Death of Gen. Daud Abdullah and Defense Minister Rajha by the terrorist bombing that targeted a building of national security

Death of Gen. Daud Abdullah and Defense Minister Rajha by the terrorist bombing that targeted a building of national security

Damascus, (SANA) –

Today’s terrorist bombing targeted a building of national security in Damascus.

The terrorist bombing occurred during the meeting of Ministers and a number of leaders of the competent authorities which led to the Death of Gen. Daud Abdullah preponderant and Minister of Defense and the occurrence of injuries among the assembled some serious.

[مكتبة رمزيات death note اكثر من280 رمزية من رفعي وبأسم المدونة وعلى13سرفير]

..[مكتبة رمزيات death note اكثر من280 رمزية من رفعي وبأسم المدونة وعلى13سرفير]..


كيفكم يـآآعضـآء الجيمز جي بي ..؟؟

ان شـآء الله بخـخ ــير ..؟؟

يسعدنى ان اقدم لكم رمزيات للأنمى الرائع ديث نوت


موضوعى يحتوى على اكثر من 280 رمزية من مجهودى و رفعى وسرقتى كاعادة خليجية (تجميعى)

وليت من المشرفين يثبتوآ :GB (357):


وهذه صور من بعض الرمزيات منها المتحرك ومنها الثابت :



التحميل :

13 سيرفر [ حصري ]

اضغط عالصورة للتحميل















سيتم الرفع عليه


آخيرآ :

ارجو ان تقدرو تعبي وياليت لو ثتبتو الموضوع وتردو وتقيموو وتتواجدو ~> كل شي منكم مقبوول :GB (345):


good bye

Anime : death note

Anime : death note

مفكرة الموت : death note

لايت ياجامي شاب حاد الذكاء يمقت ما انتشر فيالعالم من حوله من جرائم تثير الإستياء وكذلك الفساد الذي استشرى في الدنيامن حوله. ينعطف مسار حياته ليدخل في درب شديد العنف عندما يعثر على مذكرة غامضةاسمها "Death Note" (مذكرة الموت) ملقاة على الأرض. تشيرالتعليمات المكتوبة داخل المذكرة إلى أنه إذا كُتب اسم أحد الأشخاص، فإن هذا الشخصسوف يلقى مصرعه، بعد تجربة المذكرة يتأكد لايت من مصداقيتها. فينضم إليه ضيف مفاجىء – ألا وهو مالك المذكرة السابق، الشينيغامي المدعو ريوك. يخبر لايت ريوك بأنه سوف يتخلص من جميع المجرمين فيالعالم، ويبقي على حياة الأبرياء وطيبين. وعندما ينتهي من بناء عالمه الفاضل، سوفيحكمه بإعتباره "إله العالم الجديد".سريعًاما يسترعي الكم الكبير من حالات الوفاة غير المفسرة للمجرمين إنتباه منظمة الشرطة الجنائية الدوليةوكذلك إنتباه أحد المحققين الغامضين"إل". يعلم إل بسرعة بأن القاتل المتسلسل الذي أطلق عليه العامة اسمكيرا (Kira) (مأخوذة من اللفظ الياباني للكلمةالإنجليزية "killer"بمعنى "قاتل")، موجود فياليابان، ويستنتج أيضًا بأنه يستطيع أن يقتل من يشاء بطريقة خارقة للطبيعة ومن دونلمسه. يدرك لايت بأن إل سيكون العائق الأكبر أمامه، ومن هنا تبدأ بينهما مطاردةتعتمد على الذكاء تشبه مطاردة القط والفأر.يحاوللايت إبعاد الشبهات عنه عن طريق مساعدة إل وفريق الشرطة في القبض على كيرا. تتعرقلخطة لايت عندما يظهر كيرا ثاني، عارضة الأزياء الشهيرة ميسا ومرافقتها الشينيغامي رٍم. عندما تتمكن ميسا من معرفةهوية لايت السرية تقوم بتعقبه إلى منزله، فيشرعان بتنفيذ خطة مشتركة، لكن حب ميساالزائد للايت يدفعها لإرتكاب بعض الأخطاء الأمر الذي يدفع إلللشك بهما بشكل متزايد، فيتم القبض على ميسا لاحقا. من أجل إنقاذ حياتهما يقوم كلمن لايت وميسا بالتنازل عن ملكية مذكرة الموت بشكل مؤقت – الأمر الذي يرجع كلمنهما إلى حالة البراءة عن طريق مسح جميع الذكريات المتعلقة بعمليات القتل التيقاما بها سابقا – ويتم إحتجازهما تحت مراقبة إل المستمرة.خلالفترة الحجز يظهر كيرا ثالث، الأمر الذي يؤكد برائتهما بسبب عدم أمكانية تنفيذ الجرائمخلال الحجز، ولكن إل يفرض عليهما الإقامة الجبرية في مقره الخاص. يتمكن فريقالشرطة من تحديد هوية كيرا الثالث على أنه أحد أعضاء مجموعة اليوتسوبا، كيوسوكيهيغوتشي، فيلقون القبض عليه بعد مطاردةعنيفة. عقب لمس لايت للمذكرة يسترجع جميع ذكرياته التي تم مسحها وبالتالي إستعادة ملكية مذكرة الموت "تماما كماخطط مسبقا". عند فحص المذكرة يتأكد الفريق من وجود شينيغامي. يستكمل لايت خطته المعقدة عندمايتلاعب برٍم من أجل دفعها لقتل إل ومساعده واتاري -بسبب إنتهاكها قواعد عالم الشينيغامي لقتلها إل من أجل حماية ميسا -ونفسها. عقب موت إل، يحل لايت محل ويصبح "إل الثاني" ليستكمل بعدهاتمثيليته المزيفة للقبض على كيرا.يستكملسرد الأحداث بعد 4 سنوات، في الوقت الذي يتمتع فيه كيرا بالدعم الكبير من عامةالناس حول العالم. يظهر شابان صغيران تمت تربيتهما كورثة لـ إل، – نير، وهو محققيعمل مع الحكومة الفيدرالية للولايات المتحدة، وميلو، وهو عضو من أعضاء المافياالأمريكية. كأول تحرك له ضد كيرا يقوم ميلو بإختطاف رئيس وكالة الشرطة الوطنيةاليابانية من أجل الحصول على المذكرة من الشرطة، لكن هذه الخطة تتعرقل عندما يقوملايت بقتل المدير. يقوم ميلو بالتركيز على عائلات أفراد فريق الشرطة، يختطف ميلو سايو أخت لايت كبديل لمدير الشرطة، يتم إنقاذهابسرعة ولكن الفريق يخسر المذكرة لصالح ميلو. من أجل إستعادتها، يبادل والد لايت سويشيرو نصف عمره المتبقي مع ريوك مقابل الحصول على "عيون الشينيغامي" – القدرة على رؤية أسماءالأشخاص عند رؤيتهم. خلال عملية الهجوم على مقر ميلو يعرف سويشيرو اسم ميلو الحقيقي، ولكن لا يقومبقتله. فيتم أطلاق النار عليه عدة مرات، ليموت لاحقا في المستشفى.بعدذلك، يبدأ نير وبعض أفراد فريق الشرطة بالإشتباه بإن لايت هو نفسه كيرا. إستجابةً لذلك، يقتع لايت ميسا بالتنازل عنملكية مذكرة الموت خاصتها ويجهز "كيرا" آخر، تيروميكامي، وهو مدعي عام وداعم متحمس جدالكيرا. يقوم ميكامي بقتل المتحدث باسم كيرا لجشعه ويعين كيومي تاكادا، وهي هي مذيعة أخبار وصديقة لايتالسابقة كمتحدثة جديدة باسمه. يخبر لايت تاكادا بأنه هو كيرا الأصلي، عالمًابمراقبة نير له ولكيرا الإخرين، يقوم بوضع خطة مضللة من أجل إخفاءمكان وجود مذكرة الموت الحقيقية.يرجعميلو ويختطف تاكادا، التي تقتله بواسطة قطعة مخفية منمذكرة الموت. يقوم لايت بجعل تاكادا تنتحر خوفا من من توريطه في حال تم القبض عليها، لكن ميكامي، من دون عٍلم بفعلة لايت، يحاول قتلتاكادا أيضا. مما يكشف مذكرة الموتالحقيقية التي قام بإخفائها، الأمر الذي يفضح خطة لايت في اللحظة الأخيرة. في ذروةالقصة يلتقي كلا الفريقين في "مستودع الصندوق الأصفر". ليضم إليهم ميكامي، الذي يقوم بكتابة أسماء جميعالموجودين باستثناء لايت. يكشف نير بأنه قام بإستبدال مذكرة ميكامي الحقيقية بأخرى مزيفة، من خلالالأسماء المكتوية في المذكرة يستطيع نير إثبات أنلايت هو كيرا. يفقد لايت صوابه ويحاول إستخدام آخر قطعة متبقية معه من مذكرة الموتلقتل نير، لكن عضو فريق الشرطة ماتسودا يطلق النار عليه عدة مرات. يدرك ريوك

بأن لايت قد خسر فيستخدم مذكرة الموتخاصته لقتل لايت بنوبة قلبية، تماما كما وعده بأنه سيفعل يوما ما منذ بداية القصة



و بس ^^

New Evidence the Black Death wasn’t Actually A Bubonic Plague After All

New Evidence the Black Death wasn’t Actually A Bubonic Plague After All

Black Death-plague: Skeleton teeth reveal Black Death was an airborne illness, not a bubonic plague as once thought.

New Evidence the Black Death wasn’t Actually a Bubonic Plague After All

At least 75 million people—including more than half of Britain’s population—are believed to have died during the 14th and 15th centuries from the Plague known as the Black Death. For years, the fatal disease’s spread was widely blamed on infected rats’ fleas. But now, thanks to a trove of 25 skeletons unearthed by work on a new London railway line last year, scientists now believe the disease was instead likely airborne. How was this historic information gleaned? Teeth pulled from the centuries-old skeletons.

The Guardian with the details of the toothy discovery (emphasis mine):

By extracting the DNA of the disease bacterium, Yersinia pestis, from the largest teeth in some of the skulls retrieved from the square, the scientists were able to compare the strain of Bubonic Plague preserved there with that which was recently responsible for killing 60 people in Madagascar. To their surprise, the 14th-century strain, the cause of the most lethal catastrophe in recorded history, was no more virulent than today’s disease. The DNA codes were an almost perfect match.

According to scientists working at Public Health England in Porton Down, for any Plague to spread at such a pace it must have got into the lungs of victims who were malnourished and then been spread by coughs and sneezes. It was therefore a pneumonic Plague rather than a Bubonic plague. Infection was spread human to human, rather than by rat fleas that bit a sick person and then bit another victim. "As an explanation [rat fleas] for the Black Death in its own right, it simply isn’t good enough. It cannot spread fast enough from one household to the next to cause the huge number of cases that we saw during the Black Death epidemics," said Dr Tim Brooks from Porton Down.

The skeletons were excavated After they were found by construction crews working on the Crosstrail Line in London’s Charterhouse Square. Teams of archaeologists, scientists, historians and physicists are continuing to examine the remains for more information about both the Plague and life during those centuries, according to theAssociated Press. More more on the discovery here and here.

Clint Eastwood Saves Fellow Golfer From Choking To Death

Clint Eastwood Saves Fellow Golfer From Choking To Death

Clint Eastwood to the rescue — saves life of choking AT&T tour****nt director – On Golf with Ron Kroichick

Cracks me up that 83 year old Clint could manhandle a big guy like this. Kudos to him. Everyone should know the Heimlich!

************************************************** *****

Dirty Harry had his back — and for that Steve John is eternally grateful.
John, 50, is chief executive officer of the Monterey Peninsula Foundation and tour****nt director of the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. He was talking to Clint Eastwood at the tour****nt’s volunteer dinner Wednesday night, when John started Choking on a piece of cheese.
خليجيةClint Eastwood, fortunately, was lurking behind Steve John on Wednesday night. (AP photo)

Eastwood, 83, immediately leaped into action, lifting John off the ground as he successfully performed the Heimlich maneuver.
“I don’t know how a guy that age picked up a guy my size, but he did,” John said in a phone interview this morning.
Eastwood, known mostly for his acclaimed career as an actor and director, is a part owner of Pebble Beach and an active, behind-the-scenes presence at the tour****nt.
“I gave him three good jolts, and that got it out,” Eastwood told the Carmel Pine Cone. “The look on Steve’s face was different than when some**** is just coughing or joking around. I looked in his eyes and saw that look of panic people have when they see their life passing before their very eyes. It looked bad.” The dinner is an annual event on the night before the start of the AT&T Pro-Am, as a way to thank the event’s 2,100 volunteers. Clay Walker, Darius Rucker, Kenny G, Ray Romano and T-Bone Burnett were among the entertainers who performed at Wednesday night’s dinner at the Monterey Convention Center (they also are playing in the golf tour****nt).
John was drinking water and having a couple of appetizers when he began choking. The next thing he knew, Eastwood had popped loose the piece of cheese.
“I probably shouldn’t have been eating and talking at the same time,” John said. “I was kind of blurry afterward, but I thanked him profusely. I started to drink water (afterward), and Clint said I needed lemon in the water. He knew the acid helps. … I’ve got a lucky angel, man."

‘Tonight Show’ star David Brenner is on death bed

‘Tonight Show’ star David Brenner is on death bed

‘Tonight Show’ Legend David Brenner — On Death Bed |



David Brenner — who holds the record for number of appearances on the "Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson — is on his death bed and people close to him say it’s just a matter of days.

Sources close to Brenner say the 78-year-old comedian has cancer that has been aggressive … spreading rapidly.

We’re told Brenner slipped into a coma this week … and doctors don’t expect him to pull through.

David sat on Carson’s couch 158 times … and even hosted the "Tonight Show" a few times.

He was also a frequent guest on Howard Stern’s radio show.

Christopher Reeve’s Son Matthew Remembers His Iconic Father 10 Years After Death

Christopher Reeve’s Son Matthew Remembers His Iconic Father 10 Years After Death

Christopher Reeve’s Son Matthew Remembers His Iconic Father 10 Years After Death


This past Friday marked 10 Years since the Death of acting great Christopher Reeve.
The "Superman" icon, who died in 2024 at the age of 52, was not only a film legend but a force in the world of spinal cord injury treatment, having suffered an injury himself in 1995. That injury left him confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Matthew Reeve, the actor’s son and champion for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, came out to Comic Con in New York over the weekend to reminisce about his late Father and reveal "The Big Idea" campaign, which has introduced a device that has dramatically changed the lives of four injured individuals through epidural stimulation. The device has helped these men "to recover voluntary movements" with their legs and even stand, according to the organization’s website.

Reeve – flanked by four wheelchair-bound men, all wearing Superman shirts – addressed the audience at Comic Con on Saturday, by sharing what his famous Father was like in everyday life.

"I absolutely understand how everyone sees him as Superman," Reeve said. "To me he was dad and he was just awesome. He could fly an airplane, he could sail a boat, he was an accomplished piano player. Just the other day, I found some of his stuff and it had this sheet music in it … To me, it looked like someone had just taken ink and thrown it at the page, but he minored in music theory."

Reeve, 34, added that things like "table manners" were important in his household and "all the stuff that dads and kids usually go through. He was also gigantic, 6-foot-4 and muscular, so even more intimidating. But he was just great, really wonderful."
Some of Matthew’s favorite memories of his Father include "being with him in the cockpit of his plane."

"I can’t tell you what an avionics dashboard means to a little kid," he said. "I was sitting there and there were just screens and buttons and hinges … By the time I was 9, 10, or 11, I was a bit more responsible and I would do stuff like lower the landing gear, lower the flaps and do fun stuff like that. We got to the stage, we would do certain approaches … just that, it’s just the two of you. You’re up 10,000, 12,000, 15,000 feet in the air; you’re spending time."

After the Comic Con panel, Reeve spoke to ABC News and touched on his father’s untouchable legacy as Superman.

"Superman was the original superhero and dad did such a fantastic job in his performance that for a lot of people, he just personified the role so strongly that it almost be impossible to disassociate," he said. "Still to this day, which is a source of pride."


PHOTO: Christopher Reeve and son Matthew Reeve during "Magical Birthday Bash" to Benefit The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation at Marriott Marquis in New York, Sept. 25, 2024.

Reeve, a producer, director and writer in his own right, said his Father was even more impressive After he suffered the horse riding accident that left him paralyzed almost 20 Years ago.

"It was incredible to see really a ****morphosis, an evolution. I mean, he was always an advocate before," he said. "But to really take on this cause and become the voice of a whole community of people that previously didn’t have one, and embrace this role was really inspiring."

Reeve also shared how far research has come since his Father died more than a decade ago.

"The Big Idea" treatment is technological, not biological, and "when stimulated, the participants can also voluntarily control their legs and bear weight," the website adds. The fact that it’s technological, means there’s great control over it, Reeve continued.
Only four people have received this treatment, but Reeve added the goal is to raise $15 million for 36 more patients and then beyond.

Reeve said his Father "would be absolutely thrilled" with all the progress that’s been made and that today’s treatment is the *****alent of a 1991 cell phone. But the goal is to soon get to the "smartphone" version. To further explain, this device has 16 electrodes that interface with the spinal cord, Reeve said it needs to be thousands or potentially millions.

"It’s the beginning of the end, we know the road ahead, we know where we want to get. It’s just a question of getting there," he added. "When my dad was alive it really was if there will be an effective way of treating spinal cord injuries, that question’s been answered … the ultimate goal is to have a world with empty wheelchairs."

Christopher Reeve’s Son Matthew Remembers His Iconic Father 10 Years After Death – ABC News

Here all his children (from last year) – Will Reeve on the right (his mother was Dana Reeve who died 17 months After Chris)

تحميل لعبة سباق سيارات والقتل Death Race: The Game v1.0.4 Android

تحميل لعبة سباق سيارات والقتل Death Race: The Game v1.0.4 Android

Death Race: The Game v1.0.4


Welcome to the Death Race, the most extreme sports event on Earth, where hardened convicts race to the Death to earn their freedom. Now you can experience the supercharged, ****l-crushing intensity of the movie in a Game for your iOS device!

You choose the weapons and the vehicles as you put your life on the line and race for your freedom in this explosive game. In a race where losing means death, are you ready to do whatever it takes to defeat your opponents, before they defeat you? With fast cars, big guns and realistic graphics, Death Race will have you on the edge of your seat!


– 12 tricked out vehicles (sport, trucks, SUVs, and muscle!)
– 4 super sexy co-pilots!
– Striking graphics and incredible courses.
– Varied Game modes: Story, Daily, Ladder, and Challenge.
– Share your souped up car on Facebook!
– Amazing jumps, drifts, battles and explosions!
– Spectacular non-stop action – just like the movie!












5Old Disney Star: Cops Investigating Death Threats

5-Year-Old Disney Star: Cops Investigating Death Threats


A deranged individual is threatening to kill the 5-year old girl who plays Charlie Duncan on Disney’s "Good Luck Charlie" … and TMZ has learned Cops are taking it very seriously.

According to police docs obtained by TMZ … Mia Talerico began receiving threatening messages last month on her Instagram — including one reading, "Die Mia, F**king Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die."

The suspect then sent a picture of Mia’s head with a bloody fist covering it … with this message, "Yes, kill you stupid bitch."

Mia’s mother contacted Disney security … LAPD’s Threat Management Unit got involved … and now Cops are making a full court press to track down the suspect.


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – 5-Year-Old Disney Star: Cops Investigating Death Threats