under the county to use artillery fire.

2013 و صور under the county to use artillery fire. 2024 طريقة فيديو

under the county to use artillery fire.

The original attack two years and a half, five miles shops and three pass this Jimingyi Tartar soldiers die Lord Bo Daer, two miles and a half break shuaibing Station, the city is burning and looting, the son can be heard Bayan Meng Xu Lie Bei Qi killed by the Ming army, lieutenant immediately ordered his troops rushed up Linda Da Jimingyi, vowing to slaughter in order to make the city reported Cichou.He also knows Jimingyi than two years and a half to be more difficult to play, so since the rate of a thousand people, marched two miles and a half from the Station to pay the "Lethal Charlie fierce artillery" to Jimingyi advance, then just arrived, I heard that the siege has more thousands of people pandora canada and injured soldiers, the army ordered an immediate retreat, under the county to use artillery fire.

Rao is Jiangbin Xiao Yong, also know when this moment the hopeless situation, he will roll edged sword Liangbing threw to the ground, the pandora charms county Deputy.

"The yellow adults, to abandon the city it."Huang Qiyin gray face defeat, submandibular long to be trembling and said. "abandon the city. My duty to defend you, if abandon the pandora charms and fled, how to explain to His Majesty. Huang Mouning city is willing to live and die."Jiangbin Limang eyes burst flash, county government officials to a congregation shouted. "a broken gate, Jimingyi must fall, do not throw your life ruined by it.

under the county to use artillery fire>

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