it was a guy who helped out on 300. They threw us into the training for maybe an hour and ten minutes, and it was a lot of circuit training and muscle confusion. We also ate a lot. We ate six meals a day, three protein shakes a day.

Meraz: And thanks to Chaske, we also ate a lot of apple pie.

Spencer: Yes. Dessert, too. Yeah, I was a bad influence.

Pelletier: We did strength training, conditioning, weight training, [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] lots of cardio. It was pretty intense.

Meraz: It was definitely crucial to the bonding, too. That’s really what helped out with building the chemistry on set and even during filming, I think it really helped out a lot. We had a blast. We supported each other, we even made fun of each other you know, like who could do the most push ups or whatever. It really helped out with our characterizations.

Spencer: I think the chemistry, you’ll see it on the screen. We all get along, and that’s really cool and surprising, because in some films you just don’t get along with the other people, but this time around, they picked the right people.

Meraz: I love you, man! I love you, Dad!

Pelletier: Definitely like a band of brothers, that’s for sure.

Q: You guys have no trouble looking great with your shirts off in the rain and around the breakfast table. Will you talk about both of those [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] scenes?

Spencer: The rain was pretty hard. At one point, we all huddled up together to use our bodies to keep warm. It was definitely pretty cold. We all got through it, you know.

Meraz: I think Bronson had the best explanation of it. He said we had a cutting glass business.

Spencer: Our nipples were rock hard.

Pelletier: Yeah, definitely. And on top of it, there was the fake rain, [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] too. It wasn’t warmed up rain either, mind you. It was cold rain coming on top of us, blankets of rain, too. It was pretty wild.

Q: The breakfast table scene is really interesting because that’s the aftermath of the big explosion, so how about that?

Spencer: For me, you get to see all their characters. Their characters come alive. You see Paul’s character, Bronson’s, all of them come alive and they get dialog plus, you know, I’ve got a kissing scene with Tinsel Korey, which was pretty good to do.

Meraz: To speak more on that, it’s the first time you actually see them more as humans. You see the relationship, that we’re brothers. Before then, it’s a little more ominous, there’s more foreshadowing, you see the scene before where I try to kill Bella. So that’s the first time you see the friskiness, the [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] playfulness, which I think really helps out.

Pelletier: It shows definitely the camaraderie of us all, you know.

Spencer: The sense of humor. That’s where you really see the chemistry.

Q: Did you have to keep up all that training going into "Eclipse"? Were you not allowed any downtime between the movies? How hard was that to maintain?

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Movies that inspire me

There are some Bollywood movies that I feel proud of. Movies that make me think and feel hopeful that finally the status of women in this country is improving. I have always believed that the theatres and movies that a society produces is only a reflection of the society itself. I am so glad that women centric movies are becoming box office hits and lead female actors are being recognized for their amazing work.

These are the movies that do not make the woman some**** daughter, wife or sister. She is herself, she has her own identity. She struggles, fights, fails and eventually wins. She doesn need a man to rescue herself. She deals with her problems her own way head on.

Some of the movies have made a mark in my heart and no matter how many times I watch them I never get bored of them. There is always something new and different to learn from these movies. Following is the list of the movies that I love from the core of my heart.

Movie based on a true incident of famous Jessica murder [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] case in Delhi. A female bartender Jessica is shot in middle of a party with over 300 people and still the killers (sons of Delhi big shots) are not proven guilty. Jessica sister struggles for years to get justice for his sister, but all in vain. Then enters a female journalist, who makes it possible for Jessica to receive justice by few sting operations and boom killers are found guilty of the crime!

What I loved about this movie is the character of the journalist played by Rani. An ambitious, smart, intelligent girl who calls herself a bitch; she is sensitive, straight forward and hell of a fighter woman. All she is concerned about is her work of journalism for the betterment of society. She drinks, parties, has casual *** and is not a bit worried about what people think of her.

One dialogue that I will always remember from this movie choo kar ***a hai, kal rape karke jayega, tu ladna seekh This dialogue comes from Jessica who beats up an eve teaser who touches her sister on her chest. How many times girls like me have been victims to such eve teasing? This dialogue is a reminder to every girl to not tolerate but stand up and fight.

A becomes a overnight, just by revealing her ***uality and doing so called hot ***ual scenes in movies. An actress named Silk who takes on the world overnight in a society where *** is a taboo subject. People go and watch the hot scenes in her movies, but do not respect her. She is looked upon like a *** object by every man. But she hardly cares for it because she gets obsessed by her growing popularity and fame.

Eventually she ends up committing suicide because she realizes [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] that a woman like her can never expect to be respected. She can never hope to be some**** wife or daughter in law. This society only needs her for entertainment and she can easily [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] be replaced by another hot girl ready to reveal her ***uality.

Silk is very strong character played by Vidya. Not only is she ambitious but also knows her strengths clearly and understands how to use them to her advantage. She breaks the rule of how Indian women should behave; she shatters the myth that women are supposed to be non ***ual beings.

One of my favorite dialogues of this movie jo tum kar rahi ho wo bagaawat hai, saalon baad log isse azadi kahenge. Bas aise hi rehna, aandhi ki tarah, zyada sochna mat, zyada sochogi to hawa ho jaogi. This dialogue comes from a journalist to Silk telling her to never think about how society perceives her but continue to do what she is doing. Isn that the reality? I can so relate to it, sometimes when I follow my heart completely, I tend to make an impression on people which isn always positive. Unless I let that perception capture me, I am a perfectly satisfied happy human being but as soon as I start to think about what people think of me, my self expression goes down the drain.

Another dialogue that I loved is tum paida nahi hoti to logon ko pata kaise chalta ki aurat tumhare jaisi bhi ho sakti hai This one comes from Emraan Hashmi telling Silk that if she didn exist, people would have never known that a woman could be like her also. So true!

Another blockbuster from Vidya Balan! A 7 month pregnant woman is ready to take on the world to find her husband. She is ready to deal with anything, un cooperative cops, strange and unknown city of Kolkata and dangerous killers. It is unimaginable to think that a pregnant woman can do anything adventurous like this, yet she does. Although ending of the movie is totally surprising and shocking, I don want reveal it for any**** who hasn watched this brilliant movie.

The protagonist of this movie is not only courageous and fearless; she also has an ability to take huge risks and an unimaginable determination. She is an inspiration for many women. I once heard my friend who was 5 months pregnant tell her husband can continue my travel work while in this situation when Vidya Balan can go to Kolkata to look for her husband in her 7th month of pregnancy. This is the kind of inspiration this movie has given us to take on the world no matter what the situation is.

A team of totally un cooperative, unprofessional and hopeless girls in a hockey team manage to bag the world cup out of no hope. In this country, women are not encouraged in sports. Yes, of course some icons from this country like Sania Nehwal, Sania Mirza and Mary Kom have made it to the top of their sports profession, but it is a long way to go for women to be successful sports persons.

Right from childhood a sister is asked to help the mother in kitchen while brother is playing cricket outside in the field. In many communities even today when girl starts menstruating, she is restricted to play particularly with boys. Some diamonds that would have shined brightly in Olympics never even recognize their talent. There is a need to encourage girls to play and play as hard as they can. There is a need to encourage them to be fit and strong instead of being just pretty and nice.

These girls totally out of hope and support are trained by their coach who makes it his personal mission to make this team a winner team. One scene in this movie really touched me the scene when the girls have to play against the boys team to get the sponsorship for participating in world [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] cup, they are beaten up badly. But at the end of the match, the boys raise their hockey sticks in respect for the girls who give an unimaginable fight to them. The girls of course deserved it and that is what I learnt from it. To get your share of respect in this man world, you have fight against the men in a way that they respect you. Of course, this is better said than done.

A bare naked truth of Fashion industry is very well shown in this movie. A girl with an attitude comes to Mumbai to become a super model. Starting with a few bikini advertisements and lot of struggle, she manages to get a break in modelling. As she climbs the ladder of success at a speed of light, she loses what she once had peaceful relationships. She loses her boyfriend, her friends in light of her arrogance. Once a middle class girl now believes that she owns the world and that the whole world revolves around her.

Then a time comes when she is replaced by another new face in fashion industry, she starts to feel insecure but her fake arrogance makes her believe that she is undefeatable. Losing her success takes a toll on her, with no friends and no family to handle her during her down time, she starts to go crazy. In frenzy, she leaves the city to go back to her small town and her parents. After some time of psychiatric treatment, she decides to come back to the industry. She is launched again, this time by her real friends who support her, inspire her and help her get back to her feet.

This movie emphasizes one of my basic beliefs matter what you have achieved in life or what your talents are, if you are arrogant about it; it all goes down the drain Arrogance rips you off one most important thing meaningful relationships. And without people who care for you, you cannot be successful.

This is one of my all time favorites. Surprisingly, this movie did not do very well in box office and it is not a well known movie. But I could relate to this movie in multiple angles even though I haven turned 30 yet.

An ambitious and independent girl is dumped by her boyfriend for young hot looking girl just a week before she is turning 30. To add to her problems, she is not given the credit that she deserved at work and is also fired due to some serious politics. She is jobless, without a boyfriend and all she has are her two girlfriends who are dealing with their own problems in relationships. All this while she is also turning 30! She gets into a rebound with another man in a hope that her ex fiancee will come back to her. She gets desperate and out of the worst of her times, she regains hope and she re discovers herself and comes out a clear winner.

I can relate to her work politics so well in this movie. Even though, it is a bit exaggerated but they have shown the reality when a bunch of men competing against each other see a woman as a competition, they all unite to get the woman down first and once she is out, they continue to compete. This comes from my personal experience as well as what I have heard from other female friends [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] of mine. Of course, every**** story doesn end in a win like in this movie, but my belief in me always gets strengthened whenever I watch this movie.

I relate to this character a lot. I haven been through a serious break up, but I have been through very difficult times in my relationships. I know how it is to feel so desperate to get some**** attention and how one loses all the confidence and self respect when a relationship doesn work. But just like in this movie, in the times so tough she discovers her true strengths and her value in her own eyes. She comes to terms with herself and with her life.

This movie too isn very well known but is a must watch. Two very different aspects of a women life is depicted beautifully in this movie. One woman Meera, who [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] is a widow in the harsh world of Rajasthan with no freedom; a place where girls do not have a right to live! Another woman Zeenat from Srinagar who has learnt to be independent and ambitious! Fate gets these two girls together to become friends because of their husbands. Zeenat has to come to Rajasthan to meet Meera whose husband was killed accidently by her own husband. She comes all the way Rajasthan with nothing but a picture of the Meera husband.

Not only is Zeenat courageous but she is also strong willed, doesn give up till the end no matter what circumstances life throws at her. And Meera who has learnt to compromise with her life, who doesn have any freedom and who knows that she is being sold off to another man by her in laws finally discovers her freedom and her calling in life by her very dear friend. She learns that life is truly your own when it is lived at your terms and not at the terms of the society.

I can never get enough of this movie, no matter how many times I watch it. Story of two friends who are ready to do anything, practically anything for each other! One of them is a housewife who loves to give all her time to her family, but suffers a miscarriage only to know that her uterus is not strong enough to hold the baby for full term. Her whole life shatters in front of her because all she wants is to have a family with lots of kids. Her name is Reva

While her best friend Sia, isn ready to get married till she achieves a certain success in her photography career. But when she knows what Reva is going through, they take a decision to let Sia be a surrogate mother to Reva and her husband baby. And this decision is easy to take but it takes a toll on the friendship of these two girls. Sia goes through even more because of the turmoil this decision takes on her relationship with her boyfriend who has been proposing to her since years.

I love the complication of the relationship shown so wonderfully. Four people who only mean well for each other make their relationships way stronger after going through this complication.

This movie is one of latest hits of Bollywood and it deserves a round of applause because it is extremely well done. A girl completely dependent on the males in her life is rejected by her fianc just a couple of days before marriage. She has never gone anywhere outside her own city without being accompanied by her father or brother. She is completely ignorant to the life that is outside her own safe circle.

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fundamental frequency

Two strings which are fixed at both ends are identical except [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] that one is 0.65 cm longer than the other. Waves on both of these string propagate with a speed of 34.9 m/sec and the fundamental frequency of the shorter string is 220 Hz.For this, I did 34.9 / 220 to get the length of the string, which was 0.158636m. Then I added 0.065m to it to get 0.2236m. Then I did, 34.9 / 0.2236 to get the new [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] frequency which is 156.0569 Hz, but thats not right. It makes sense since the new frequency should be greater. What am I doing wrong?c) What is the beat frequency if the length difference is now 0.8 cm?First of all, the length of the string should be speed/[2frequency]. So you should do 34.9/440 to get the length of the short string.The rest of your procedure is [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] correct (except for that factor of 2). The new frequency (the one [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] for the longer string) SHOULD be SMALLER, not larger. So (qualitatively) your result makes sense. All you need to do now is calculate the beat frequency with the correct numbers.

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Vote ‘no’ [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] on CSU’s motion to support BDS [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] movement against Israel

Students leave Concordia’s Hall Building in Montreal Friday March, 06, 2024. The Concordia Student Union has had problems recently with in fighting, name calling, and financially draining problems. 25, 26 and 27, undergraduate students at Concordia University will have the opportunity to vote "yes" or "no" to a question by the Concordia Student Union that would allow them to support the boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. There are various reasons why I will be voting "no" to this motion, and why my fellow undergraduates should follow suit. First, students at Concordia University should feel united, a sense of pride, and a part of one community. This would be impossible should the CSU endorse the BDS movement, as it will only divide students and create hostility between students with different views on the Palestinian Israeli conflict. Second, the BDS movement is immoral because it focuses, disproportionately, on Israel, while ignoring countries who are guilty of far greater injustices, such as North Korea, Syria and China. Third, the BDS is simply another form of anti Semitism, albeit under the guise of "human rights" for the Palestinians, support for the "Palestinian cause," and [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Israel’s alleged "violations of international law."

Michoel Zajdel, Montreal

The Montreal Gazette

Original source article:Letter: Vote ‘no’ on CSU’s motion to support BDS movement against Israel

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How to Check for fake Uggs

In this video, Yourpick09 shows viewers how to distinguish real from fake Ugg brand shoes. The characteristics of a real pair of Ugg shoes include real Ugg fur, which is fluffy and has thick fur. Real Ugg shoes are made in China and has tags stating so. Another indication of an authentic pair is to look at the Ugg logo, which should have an encircled "R" next to the name brand. This apples to the label tag as well as the imprint of the brand name. Fake Ugg shoes have fur that is thin and skimpy. The tag for fake Ugg will show that it’s made in New Zealand. If you look at the imprint of the label name, there won’t be an encircled "R" next to the UGG name. These tips should help you avoid purchasing fake UGG brand shoes.

Real UGG boots or fake? You can tell if your Uggs are authentic by looking for the authentic sheepskin interior. It should have a creamy color and a full ****ure. Fake Uggs [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] use an artificial fur interior that is grey in color and feels thin. Real Uggs say they are made in China on the label. Fakes claim to be made in Australia or New Zealand. Check for the registered trademark mark (R) on the sole. Real Uggs have it, fake ones don Finally, the uppers on real UGGS meet the sole smoothly, with tight, superior stitching. Fake Uggs come together at the sole in a sharp corner.

This video demonstrates how to determine if your Ugg Boots are counterfeit. If you purchase [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Ugg boots on the [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Internet and you are wondering if they are fake, you should examine the box closely. Uggs are made in Australia. China), then they are fake Uggs.

Also, look at the size of the box and the card. Check the card stock. Fakes will have inexpensive plastic wrap. They aren’t likely to have Ugg Australia printed on the plastic bags, as they should. Fake Uggs may not contain shoe inserts. Fake Uggs aren’t likely to.

Watch this 8 part series to learn all about fake UGGs and the 7 deadly signs of UGG boots. You be surprised at how easily people can be fooled with fake products. Make sure your UGG Australia boots are the real deal!

Seven Deadly Signs of Fake UGGs:

1. Lining

2. Color

3. Outsole

4. Labels

5. Stitching

6. Hardware

7. Shape Feel

Part 1 of 8 How to Spot fake UGG Australia Boots.

Part 2 of 8 How to Spot fake UGG Australia Boots.

Part 3 of 8 How to Spot fake UGG Australia Boots.

Part 4 of 8 How to [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Spot fake UGG Australia Boots.

Part 5 of 8 How to Spot fake UGG Australia Boots.

It takes a courage for a man to wear UGG boots, but it can be done. If you have the boots, but are for whatever reason ashamed of having them, cover up the ankle part of them with you pants. If you wish to flaunt your several hundred dollar boots, let the front part of your pant bottoms be loose over your boots, but prop the back part of your pant bottoms on the tops of your boots. Remember, never ever tuck your pants into the boots. If you follow these simple strategies, it is possible for a man to wear Uggs and look good doing so.

In this how to video, you will learn how to spot fake Coach purses. For example, Coach purses are not wrapped in plastic when you buy them. Stitching should be exact and perfect. If it is uneven and crooked, it is fake. Authentic Coach purses use high quality nickel or brass. If the buckle is polished plastic or tarnished and damaged, it is fake. Cheap zippers are also a sign that a purse is fake. The C or CC pattern should be centered and symmetric. It should go straight up and down and line up at the seams. If the CC pattern is on the inside and outside, it is fake. As for tags, it is fake.

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How to Maintain Tall Boots Video

Tran******:How to Maintain Tall BootsHi! I Christina Crawford from Chic Envy [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Consignment Fairfax Corner. Maintaining your boots are very important, so that you can have your investment that you put in the boots really pay [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] off and last a lot longer. This will help take care of your boots especially in the months that you not using your boots. It also save [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] space in your closet and help you [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] stay better organized. These boot inserts fit right inside the boots [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] and they keep the form of the calve. I like to put another clip at the top, so that when your boots are being stored they are not toppling over, and so it really helps with the shape.

Here is an example of a pair of boots that have been properly [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] taking care of. Nice and shiny with the polish, the conditioning of it, the heels have been replaced over the years and also you can see that the boot inserts and the clips are on these pair of boots.

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