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Japan scientist [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] in research scandal found [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] dead

Hyogo prefectural police said Sasai, 52, was found today at a government affiliated science institute RIKEN in Kobe, western Japan. Sasai was deputy chief of RIKENs Center for Developmental Biology.

A security guard found him suffering from cardiac arrest, with a rope around [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] his neck, according to RIKEN. Sasai was rushed to a hospital but was pronounced dead two hours later.

Retractions of papers in major scientific journals are extremely rare, and the scandal was a major embarrassment to Japanese scientific research.

In two papers published earlier this year in the journal Nature, the researchers reported that they successfully transformed ordinary [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] mouse cells into versatile stem cells by exposing them to [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] a mildly acidic environment.

Scientists hope to harness stem cells to grow replacement tissue for treating a variety of diseases. The investigation also focused on Sasai and two other employees, though the three were not accused of research misconduct.

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The Tick review

I am the wild blue yonder. The front line in a never ending battle between good and not so good. Together with my stalwart sidekick, Arthur, and the magnanimus help of some other folks I know, we form the yin to villany’s malevolent yang. Destiny has chosen us. Wicked men, you face The Tick.

The Tick live action TV show intro

After the big blue bug’s cartoon show was cancelled in 1996, The Tick’s fans begged for more, and the Fox Network gave it to them in 2001. What we got was a mixed blessing.

If I were to describe The Tick in one catchy soundbite, it would be Seinfeld with funny costumes except Kramer and George are the star and costar. Quite unlike the cartoon, the show focused on the characters of The Tick, Arthur, Captain Liberty, and Batmanuel; mostly everyday life as it applies to superheroes rather than a supervillain of the week. Although people who have actual superpowers occasionally show up, there is very little action and almost no display of super abilities. Like the 2000 movie The Specials, The Tick uses the superhero genre as a comic backdrop for stories that are sillier for having people in tights running around.

The Tick himself is played by Patrick Warburton, who most people would recognize as David Puddy from Seinfeld. He’s certainly built right for the part and has a square jaw and a good shouty voice essential for The Tick. His costume is a foam rubber looking muscle suit with antennae on his head. The antennae weird me out. Half the time they look puppet controlled and half the time they look CGI. I suppose it’s possible they used both effects depending on the situation. They add a bit of extra expression to The Tick’s face and provide some eye candy during long dialogue sequences. The Tick is easily the funniest part of the show, his comically overblown monologues familiar to any fan continue to be the high point of the series. Although the show’s budget doesn’t allow for too much, I also found his casual displays of super strength entertaining.

Unfortunately the live action series seemed to miss what I thought was the funny part about The Tick. In the comic and the cartoon, he was like a child trying to act like an adult. This, to my way of thinking, is funny. [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] The Tick didn’t live in the same world everyone else did, and he was never forced to. He was a man with no past and no identity, as though he simply stepped out of a silver age comic book and expected the world to be like that, and simply ignored those inconvenient parts of it that weren’t. The Tick had no secret identity and seemed unaware that he was wearing a costume. He was simply. The Tick.

The live action Tick seemed more like a man who had forgotten that he ever had a past. He came across [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] not as a child trying to be an adult, but an adult who acts like a child. He is occasionally forced to face the real world and deals with it by simply refusing to pay attention. This is more annoying than funny, and irritates me on the same level as Adam Sandler movies.

As for the rest of the cast, Arthur (David Burke) is still an accountant who buys a moth suit and quits his dull job for the exciting life of a superhero, however ill suited he is to the lifestyle. He’s the only voice of sanity and reason in the cast, which more often than not actually just gets in the way. Although everyone assumes the powerless Arthur is the sidekick, he’s clearly the brains of the duo and often resolves the episode’s conflict.

Batmanuel (Nestor Carbonell) and Captain Liberty (Liz Vassey) are obvious knock offs of Die Fledermaus and American Maid from the cartoon show (who are themselves parodies of Batman and Captain America). The two are made more human and given more character development though for the live action show.

Although Batmanuel is still cowardly, ineffectual, and entirely too full of himself (and fancies himself a ladies’ man), he’s more than the one dimensional comic relief the cartoon character was. He clearly desires to have all of the advantages of being a superhero (fame, women, his picture in the newspaper) without actually having to fulfill the responsibilities of the post (being a role model, helping people in need, fighting evil).

Captain Liberty has more of a direct connection to the US Government than American [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Maid ever did. I gather that she was one of the few competent superheroes in The City and got most of the official recognition until The Tick showed up, with his nigh invulerability, super strength, and blustery attitude, and stole her press. As a result she often displays fits of childish jealousy against him and once tried to get him killed. She has an on again off again relationship with Batmanuel because she has no luck in the dating scene (the civilians are too intimidated and the heroes are too egocentric) and he’s always available.

Overall, the series was twice as good as most of the other dreck you’ll find on TV, but Fox has a way of getting good shows cancelled early (see also Futurama and Firefly), and The Tick is no exception, lasting a mere 9 episodes. They are available in a 2 DVD set, with 6 episodes on one and 3 on the other. Some of them have a commentary track by The Tick creator Ben Edlund but the one I listened to wasn’t very interesting. He was mostly talking about the limitations of the budget, what he was trying to do with the characters, and other such obvious issues. Of the nine episodes, the best was The Tick vs. Justice, and if the rest of them had been that good the series might have stood a better chance.

The Episodes

(In DVD order, which is different from the televised order)

Pilot (good)

The pilot episode introduces the main cast and pits them against The Red Scare (taken from [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] the comic in name only), a large red robot built in 1979 to assassinate President Jimmy Carter. A group of communists somehow got a hold of it after the collapse of the Soviet Union and planned to unleash it on The City as part of a crime wave. Things take an unexpected turn when The Tick, bored with defending a bus station in the middle of nowhere, comes to The City where there’s more crime to fight. Arthur meanwhile quits his job to become a superhero, the two meet Captain Liberty and Batmanuel, and The Tick and Arthur save former president Jimmy Carter from The Red Scare while recycling jokes from the cartoon show. Arthur then forges a friendship with The Tick, who moves into his apartment because he has nowhere else to go.

Trivia: Arthur flies for the first of only two times in the series in the episode. Batmanuel and Captain Liberty’s costumes are noticeably different from the rest of the series. Since most of the clips shown in the opening credits are from the Pilot, this explains why their costumes don’t match what we see in the series.

The Terror (very good)

Set a year after the Pilot episode, Arthur, Captain Liberty, and Batmanuel hold a party on the rooftops to celebrate The Tick and Arthur’s one year anniversary as a superhero duo. This is just a framing device to tell the story of their second adventure. Captain Liberty, jealous of The Tick’s success against The Red Scare, looks for a supervillain for him to fight who can knock him down a few notches. Batmanuel initially enjoys the joke, but when she decides on The Terror (Armin Shimerman) suddenly he doesn’t think it’s so funny anymore. The Terror has been fighting against truth and justice for decades and has sent more than one highly experienced and successful superhero to his DOOM. Fortunately for our heroes, The Terror is 112 years old and quite a bit past his prime.

Trivia: Captain Liberty’s torch/PDA puts The Terror’s birthday at 1905, and another character explicitly states that the episode takes place in 2001, making The Terror only 96 years old, but the Terror admits he’s 112 (and therefore born in 1889). His mother deals with it through straight denial and his sister becomes angry and upset, eventually coming to the point where they have Arthur taken to an asylum where superheroes are deprogrammed. Dave Foley plays the analyst who tries to make Arthur understand that he isn’t special, he’s just like everyone else and is simply having delusions of grandeur in rebellion against a mundane life that he should really be embracing as his own. When his family has second thoughts about what they’ve done, The Tick, Captain Liberty, and Batmanuel storm the asylum to free Arthur and uncover the analyst’s suppressed desire to be a superhero himself.

The License (poor)

In a city full of vigilante heroes, someone has to make sure they’re following the rules and hold them accountable for their actions. In The City this is done through a licensing system, but The Tick doesn’t have a superhero license. Arthur brings him to the DMV to answer a few simple questions and get his license, but the big blue lug doesn’t know his real name, date of birth, or social security number. This is where I think the show really dropped the ball on The Tick. In the comic and the cartoon, no**** knew who he was and came to accept he was simply The Tick, end of story. In the live action show they tried too hard to bring him into the real world, where The Tick simply doesn’t belong. There’s also a side plot involving Captain Liberty trying to date a normal man without letting him know she’s a superhero. Captain Liberty spends most of the episode out of costume, a state of dress extremely rare for every character except Arthur.

Arthur Needs Space (poor)

Arthur bumps into a girl (Missi Pyle) he knew in high school. She was pretty and popular while Arthur was. well, not. Although she wouldn’t give him the time of day back then, now she’s suddenly talking to him and being quite forward in pursuing a relationship. Batmanuel is convinced she is only talking to him because she thinks his superhero suit is ***y ("You think she’s only talking to me because of the suit?" "I am only talking to you because of the suit."), an idea Arthur is decidedly uncomfortable with. Unfortunately his attempts to discover whether or not this is true are hindered by The Tick, who doesn’t seem to understand that superhero teams don’t quite do everything together. I felt this was another poor episode due to The Tick being forced to face the real world again. There’s also a side plot involving nude pictures of Captain Liberty being published in an adult magazine. Fiery Blaze (Ron Perlman) and Friendly Fire are another superhero / sidekick team who bump into The Tick and Arthur while on patrol. It’s a bit unclear if Fiery Blaze actually has any superpowers or not, the pyrotechnics that accompany his appearance could just be a special effect he uses, like Darkwing Duck’s smoke clouds. Either way, the four of them meet for lunch the next day, where it becomes clear that Fiery Blaze horribly abuses his sidekick and takes him for granted. Arthur begins to get worried [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] as The Tick seems to look up to him and is starting to emulate his arrogant attitude toward sidekicks. Friendly Fire quits his partnership with Fiery Blaze and brings Arthur to meet some other disgruntled sidekicks (including a mutant fish man), and Arthur realizes that the Tick isn’t really like that, Fiery Blaze is just being a bad influence. The two make up, and Fiery Blaze shows up to apologize to Friendly Fire for how he treated him and admits he’s lost without his partner. There’s also a side plot involving Captain Liberty attempting to buy a pet dog, but the pet shop owner recognizes the signs of a lonely woman looking for companionship and refuses to sell her one.

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Blake Lively Is Pregnant, Expecting Her First Child With Husband Ryan Reynolds

Blake Lively Is Pregnant, Expecting Her First Child With Husband Ryan Reynolds

Blake’s having a baby! Blake Lively is pregnant and Expecting her First Child With Husband Ryan Reynolds, the actress and model has announced on her website, Preserve.

Somewhat cryptically, Lively launched a Preserve Celebration of Family on her website, celebrating in particular “that special moment at the creation of family.” She published an array of pictures of happily pregnant ladies, and after congratulating “all the Expecting mothers out there,” the Gossip Girl alum added in one extra picture –- of her blooming pregnant belly!

The snap, taken by her brother Eric Lively, shows Blake posing in the twilight, wearing a stunning black and white print dress, cradling her bump proudly.

Lively has been quite vocal about wanting to start a family since marrying Reynolds in September 2024. "I gotta get started," the sunny actress told Marie Claire in its September 2024 issue. "If I could spit out a litter of kids, I would."

Her sentiments mimic those of her hunky husband. "We’d love to have a big family," Reynolds told Details in its August 2024 issue. "We both come from big families — my parents did four, Blake’s did five. A lot of people say it’s crazy, but we’ll only know when we’re there, you know? We’ll walk through that fire pretty happily, I think."

Lively, in fact, hinted in Vogue‘s August 2024 issue that they could be walking through that fire pretty soon. "He’s going to be a great father and leader and patriarch—he’s so meant to be all of those things," she gushed of her hubby. "The fact that he lived so much before we got together, he’s the exact realized person that he should be. And so I get to share my life With the person he’s become, and we get to grow from there." (Reynolds was previously married to Scarlett Johansson from 2024 to 2024. Coincidentally, Johansson welcomed her first child, daughter Rose, With fiance Romain Dauriac earlier this month.)

Lively and Reynolds First met while shooting their 2024 movie, The Green Lantern, and secretly wed in an intimate South Carolina ceremony in fall 2024. Since tying the knot, the A-listers — when they’re not busy promoting new movies or working on entrepreneurial endeavors — have maintained a low profile in their Bedford, N.Y. home.

Read more: Blake Lively Is Pregnant, Expecting First Baby With Ryan Reynolds – Us Weekly
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Is Lindsay Cashing In on Her Hoochie Court Attire

A girl’s gotta get paid somehow. And Lindsay Lohan hasn’t exactly been drowning in movie offers these past few months years.

So what better way to make a buck or two (thousand) than by playing [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] dress up with some generous designers? It’s a win win! Because despite the mostly negative feedback by the press, the fashion police and even her mother, the dresses are a hit with the public, and have routinely sold out. And there’s no getting around the fact that the outfits are garnering the kind of publicity bad and everything in between money just can’t buy.

Or, actually, maybe it’s the exactly the kind of publicity that money can buy. But could this possibly be true? Is Lindsay getting paid to wear designer duds to court? Hang on to your AmEx black card, because this rumor is

While no one is stepping forward to confirm that they’ve traded payola for the chance to use Lindsay as a walking hanger, plenty of designers have been oh [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] so magnanimously gifting Lohan with clothes and accessories for her perp walks into court.

"I doubt in this situation that Lindsay is being paid to wear a designer’s brand the attention that she brings to brands can be a boon for business," a fashion insider tells E! News. To which we say, yeah, no kidding.

"Because of that, it’s likely that many of the items she has worn were given to her as gifts."

So, let’s tally this up, shall we?

While Judith Ripka, purveyor of the evil eye necklace Lindsay donned in court yesterday, has not commented, a source tells E! News that the company did not pay Lindsay to wear the $2,200, 18 karat yellow gold chain and pendant. According to the New York Post, the bauble was a gift from a longtime Ripka customer, 39 year old Eric Freiberg, who sent the necklace to Lohan in February to "ward off bad spirits." Think it’s working?

As for the beige leather Raquel Allegra dress Lindsay poured herself into, a rep for the designer did go on record, [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] telling E! News, "All I can confirm is that she was not paid to wear the dress. I assume she purchased [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] it herself, although it is from a past collection, so it is hard to tell."

Lindsay’s previous court outfit (aka, the appropriate one), a conservative black pantsuit, was widely reported to have come from Chanel, though the French fashion house has neither confirmed that information nor offered any comment on it. We would expect nothing less, but it’s probably safe to assume they did not gift the outfit to Lindsay least, not for this particular occasion. Ditto the Yves Saint Laurent shoes.

Accessorizing that outfit was yet another evil eye necklace, this time loaned to the starlet by designer (and former E! reality star) and frequent party pal Brittny Gastineau. Gastineau openly admitted (to any outlet that would have her) that she felt sad for Linds, and gave her about $5,000 worth [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] of bling to help turn the courthouse steps into her own private runway addition to the $3,000 Diamond Protection Eye Anti Envy necklace, [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] Lohan also donned $1,800 Heart Locket earrings from the Tres Glam designer’s collection.

Which leads us to what started this whole thing off.

Lohan’s infamous first fashion choice by far the most widely criticized the skintight white Kimberley Ovitz minidress. The company declined to comment on how the dress came to be in Lindsay’s possession, but the ensuing publicity (despite its negativity) didn’t hurt the fledgling company, as the dress sold out in record time.

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Using a record brand and two garments traces (to mention only some associated with his / her achievements) Pharrell Williams can be upon his or her way to hiphop tycoon dominic. Recognized conspicuously because brains behind the most identifiable bests an individual surely danced to be able to ("Frontin,’" "I Just Want to Enjoy Ough," "Drop It Enjoy it Scorching," "Shake Your dollars Maker"), he also the major style image espousing hip hop’s advanced search: trouble-free, installed and delicate. N’t i big surprise that he runs his tastes for you to his / her high-class apparel range, Millionaire Males Club. Outside the house these types of improvements within Williams experienced occupation, this individual provides us a great solemn glance into their personalized design and reveals tips about how you can establish yours.

Pharrell Williams Upon Manner

Pharrell Williams (PW): It is all those feelings when you wake each day, in which your head is actually and what the weather’s destined to be just like. In case you stick to those about three items, you are going to continually be true to oneself and your intention is going to be see-thorugh. That’s what I like. I enjoy while situations are clear, free and clear of inhibition and also objective viewpoint.

Feel: Are available items you depend on that will express your lifestyle constantly?

PW: I can’t point out just what I will put on continuously. The minute which i say that, then there’s one thing in me that will tips off of then I want to rescue their life from that. Although I could say that almost certainly for the last 4 years, I have been donning SpongeBob toe clothes, It’s my job to don camo boxers and a extremely delicate Millionaire Guys Membership Sixth is v neck of the guitar or even crew throat, as a possible undershirt. Effectively, my personal hair’s recently been eco-friendly by default, on the other hand have no idea in case it’ll be eco-friendly forever, but it’s certainly not dark and it is not their organic coloration right now. Oh and also our **** art. [When looking at constant style] I’m not anti- anything, however it is in addition not as monochrome for me.

AM: Any assistance regarding unaware guys who awaken and lastly wish to create a clothing?

PW: Nicely, clothing collection is surely an expansion upon persona, if you do not [عزيزي الزائر يتوجب عليك التسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط للتسجيل اضغط هنا] an individual who leaps out your eye-port, you are not really gonna do that manner sensible. If you do, it will appearance and feel being a stretch out. Furthermore, remember my very first tenet in enabling dressed is the place where you really feel each day. So if you’re not true orange to that, it often displays. These are folks the truth is as well as tell on your own "Why are you putting on that will?! It isn’t really you.In . You already know, you’ve probably heard folks state that just before. An individual sort of need to grow to be everything you sporting. It really is such as your exo***** your current exo skeletal frame, if you’ll.

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Jennie Garth ties the knot with David Abrams

Jennie Garth ties the knot with David Abrams

Third time’s a charm: Jennie Garth ties the knot with David Abrams in a beautiful rose-embellished wedding gown during lavish ranch wedding

Jennie Garth ties the knot with David Abrams in ranch wedding | Daily Mail Online

By Kate Thomas for MailOnline
Published: 00:13 EST, 15 July2020 | Updated: 01:53 EST, 15 July2020

They’ve only been together for eight months, but Jennie Garth and David Abrams tied the knot over the weekend in a lavish backyard wedding.

The Beverly Hills, 90210 actress and her partner made their love official during an intimate ceremony at the 43-year-old star’s ranch in Santa Ynez, California on Saturday in front of all their family and friends, including her former co-star Tori Spelling.

Jennie – who has been married twice before – looked every inch the blushing bride in a stunning rose-embellished wedding dress, with matching flowers in her hair.

True love: Jennie Garth wed her partner of eight months, David Abrams, in an outdoor ceremony on Saturday held on her ranch in Santa Ynez, California

The star looked stunning in the fairytale, floor-length dress, which boasted sheer net sleeves and a modest train.

Jennie wore her hair in a low side bun with loose tendrils framing her face, while her husband David – who she met on a blind date last autumn – donned a pale grey suit.

The blonde’s three daughters from her marriage to second husband Peter Facinelli – Luca, 17, Lola, 12, and Fiona, eight – acted as bridesmaids, all wearing different dresses in pretty pastel shades and floral wreaths in their hair.

Family wedding: Jennie’s three daughters from her marriage to Peter Facinelli – Luca, 17, Lola, 12, and Fiona, eight – served as her bridesmaids

Floral theme: The girls all wore different coloured dresses, with matching bouquets and floral garlands tying their looks together


Personalised vows: The couple penned their own vows, which heavily involved the children

Til death do us part: Jennie looked stunning in a white wedding dress with a lace bodice and sleeves, which was embroidered with pretty pink roses

Emotional: Peter reportedly reduced the wedding guests to tears with his sweet words to Jennie and her three daughters, saying he thought of them as his own children

Lost for words: The 43-year-old actress got choked up as she delivered her own vows under the wooden arch

Tissues at the ready! Jennie was seen wiping away tears as David promised to love and cherish her forever

Jennie walked down the aisle unaccompanied and said her vows to Peter under a wooden archway in the stunning outdoor ceremony.

‘Jennie switched off between laughing and getting teary eyed as David said his,’ an eyewitness tells Us Weekly. ‘When they kissed and were pronounced husband and wife, everyone screamed and cheered.’

David reportedly addressed his self-penned vows to his new bride’s daughters before turning to her, making the guests cry when he professed his unconditional love for her three children.

Intimate ceremony: Guests were seated on vintage wooden pews in the stunning outdoor setting

Happy day: Guests cheered and clapped when the couple were pronounced husband and wife

Star-studded: Jennie’s former Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Tori Spelling was in attendance

Party time: Guests tucked into traditional Southern food and sipped on moonshine cocktails

Floral train: Jennie needed a helping hand with her train when walking across the ranch

Jennie couldn’t hold back the tears either and she was seen wiping her eyes on a handkerchief.

The happy couple had organized a tasty buffet of Southern food and moonshine cocktails.
Jennie and David shared their first dance to Elton John’s Your Song and the party got going as the guests cut loose to songs from Marvin Gaye and Barry White.
This marks the blonde beauty’s third marriage; she was with Daniel Clark from 1994 to 1996, and her union with Peter Facinelli ended in June 2024 after almost two decades together.

Tender moment: After the ceremony, Jennie and David headed straight for her daughters and gave them hugs

Adorable: The girls clearly approve of their mother’s new partner and wished them all the best

Picturesque: Guests were seated at wooden picnic in Jennie’s impressive backyard

Third time lucky: The What I Like About You actress was previously wed to Daniel Clark and Peter Facinelli

Romantic: The newlyweds shared their first dance to the tune of Elton John’s Your Song

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Happy Father’s Day with the celebs ;)

Happy Father’s Day.. with the celebs 😉

‘Flexin’ on Fathers Day’: Justin Timberlake makes his fans swoon as he posts cute picture of himself holding son Silas

Justin Timberlake posts picture of himself holding son Silas | Daily Mail Online

By Dailymail.com Reporter
Published: 06:00 EST, 22 June2020 | Updated: 08:46 EST, 22 June2020

Justin Timberlake’s female fanbase might need to take a moment.
On Sunday, the 34-year-old pop singer surely created a unanimous swoon among his followers, as he posted an adorable photo of himself holding his son Silas Randall Timberlake.
‘FLEXIN’ on Fathers Day…’ his post began, showing him flexing his muscles as he held his son who was wearing a ‘I Love Dad’ onesie.


‘Flexin’ on Fathers Day’: Justin Timberlake makes his fans swoon as he posts cute picture of himself holding son Silas on Sunday

‘Happy Fathers Day to ALL of the Dads out there from the newest member of the Daddy Fraternity!! – JT.’ he added.

Justin and wife Jessica Biel, 33, welcomed their son in April this year.
The pop star’s mother Lynn shared the news at the time on her Facebook account.

She said: ‘My amazing son and his beautiful wife have given us the most precious gift in the world!’

Adding: ‘Silas Randall Timberlake! Named after my father and my son! Life is beautiful and we couldn’t be happier! God bless you all and thanks for all the congrats!’
Justin and Jessica had dated on and off for five years before they finally married in an Italian ceremony in October 2024.


Happy Father’s Day! Blake Lively shared this photo of husband Ryan Reynolds on her Instagram page for his first holiday as a parent on Sunday

Meanwhile, there was no shortage of love for other celebrity fathers as they were given touching shout outs on social media including Blake Lively who shared a sweet message to husband Ryan Reynolds for his first holiday as a new parent.

‘I’ve felt so strongly in my heart that you were most likely the father,’ the Gossip Girl alum joked on Instagram along with a cute photo of the Deadpool star carrying daughter James in a baby carrier.
‘Happy Fathers Day!!! … @vancityreynolds Since the day our baby was born, I’ve felt so strongly in my heart that you were most likely the father. #ILoveYouSoMuchItsSilly,’ Blake wrote.

In the photo, the Canadian actor showcases a beaming smile while relishing his father-daughter moment with baby James.

The private married couple have yet to share a photo of their little girl since welcoming her in early January.


Always remember: The late Paul Walker was remembered by only child Meadow


‘My first love’: Chrissy Teigen shared a snap of her father walking her down the aisle for her wedding to John Legend


‘You make a great date’: Lena Dunham posted two of her favorite red carpet moments with her father Carroll


‘Love you to the moon and back’: Kate Hudson shared a close-up snap with father figure Kurt Russell


‘So blessed to grow up with u as their Daddy!’ Tish Cyrus posted a photo of daughter Miley and husband Billy Ray


Number one man in her life: Jessica Alba wished husband Cash Warren a Happy Father’s Day


He gardens! Bruce Willis is pictured in this Father’s Day shout out from wife Emma


‘Poppa bear’: Vanessa Hudgens dedicated her post to her father Greg

ETA: Barack Obama with Sasha and Malia.


Michelle Obama posted a photo on Instagram on Sunday wishing President Barack Obama a Happy Father’s Day. The family is spending the day apart. The photo shows President Barack Obama with Malia and Sasha as young girls

Throwback snap: David Beckham has thanked his dad David Sr. for his continued support and love over the years in a special Father’s Day tribute post

He’s famed for being one of the most devoted dads in showbiz.

And David Beckham was giving back to his own father on Father’s Day this Sunday, taking to Instagram to thank family patriarch David Sr. for tirelessly supporting his career and life choices with a special heartfelt message.

The 40-year-old football legend led the celebrity tributes on social media, posting a retro snap – complete with blonde curtains – of him and his father posing alongside two of his sporting trophy.

‘Happy Father’s Day dad… Thank you for all the support you have given me over the years… To all the dads around the world have an amazing day and enjoy being spoilt by your beautiful children…’, he wrote.


Family matters: The close-knit Beckham clan are constantly showing their support for one another

Feeling the love: The retired sports star was delighted with the gift his children Brooklyn, 16, Romeo, 13, Cruz, 10, and Harper, three, bought him to mark the occasion

David, who is married to Spice Girl-turned-designer Victoria Beckham, also shared a sweet black-and-white snap of his own present from his children Brooklyn, 16, Romeo, 13, Cruz, 10, and Harper, three.

The image shows the star’s heavily tattooed hand bearing a beaded bracelet reading, ‘Daddy’, with love hearts sitting on either side of the word

Adding a host of heart emojis, the delighted father-of-four wrote,’"Lead with Love" the perfect Father’s Day gift’.

Family portrait: Amanda Seyfried (centre) was instantly recognizable in her retro family picture

Everyone from Amanda Seyfried to Rochelle Humes has been jumping on the bandwagon by sharing their own messages of love and thanks for their fathers on social media.


Stunning: Doutzen Kroes posed for a stunning black-and-white shot with her husband Sunnery James and their children Phyllon, four, and Myllena, 11 months


‘Girl’s best friend’: Chloe Green gave a special shout-out to her devoted dad, retail mogul Sir Philip Green

Most went down the flashback photo route, with Chloe Green posting a cute picture of herself cosying up to Topshop mogul Sir Philip Green.

‘Happy Father’s Day to the best Daddy in the world!! My best friend and my inspiration Love you forever and ever #DaddysLittleGirl #GirlsBestFriend’, she gushed.


Heartwarming: Rochelle Humes thanked the dad she ‘never had’ Paul, her husband Marvin and her ‘pops’

Meanwhile, The Saturdays singer Rochelle uploaded a collage of her husband Marvin Humes, the father of her two-year-old daughter Alaia Mai, alongside the two other important men in her life.

She enthused: ‘Happy Fathers Day to these 3…The BEST Dads in the [world] Paul, thanks for being the Dad I never had from telling me off to giving me away on my Wedding day. Marvin, you are everything I always wanted in Dad. Alaia is the luckiest girl alive to have you.

‘Pops, you’re a superstar Dad we all idolise you (and your ****ing) Love you all to the [moon] and back. Have the best day’.

Unconventional: Chris Brown was the only star to give himself a pat on the back for Father’s Day

Meanwhile, Chris Brown had a fairly unusual approach, giving himself a shout-out for being a ‘real father’ to his daughter Royalty, whose mother Nia Guzman has allowed the R&B singer to spend the holiday with the one-year-old.

Displaying his softer side, he wrote, ‘Happy Father’s Day to the real fathers. She changed my life. #GLAD2BEHERDAD’.

Fun-loving: McBusted’s Tom Fletcher showed his support for all the fathers out there in his own way.

She’s loved! Tamara Ecclestone posted a snap of her one-year-old Sophia getting a kiss from dad Jay Rutland

Touching tribute: Presenter Ferne Cotton thanked her father for being so great

Adorable: TOWIE’s Billie Faiers shared a snap of her fiance Greg Shepherd cradling their daughter Nelly when she was a newborn, adding the hastag ‘daddysgirl’


Smothered: Gisele Bundchen shared an adorable image of Tom Brady getting a kiss from his three kids

Happy times: Cheryl Fernandez-Versini was posing on her Father’s lap as a child.

Chris Martin and Apple.
Best of exes: Gwyneth Paltrow posted this touching snap of ex-husband Chris Martina and daughter Apple on Sunday for Father’s Day


Homeless dog left with suitcase at rail station has plenty of offers for new home

Homeless dog left with suitcase at rail station has plenty of offers for new home

Kai had been sold on Gumtree in 2024 (Scottish SPCA/PA

People from as far afield as the US have been offering to adopt a dog which was left at a railway station with a suitcase of his belongings.
The Scottish SPCA has been deluged with well over 100 calls from people offering a new home for shar-pei crossbreed Kai, who was abandoned at Ayr station in South Ayrshire in a tale similar to that of Paddington Bear.
He was discovered tied to a railing outside the building on Friday accompanied by the case containing items including a pillow, toy, food and a bowl.
His story has hit the headlines around the world, from the US to Hong Kong, and the charity has had calls from people in California and Tennessee offering to take him in.

Kai was found with a suitcase full of his belongings (Scottish SPCA/PA)

However it hopes to rehome Kai in Scotland once he has had surgery to his eyelids, which are curled under meaning his eyelashes touch his eyeballs.
Kai, who is aged between two and three, is currently being cared for at the Scottish SPCA’s centre in Glasgow.
A spokeswoman for the charity said: “He needs surgery which is quite a common procedure. He won’t be able to leave till he has had that so he will be with us for the next three to four weeks.”
The pet was sold on the Gumtree website in 2024 and the charity is appealing for information to help trace whoever bought him.
Railway station staff looked after Kai until the Scottish SPCA arrived at the scene on Friday.
Alan Grant, a senior animal care assistant at the Glasgow centre, said: “It would certainly have been very distressing for him at the time he was abandoned.
“He has been tied up to a fence and watched his owners walk away and leave him, and that’s distressing for any dog, even if you just tie your dog up outside the shop and go into the shop, most dogs will panic so it must have been very, very distressing for him watching his owners walk away.
“He’s settled into the centre not bad and he seems very people-orientated, but it’s certainly not the right manner to leave any animal in.”
The charity said abandoning an animal is an offence under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2024 and anyone found guilty of doing so can expect to be banned from keeping animals for a fixed period or life.
