‘American Horror Story’ Ben Woolf Dies from Head Injury

‘American Horror Story’ Ben Woolf Dies from Head Injury

Heard about the accident this morning. He played Meep. Sad.

خليجيةBen Woolf from "American Horror Story: Freak Show" has died in an L.A. hospital from injuries suffered last week when he was hit by a passing car.
A source close to Woolf tells us he died from a stroke on Monday afternoon. He had been heavily sedated at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center since the accident last week.
TMZ broke the story … Woolf — who played Meep on the hit show — got clipped in the Head by the side view mirror of an SUV as he was crossing a street in Hollywood. The driver was not arrested or ticketed because Ben was jaywalking.
Woolf’s family tells us — "We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from all over the world for our beloved Ben. He touched so many hearts in his 34 years."
Over the weekend, doctors upgraded his condition to stable — but warned it was still touch and go since he had not woken up.
We’re told Ben’s organs are being donated and will help about 50 people.
Family members tell us they’re planning a memorial service in Santa Barbara.

Shia LaBeouf – Head Injury on Set

Shia LaBeoufHead Injury on Set

Shia LaBeouf Hospitalized with Massive Head Injury Following Stunt Gone Wrong

6/24/2015 12:03 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

خليجيةShia LaBeouf received 20 stitches and 13 staples to his Head and finger following a bloody onset Injury while filming a movie in North Dakota … TMZ has learned.

According to our sources, LaBeouf was shooting a scene early Wednesday morning for his upcoming movie "American Honey" … which called for him to put his Head through a glass ******** We’re told something went wrong and LaBeouf cut himself badly.

We’re told LaBeouf was taken to a nearby hospital to treat cuts to the left side of his Head and his right index finger.
He was bandaged up — stitched and stapled — and sent home.

A rep for Shia tells TMZ, "Shia LaBeouf sustained minimal injuries late last night on the set of his current film, ‘American Honey.’ As protocol, production sought out medical attention and Shia received stitches on his hand and for a laceration on his head. He is due back on set [Thursday]."

Read more: Shia LaBeouf — Hospitalized with Massive Head Injury … Stunt Gone Wrong | TMZ.com

Meh, the headline led me to believe it was worse, as in juicy.

Andrew Getty found dead w/traumatic rectal injury

Andrew Getty found dead w/traumatic rectal injury

(Inserting side eye)

Andrew Getty, grandson of Getty Oil tycoon J. Paul Getty, found dead in Los Angeles home with traumatic rectal injury: report

The grandson of oil tycoon J. Paul Getty was found dead in his L.A. home Tuesday with an injury to his rectal area, likely the result of an accident or from natural causes, the coroner confirmed.
Andrew Getty was found in the bathroom of his Hollywood Hills home around 2 p.m. after his ex-girlfriend called 911 reporting that he was suffering from cardiac arrest,according to TMZ.
Getty’s former flame, who was in the home at the time of death, has been detained by police. The 47-year-old suffered a traumatic injury to his rectal area and paramedics found significant bleeding due to the injury, the site reported.
Getty was found naked from the waist down and suffered blunt-force trauma, but it was unclear how the injury was caused,the Los Angeles Times reported.
While the death appeared to be from natural causes, it was called an accident because of medication found at the scene, according to Los Angeles County coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter.
"The tentative information that we do have is that he was not feeling good for the last couple months," Winter said. "And he supposedly had an appointment tomorrow with a personal physician."
Getty’s parent’s Ann and Gordon Getty confirmed his death in a statement.

“The family has requested that members of the media and the public respect its privacy during this extremely difficult time,” a family spokesman said in the statement.
Getty had a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend and the unidentified woman had been placed under psychiatric care in the past after injuring cops when they responded to the house.
Representatives from the Los Angeles County coroner’s office were seen at the sprawling home Tuesday afternoon.

Getty bought the 70-year-old villa in 1996. It was once the home of three-time Oscar-winning film composer Miklos Rozsa.
Police have been called to the residence 31 times, mostly for domestic disturbances, and have found drugs at the house in the past, according to TMZ.
Getty’s father, Gordon Getty, 81, has been considered one of the richest people in the U.S. by Forbes for decades. The financial magazine put Getty’s wealth at more than $2.1 billion.

Andrew Getty’s grandfather, industrialist J. Paul Getty, founded Getty Oil and was America’s first oil billionaire.
Another Getty grandson, J. Paul Getty III, lost an ear in a grisly kidnapping in Rome when he was a teenager. The family reportedly stalled on paying a ransom, and the kidnappers cut off part of his ear, sending the severed organ to a newspaper to prove they had taken him captive.
The oil heir, then 16, was freed after five months in captivity and a payment of $2.7 million. He died in 2024 at age 54.

خليجية خليجية

أصابه دونغهي و آون هيوك و سونغ مين و يي سونغ دونغ هي في دريم تيم Dongha injury and Aven Hyuk and Sung Min, Ye Sung Dong are in Dream Team

أصابه دونغهي و آون هيوك و سونغ مين و يي سونغ دونغ هي في دريم تيم Dongha injury and Aven Hyuk and Sung Min, Ye Sung Dong are in Dream Team

دونغهي حصل على أصابه من تقريباً نهايه التسجيل لدريم تيم , سقط في الماء , حصل على كدمه في ركبته وقليل من الألم في ساقه , الدكتور لم يسمح لدونغهي بإكمال التصوير .
دونغهي عاد ليضع ضماد مره أخرى . جرحه ليس كبير جداً لكنه ينزف الكثير من الدم , لدى دونغهي 3 جروح . سونغ مين وخز بالأبر في ذراعه الأيمن و ضع لصقه مسكن للألم على كلتا ذراعيه الأيمن والأيسر .

سونغ مين وآصل التحدي . دونغهي كان يصرخ ويشجع ثم فجأه لي توك ضرب رأسه , وكأنه يريد من دونغهي أن يلتزم الهدوء , يي سونغ و دونغهي يحتضنان كتفا بعضهما , في النهايه سونغ مين فشل .

يبدو أن ذراع آون هيوك تحمل أصابه , ذهب خلف الكواليس للقيام بالعلاج الأن فقط . دونغهي ذهب إلى خلف الكواليس ليعالج ساقه , آون هيوك رافقه خلال الجلوس بجانبه , كلا منهما لايتوقع منهم التصوير في المره المقبله .
Inhwan (المخرج) حمل دونغهي إلى الرعايه ( دونغهي أصيب في الساق اليسرى وتسرب الدم خارج الضماد ) هناك فان سألته ” هل أنت بخير ؟” دونغهي أجاب ” أنا بخير ” شين دونغ ذهب ليرى دونغهي و يي سونغ في الخيمه بينما سونغ مين و آون هيوك يصورون في الأمام , و لي توك يستعد لتسجيل أيضاً .
أكملو التصوير , آون هيوك خلع جاكيته قبل التحدي , دونغهي كان بالفعل خلفه ليساعده بحمل جاكيته … آون هيوك خلع جاكيته وأعطاه لدونغهي , دونغهي طواه بشكل صحيح و وضعه على الكرسي .
آون هيوك نجح بإكمال التحدي !! أكمله بسرعه البرق ! لي توك و سونغ مين ذهبو وهنئوه , دونغهي لم يذهب إليه على الفور بسبب اصابته في الساق , آون هيوك عاد إلى المقاعد و ضرب يد بيد مع دونغهي , دونغهي مسك رقبه آون هيوك وعانقه .
يي سونغ خرج من الخيمه , أصيب خصره , Pokka قالت أنها سمعته يصرخ عندما كان يتلقى العلاج … دونغهي توقف نزيف ركبته اليسرى , لكنه يحتاج إلى مدير أعمالهم ليمسكه حينما يمشي , كان يمشي بشكل غير متوازن … كلا من يدي سونغ مين أصيبو , الدكتور أعطاه علاج الوخز بالأبر , وأخذت كلا من يديه العلاج المماثل , يبدو أنه مؤلم T__T .

‘American Horror Story’ Ben Woolf Dies from Head Injury

‘American Horror Story’ Ben Woolf Dies from Head Injury

Heard about the accident this morning. He played Meep. Sad.

خليجيةBen Woolf from "American Horror Story: Freak Show" has died in an L.A. hospital from injuries suffered last week when he was hit by a passing car.
A source close to Woolf tells us he died from a stroke on Monday afternoon. He had been heavily sedated at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center since the accident last week.
TMZ broke the story … Woolf — who played Meep on the hit show — got clipped in the Head by the side view mirror of an SUV as he was crossing a street in Hollywood. The driver was not arrested or ticketed because Ben was jaywalking.
Woolf’s family tells us — "We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from all over the world for our beloved Ben. He touched so many hearts in his 34 years."
Over the weekend, doctors upgraded his condition to stable — but warned it was still touch and go since he had not woken up.
We’re told Ben’s organs are being donated and will help about 50 people.
Family members tell us they’re planning a memorial service in Santa Barbara.