CDAN October 15th 2024 – Quick And Dirty

CDAN October 15th 2014Quick And Dirty

Blind Item #1
This foreign born still A list mostly movie actor has seen better days since his one big monster movie hit which is fast approaching a decade ago. Anyway, there was a time last year when he was dating this foreign born actress. They actually went out for a few months and then after a few months she asked when she was getting paid. It turns out she only goes out with guys for money. Well, our actor says he never pays, but wanted to get back at this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is really well endowed and shows it off. So, our actor told the actress/hooker that the well endowed actor would pay her so he set them up. Apparently our well endowed actor did pay up but dumped her after a second time together but not before she got called his girlfriend too in the tabloids.
Popular Guess: Gerard Butler, Madalina Ghenea and Michael Fassbender

Blind Item #2
This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor from a franchise that is taking forever to get going again has made a couple of million dollars the past few years, but he and his celebrity girlfriend have blown all their income on drugs and only have a place to live because producers of his movies pay for his accommodations and meals.
Popular Guess: Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle

Today’s Blind Items- Quick And Dirty
#1 – Kindness- This married A list mostly movie actress has not worked as much recently since she won an Academy Award.This weekend though she saved this former B list talk show host turned probably failed reality star. Nothing life saving, but the former reality star got caught up in donating at an event and realized she did not have that kind of money and told the A lister who stepped up and covered the amount so the reality star would not lose face. It was just under $50K.
Popular Guess: Reese Witherspoon/Natalie Portman and Maria Menounos

#2- This former B list mostly movie actress turned failed actress turned I got a lucky break and am famous again because of a cult hit had a morning interview the other day and explained her coke use in the dressing room as the only way she could ever be up that early.
Popular Guess: Tara Reid

#3- This B list mostly movie actress with A+list name recognition who does other things on the side threw a fit the other day when a class was canceled and combined with the exercise class she attends. She said she didn’t want anyone within ten feet of her because she thought they would take photos which caused everyone else to be on top of each other and all hate her.
Popular Guesses: Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr. X Blind Item #1
Which A-list rapper had his PR team go out and send cease and desist letters to several blogs which posted a pic of him giving a professional to another man?

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #2
What B-list singer and celebrity spawn dubbed the singing voice of that A-list actress and Oscar winner/nominee in that movie where she sings those ’80s cover songs? She went uncredited for this job (but got a nice paycheck), and was pissed off when the actress did the talk show circuit saying she had so much fun singing.

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #3
What A++ list rapper and mogul is actually 3 yrs. older than he says he is? His birth year magically changed when he started seeing his wife, who also is 3 years older than she says she is.

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #4
What aging former A+ list diva singer/actress pulled the "don’t you know who I am" card when waiting in the checkout line at Whole Foods? The cashier definitely knew who she was and ordered her to go to the back of the line like all the rest of the people, which she surprisingly did (not without some bitching and moaning).

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #5
What former boybander is getting ready to ditch his beard? They immediately went in two different directions after posing on the red carpet for an overseas premiere. He to his boyfriend, she to a much older man.

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #6
Which B-list talk show host and that A-list reality star are set to spoof their staged "feud" at an upcoming awards show?

Crazy Days and Nights: Mr.X Blind Item #7
What former A-list tweener doesn’t have a new "girlfriend", she’s just his sober coach?

صور Rachel Bilson – John Galliano’s readywear Spring/Summer 2024 collection in Paris, October 1, 2024

صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2010 Rachel BilsonJohn Galliano’s ready-to-wear Spring/Summer 2011 collection in Paris, October 1, 2010 اغاني البوم mp3 2024

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صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2024Rachel BilsonJohn Galliano’s ready-to-wear Spring/Summer 2011 collection in Paris, October 1, 2024

CDAN October 18th 2024 – 9 Blind Items

CDAN October 18th 2014 – 9 Blind Items

Blind Item #1
Everything was going great at dinner between this long time celebrity couple. The couple consists of a former A list mostly movie actor who was on a hit network television show and has been working non-stop for decades. His wife is an actress too and has had almost as much success. When our actor started drinking though, things got crazy and when he took his shirt off at dinner things went awful. The attempts at hugging all the women as he left just kind of put things over the edge, but the wife was patient. No yelling.
Popular Guesses: Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick

Blind Item #2
At an event the other day, this A list male model/part-time reality star/sometime actor would not stop hitting on this female A list model who also happens to be besties with someone A+. When she asked him about his girlfriend, he said they have an understanding. The female A list model then held up her cell phone where she had been ****ing his girlfriend and showed him that she didn’t have the same understanding he did.
Popular Guess: Tyson Beckford and Karlie Kloss (Taylor Swift as the A+ list)

Blind Item #3
This foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor who is now an A and maybe moving down to A- is not thrilled with the latest news about his relationship that has been released. Apparently he was told the whole thing was an accident, but he has his doubts. He split with every other woman that ever wanted this because he doesn’t.
Popular Guess: Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively

Blind Item #4
This aging A- list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee who has A+list name recognition. Despite her age she also has a big problem with bulimia and failed to pass a recent physical and saw her part in a number one movie go to an actress of the same generation.
Popular Guesses: Michelle Pfeiffer, Glenn Close

Blind Item #5
This aging former A list mostly television actor from a hit network show turned A list mostly movie actor turned mostly television actor on another hit network show is married. His wife and everyone knows on the set of his show though that his stylist does no styling and is his long time male lover. Our actor refuses to ever come out of the closet and at this point in his career after hiding for decades, no one really expects him to.
Popular Guesses: Tom Selleck, James Spader, Ted Danson

Blind Item #6
This B list celebrity/singer would probably be C- if not for her A++ list family member. Our B lister was getting in her car to go to an event this week and someone noticed all the bruises and black and blue marks and cuts all over our celebrity’s ****. It looked like a car accident victim. After several minutes of discussion our celebrity changed into something which would cover her from head to toe.
Popular Guess: Solange Knowles

Blind Item #7
This aging former A+ list singer turned bad actress turned singer turned everything shills for a weight loss company but gets lipo every time she has to film a commercial for the company.
Popular Guess: Marie Osmond

Blind Item #8
Smiles out front and daggers behind. This current A list model who does not do runway, wants to be famous for more than modeling and wants her own show. She takes every chance she can to tell producers they should fire this particular talk show host and hire our model instead who says she will get lots more viewers and especially guys to watch. Meanwhile she pretends to be the bff of the talk show host.
Popular Guesses: Amber Rose, Christine Teigen, Kate Upton

Blind Item #9
People don’t seem to be willing to forgive this former cable A list host who is slipping to B because of the hate. A person confronted the host this weekend and the host started yelling at the person. Obviously lesson not learned.
Popular Guess: Paula Deen

Crazy Days and Nights: blind item

CDAN October 23rd 2024 – Kindness

CDAN October 23rd 2014 – Kindness

Blind Item #1
This former almost A+ list mostly television actress who went from late night to movies to prime time now does a little bit of everything. What she and her best friend don’t do though is talk to this A+ list mostly movie actor who started in roughly the same spot or his frequent co-stars. There is definitely a war between two sides and you have to clearly come down on one side or the other if you are from their group.
Posted by ent lawyer at 6:30 AM 35 comments
Popular Guess: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Adam Sandler

Blind Item #2
These more well known than most former American Idol contestants who have been in a relationship forever might be ending it soon if she finds out about him cheating while she was on the road with her show.
Popular Guess: Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young

Blind Item #3
His kids were not supposed to be there so it probably came as a shock to this B list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition to step out of the shower and have the young kids of her married lover in the bathroom with her.
Popular Guess: Katie Holmes

Blind Item #4
It all seems crazy at this point. This B list mostly movie actress still thinks she has a future with her B list mostly movie actor boyfriend even though he never comes home and she always hears about him spending time with other women and crashing at their homes. A shared bond can only take you so far.
Popular Guesses: Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling, Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis

Blind Item #5
This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner has been cheating on his girlfriend, but what made him mad was he caught her ****ing her girlfriend telling her that she was only "f**king the old crazy man for the money."
Popular Guess: Al Pacino

Blind Item #6
This married B list mostly movie actress says that when she cheats on her former A+ list athlete husband it is just because she is keeping her options open for the future.
Popular Guesses: Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade, Janet Jones and Wayne Gretzky

Blind Item #7
This foreign born still somehow A list model thinks her husband is long over his thing for his co-worker, but they still hook up every chance they get. It is usually out of town, if not out of the country.
Popular Guesses: Claudia Schiffer and Matthew Vaughn, Kate Moss and Jamie Hince

Blind Item #8
This former A list mostly television actor from a hit network show turned movie actor usually just cheats on his wife with fans. This time though he cheated with a movie actress who is also a recent co-star and it is making things very complicated.
Popular Guesses: Chris Pratt, Steve Carell, John Krasinski

Blind Item #9
Quietest separation ever for this former A list model turned actress married to a former A list athlete. They both cheated so this is best for both of them.
Popular Guess: Brooklyn Decker and Andy Roddick

Blind Item #10
This former almost A list mostly movie actress who used to be at the same level at the same time as the subject of the Kindness blind earlier today turned B list television actress freaked out while out the other day and started talking to herself and threw nail polish bottles all over the floor before walking out of a salon.
Popular Guesses: Selma Blair, Ashley Judd

Today’s Blind Items – Kindness
I have talked a lot of smack about this actress over the years. It didn’t have to be that way. I actually used to have a crush on her way back in the day and then she went and got all strange and decided to have an affair with a married guy who was a co-star and got into a love triangle and it was just a big mess and it seems like her once promising barely A list movie career turned into a B- lister who is living off that earlier fame. Not so much of a Kindness to start, but she is doing some amazing things for those less fortunate and actually has raised millions of dollars for orphans and has fostered ten children herself over the years and has raised money for missions to help orphanages in other countries and to get group homes built and schools and to provide them with the best chance of getting adopted by a family and if they can’t, to at least make sure they have the best life and education to succeed on their own when they get older. She works hundreds of hours a year on the cause and gets little to no recognition for what she does.
Popular Guesses: Julia Stiles, Meg Ryan

CDAN October 09th 2024 – Kindness

CDAN October 09th 2014 – Kindness

Blind Item #1
This married foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is very good looking left at intermission of an event he was attending when he hooked up with the woman he came to see. After making out for most of the intermission they decided to not go back in and instead left in his car.
Popular Guess: All of them

Blind Item #2
This married B- list mostly whatever kind of work I can get because the only reason I am this high is because of my name actor got drunk and hands with the wait staff at a recent event and even followed one of the waitresses in the kitchen to give her a hard time for not responding to his groping in a positive fashion.

Blind Item #3
This A- list mostly television actress from a hit cable show thought her married A- list actor boyfriend was being faithful with her, but he is also hooking up with this multi-faceted celebrity offspring.
Popular Guess: January Jones and Ethan Hawke

Blind Item #4
Apparently there is trouble in paradise between this former franchise A list mostly movie actress and her female lover. Our actress hooked up with a male co-star and made arrangements to leave her constantly by her side female companion behind when she saw the actor again so they could be uninterrupted.
Popular Guess: Kristen Stewart and and Nicholas Hoult

Blind Item #5 – Kindness
This one is special just because of the effort that went into it. This A+ list singer always visits hospitals and never with cameras. People use their cell phones sometimes, but she never asks for publicity. Recently while in Paris, our singer visited a children’s hospital and apparently studied French for two months knowing she was going to do this just so she could talk to the children in their ******** as much as possible.
Popular Guess: Taylor Swift

Blind Item #6
I really can’t make them much easier than this. Apparently the reason this former A list tweener turned B- list mostly movie actress broke up with her on again off again on again off again on again off again former boyfriend is she saw a video he has on his phone of this A list reality star turned celebrity naked in her now ex-boyfriend’s bed. The former tweener told several people the other night but tabloids will never ask these questions even though she would have spilled.
Popular Guess: Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner

Blind Item #7
There was something sad about this aging former A+ list mostly movie actress who rose and dropped so quickly but keeps her A+list name recognition because of one role, drunk and breasts falling out of her top the other night as she kept hitting on guy after guy at a big event.
Popular Guess: Sharon Stone

Blind Item #8
I really wasn’t expecting this from her, but this B list mostly movie actress who is pregnant was drinking wine from a coffee mug at a restaurant the other night and had several glasses.
Popular Guesses: Liv Tyler, Zoe Saldana

Blind Item #9
"I needed a night away without the kid(s)."

B- list mostly television actress who throws around her name every chance she gets talking to one of her friends. What she needs is a night with her kid(s). The only time she ever sees the kid(s) is when there is a photo op or sometimes when she is home changing clothes. It was all about the money and that is all that matters.
Popular Guess: Melissa Joan Hart

Today’s Blind Items – Kindness
Short, but very sweet. This currently single, but formerly married to an actor A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is the go to person for a few vets around LA. If someone comes in with an animal that is injured and the owner can’t afford to pay for the procedure, the vet will get in touch with the actress who has spent several hundred thousand dollars of her own money to pay vet bills the owners think are being paid for by some grant or the vet being being nice. The actress has never said no when asked.
Popular Guesses: Hilary Swank, Melanie Griffith

صور Salma Hayek – arrives at the opening night gala of the second Doha Tribeca Film Festival, October 26, 2024

صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2010 Salma Hayekarrives at the opening night gala of the second Doha Tribeca Film Festival, October 26, 2010 اغاني البوم mp3 2024

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صور images فضيحة فضائح Pictures 2024Salma Hayekarrives at the opening night gala of the second Doha Tribeca Film Festival, October 26, 2024