‘Tan Mom’ Patricia Krentcil on the red carpet at Howard Stern’s 60th birthday bash

Brandon Howard Is Michael Jackson’s Biological Son

Brandon Howard Is Michael Jackson’s Biological Son


Paternity test results show there is a 99.999 percent chance Michael Jackson fathered Brandon Howard. The results were revealed during a live-streamed press conference FilmOn.com.

“This is the only living son of the late Michael Jackson that is known to exist,” one of the panelists said, hinting at questions about Michael’s other children’s true paternity.

To my fans, family, and friends, despite recent allegations, I did not authorize the testing of my DNA to be compared to that of the late Michael Jackson nor did I contact TMZ regarding the publication of the story.

This spring, I agreed to be a part of a ********ary with FilmOn.TV and was asked to give a sample of my DNA. Even though I agreed to this I never expected it to be used in this manner.

To this day, I have never claimed to be Michael Jackson’s son nor do I have any intention of pursuing the family’s estate.

Corey Feldman, who was close friends with Michael Jackson, added of Brandon, “I’ve never met two people more alike in my life. The first time he came into my house, I felt like Michael Jackson was walking into my house today.”

Rumors about Michael Jackson fathering Brandon have been around for years, largely because of the story’s feasibility: Brandon — who goes by B. Howard — is a 31-year-old singer and producer. His mother, Miki Howard, was represented by Joe Jackson in the early 1980s. She commonly went by “Billy” back in those days. Shortly after Brandon was born, Michael released Billie Jean, which contains the lyric “the kid is not my son.”

There are lingering doubts about the paternity test, which was performed using DNA from one of Michael Jackson’s old retainers that was later purchased at an auction.


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Brandon Howard Is Michael Jackson’s Biological Son

Tom Hanks’ son unloads on Howard Stern in profanity-filled tweets

Tom Hanks’ son unloads on Howard Stern in profanity-filled tweets

Wonderwall, Tuesday, March 31,2020, 3:06pm (PDT) By Mark Gray

  • Tom Hanks‘ rapper son has long had a feud with Howard Stern, but his hatred for the host went over the top on March 30.
    Chet Haze took to Twitter to absolutely unload on the shock jock, threatening to assault the host and trying to coerce Howard into letting him be a guest on his Sirius radio show

    In a profanity-filled post, Tom’s second-born son said Howard’s show wasn’t funny and that his act was "outdated."
    "The young generation doesn’t know you,” Chet said.

    Over time, his tweets became more and more volatile.
    "Do you have any idea how badly I am going to assault you when I see you," he tweeted, aimed at Howard. "You can’t run from me forever."

  • خليجيةخليجية

    Chet’s beef with the host stems back to 2024 when Howard mocked Haze for his rap persona, especially given his wealthy upbringing. Other hosts have echoed Howard’s sentiments, but none of them have felt Chet’s social media ire quite like Howard.
    Chet seems aware of how this will all be played out in the media, but he says he’s unaffected by it.
    "I AM A WALKING PR DISASTER," he tweeted in a another obscenity-laced tweet. "I DONT LIVE MY LIFE BY ANY****S RULES BUT MY OWN…"