Candice Bergen on her weight: ‘I am fat. I live to eat. I don’t care’

Candice Bergen on her weight: ‘I am fat. I live to eat. I don’t care’


She doesn’t care about weight: “Let me just come right out and say it – I am fat. In the past 15 years … I have put on 30 pounds. I live to eat. None of this ‘eat to live’ stuff for me. At a recent dinner party I shared bread and olive oil, followed by chocolate ice cream with my husband. A woman near me looked at me, appalled, and I thought, ‘I don’t care!’”

Her “skinny friends” are “miserable”: “They maintain their weight by routinely vomiting after major meals consisting of a slice of steak or a filet of fish. I am incapable of this. I crave ******s … all the things that dilate my pupils.”

[From Page Six]

Cele|bitchy | Candice Bergen on her weight: ‘I am fat. I live to eat. I don’t care’

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