Florida Teen Gets First Known Penis Reduction

Florida Teen Gets First Known Penis Reduction

Sorry if this is a double post, it disappeared on me.

Florida Teen undergoes world’s First Penis Reduction surgery: study

The unidentified 17-year-old’s ‘massive’ phallus was ‘too large for intercourse,’ according to a report published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. It was almost 7 inches long and had a circumference of 10 inches when flaccid.



A Florida teenager had surgery to make his Penis smaller because he couldn’t "penetrate his partner" or play competitive sports, doctors at the University of South Florida claim.
A Florida teenager has successfully undergone the world’s First Penis Reduction surgery, doctors at the University of South Florida claim.
The unidentified 17-year-old’s “massive” phallus was “too large for intercourse,” according to a report published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Shaped like an American football, it was almost 7 inches long and had a circumference of 10 inches when flaccid.
“It sounds like a man’s dream — a tremendously inflated phallus — but unfortunately, although it was a generous length, its girth was just massive, especially around the middle,” Dr. Rafael Carrion, the urologist who treated the teen, told the Daily Mail.
The well-endowed patient, who “reported inability to penetrate his partner,” had asked for the operation after the shape of his Penis also restricted his ability to play competitive sports, the study says.
“There comes a time in every urologist’s career that a patient makes a request so rare and impossible to comprehend that all training breaks down and leaves the physician speechless,” Carrion reportedly said.
Since he was 10, the teen, who has a history of sickle cell disease, had three episodes of priapism — a medical condition in which the Penis stays erect for hours — that “progressively” led to his Penis deformity, surgeons said in the report.
Doctors were able to make it symmetrical.
USF did not return calls for comment, and Carrion could not immediately be reached.
The average length and circumference of a Penis is about 13 and 9 centimeters, respectively, according to the study.

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