Anne of Green Gables star Jon Crombie outed at funeral

Anne of Green Gables star Jon Crombie outed at funeral

Scroll down to June 14th. I was really surprised his sister stated that he was gay but chose to keep his orientation private. I know that there have been rumors about that circulating for years since he never married nor was seen with a woman. Although I did read he had girlfriends. He probably knew how to avoid the spotlight, besides Anne of Green Gable stars were never front page celebrity news. That is good, they used common sense to avoid being tabloid fodder. Anyway, I can imagine despite the fact he is dead, a lot of female fans will be disappointed. He was cute and a nice guy. According to his sister, he came out a few years ago.

Kevin Spacey outed by Andy Cohen?

Kevin Spacey outed by Andy Cohen?


Kevin Spacey is part of a gay rumor after Bravo talk show host and Real Housewives producer Andy Cohen accuses the A-list Hollywood actor of being gay and hiding it from the rest of the world. Cohen himself is a homosexual, and would like to see the movie star come out if he’s truly gay. The Watch What Happens Live host has a number of bomb***** stories in his new book, and this one is in regards to 55-year-old Spacey.

A segment of Andy’s book, The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year, is revealed by Radar Online. Cohen shares an incident that happened at the September 2024 U.S. Open competition, when he spotted Kevin with three friends. He hinted that it was obvious to him the actor was into men.

Cohen writes in his book, “Kevin Spacey was in front of us with what looked like a face full of makeup and three male companions who were definitely not raising any questions.”

A discussion between Cohen and CNN’s Anderson Cooper talked about Kevin Spacey and how he values his privacy. Cohen writes in his memoir that he’s not fond of what Spacey said about being in love.

“I still get enraged when I think about him talking about being in love with that woman on ’60 Minutes.’ Come out, sir.”

Kevin’s sexuality is pure speculation, and no one has tried exposing the actor for his sexuality.
Spacey told the Daily Beast in 2024 in that he has his rights to privacy, and that it’s a shame young people in this country are bullied based on sexual preference. He points out how “shameful” it is other people around the world take so much abuse due to lack of rights.

“… Your saying that you are gay and that is how you walk about in the world and it has nothing to do with your true private life is a good distinction for you to draw. But it’s not such a good distinction for other people. Personally, I don’t really think that distinction exists. Look, I think finally this is a very important issue to be discussed. I do. Mainly because of how sad it is that young people in this country—and even around the world where they don’t have the freedoms and rights we do—are being subjected to the kinds of abuse they are being subjected to. That’s what is shameful.”

Kevin Spacey gay rumors might spark up again after Andy Cohen’s claims. Do you think Cohen’s suspicions are true

Read more at Kevin Spacey Gay Rumor: Takes One To Know One? Talk Show Host Says Famous Actor Is A Homosexual

Anti-Gay State Rep Outed By Guy He Was Trying To Pick Up On Grindr

Anti-Gay State Rep Outed By Guy He Was Trying To Pick Up On Grindr


Anti-Gay State Rep Outed By Guy He Was Trying To Pick Up On Grindr

by Dan Savage • Apr 28,2020 at 12:14 pm


What’s funnier than a straight anti-gay bigot named "Breda" (Brēd-ä)? A closeted gay Republican elected official named "Randy Boehning."

Grand Forks Herald:خليجية
A North Dakota lawmaker who sent an explicit photo of himself to another man says the exchange being made public is retaliation for a recent vote against expanding gay rights. State Rep. Randy Boehning, a 52-year-old Republican legislator from Fargo, says a Capitol employee told him a fellow lawmaker vowed to out him as gay if he continued to vote against bills granting gays legal protections against discrimination. Boehning refused to identify at this point who he believes is behind the purported political payback for his vote against Senate Bill 2279, the third such bill defeated in the past six years by North Dakota legislators.

Ha ha. No. Randy Boehning wasn’t Outed by a political operative. The Gay Mafia, of which I am a member (Laurie Bell just Outed me as a member), didn’t out Randy Boehning. Neil Patrick Harris didn’t get his gal pal Ellen to do it. This American hero did it:

The exchange came to light when Dustin Smith, a 21-year-old Bismarck man with no known connections to the Capitol, contacted The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead earlier this month, saying he recognized Boehning from a gay dating smartphone app called Grindr. Chatting under the user name Top Man!, Boehning sent Smith sexually suggestive messages and, in the early morning hours of March 12, an unsolicited photo of his penis, according to exchanges reviewed by The Forum. "How can you discriminate against the person you’re Trying to Pick up?" Smith said in a recent interview.

So it wasn’t the Gay Mafia. It was the much, much younger man Randy Boehning was Trying to Pick up on Grindr who recognized the State legislator and then decided to do the right thing and out the hypocritical bastard. There aren’t a lot of 21-year-old guys on Grindr who could Pick one of their State legislators out of a lineup—so, hey, props to the political aware and politically righteous Dustin Smith. He done good.

What does Randy Boehning have to say for himself?
1. On sending dick pics: "That’s what we do, exchange pics.” Amongst other things. (See also: spit, spunk, barbs, rings.)
2. On voting against protections for gay people even though he’s gay people himself: "Boehning… voted against multiple attempts to extend protected-class status to include sexual orientation because he doesn’t believe his south Fargo constituents support it."

3. On being out of the closet now: "Boehning, who is not married, said there are people who know he is gay, but many of his family members and friends do not. He said Saturday he is also attracted to women and was relieved to come out because he no longer has to worry about being outed. ‘The 1,000-pound gorilla has been lifted,’ he said."
Wait a second—Randy Boehning is attracted to women too? My apologies to the bisexual community for opening this post with a thoughtless act of bisexual erasure. Like this bi guy told Tracy Clark-Flory in a piece she wrote for Salon about bisexual invisibility in 2024…

“Whenever, say, some prominent heterosexually married male public figure has a same-sex affair, literally everyone rolls their eyes at the ‘closeted homosexual,’” he says. “I’m not sure I remember ever hearing someone seriously entertain the possibility that the philanderer was bisexual.”

Hey, everyone, let’s not literally roll our eyes and call Randy Boehning a closeted gay Republican elected official—and that’s just what most people are calling him—instead let’s strike a blow for bisexual visibility by literally rolling our eyes and calling him a closetedbisexual Republican elected official instead.
So, yeah, Randy Boehning is all yours, bisexual community! Enjoy him!


i can’t believe his name is actually randy boehning. amazing.

CNBC co-anchor Simon Hobbs accidentally ‘outed’ Apple CEO Tim **** as gay

CNBC co-anchor Simon Hobbs accidentally ‘outed’ Apple CEO Tim **** as gay

CNBC co-anchor Simon Hobbs accidentally ‘outed’ Apple CEO Tim **** as gay

The TV reporter was caught up in a discussion about the rarity of openly gay CEOs when he said, ‘I think Tim **** is open about the fact he’s gay.’

Simon Hobbs is likely wishing he could press rewind.

The CNBC co-anchor spoke too soon during a live segment of "Squawk on the Street" Friday when he accidentally outed Apple CEO Tim ****.

New York Times columnist and CNBC contributor James B. Stewart spoke about his recent column dealing with the "tortured life" former BP chief John Browne led as a closeted gay CEO.

"I just found it very, very fascinating," Stewart said about Browne being the first CEO of a Fortune 500 or FTSE 100 company to publicly acknowledge that he is gay after being outed by a tabloid.

Shortly after, Browne resigned from BP in 2024.

"Of course, there are gay CEOs in major companies," Stewart continued. "I reached out to many of them."

Upon speaking to the closeted gay CEOs Stewart was aware of, he realized how none were willing to be identified although their initial interaction was pleasant.

"I got an extremely cool reception," he recalled, adding that "not one would allow to be named at all."

"I think Tim **** is open about the fact he’s gay at the head of Apple," Hobbs said. "Isn’t he?"

An awkward silence followed as Hobbs quickly realized his snafu.

"Hmm, no," Stewart said shaking his head.

"Oh dear, was that an error?" Hobbs asked. "I thought he was open about it."

While **** has been candid about his support of LGBT rights, he has never publicly spoken out about his own sexuality or addressed Hobbs remarks.

"I applaud @WhiteHouse decision to ban #LGBT discrimination at fed contractors," he tweeted June 17. "House must act on #ENDA. A matter of basic human dignity."

Confirming Hobbs error, co-anchor David Faber said, "Wow, I think you just … yeah."

Still Hobbs tried to conceal his mistake by saying, "I think he’s very open about it."

Read more: CNBC co-anchor Simon Hobbs accidentally ‘outed’ Apple CEO Tim **** as gay – NY Daily News

oh boy…that sucks for ****. i bet it is difficult knowing things about people (whether it be celebrities, business people, whoever) and remembering what you can and can’t say.