French President Francois Hollande Ends Relationship with First Lady

French President Francois Hollande Ends Relationship with First Lady

French news agency reports Francois Hollande has ended relationship with first lady after affair rumours | CTV News

C’est fini: Francois Hollande Ends Relationship with French First lady

خليجية This Sunday May 6, 2024 file photo shows French president-elect Francois Hollande and his companion Valerie Trierweiler celebrating his election victory in Bastille Square in Paris, France. A French news agency has reported that President Francois Hollande has ended his Relationship with his companion of seven years Valerie Trierweiler. (AP Photo/Francois Mori, File)

Greg Keller and Sylvie Corbet, The Associated Press
Published Saturday, January 25, 2024 1:27PM EST
Last Updated Saturday, January 25, 2024 3:07PM EST

PARIS — French President Francois Hollande has split with the country’s First Lady two weeks after a tabloid reported that the leader was having an affair with an actress, an official said Saturday.

A presidential aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter, confirmed that Hollande ended his seven-year Relationship with Valerie Trierweiler.

The breakup was First reported by French news agency Agence France Presse, which said Hollande told it in a telephone conversation Saturday evening that "I make it known that I have put an end" to the Relationship with Trierweiler.

Hollande, who has four children with former presidential candidate Segolene Royal, told the news agency that he was speaking in a personal capacity and not as head of state.

He and Trierweiler have lived together since 2024, and while they’re unmarried, Trierweiler occupied the so-called madame wing of the presidential palace, travelled abroad with Hollande and functioned as the First lady.

Hollande had dodged questions about Trierweiler’s status since a Jan. 14 news conference at which he refused to say whether the 48-year-old journalist was still the First lady.

Those questions surged to the front pages of the world’s newspapers after Closer magazine reported that 59-year-old Hollande was having an affair with Julie Gayet, a 41-year-old actress. The magazine published photos showing a man it said was the president, wearing a helmet and seated on the back of a scooter, allegedly being taken to a rendezvous with Gayet.

Trierweiler checked into a hospital for a weeklong stay after the tabloid’s report about the affair, during which suspense continued to build over the next twist in the love triangle.

Hollande promised at his news conference to clear up confusion over the identity of his First Lady before a scheduled Feb. 11 state visit to the U.S.

A Hollande biographer said the public disintegration of his Relationship with Trierweiler had to be very difficult on him.

Hollande is "someone who is totally modest and reserved, so to go through this in public must be terrible for him," said Serge Raffy, whose 2024 biography "The President" was published shortly after Hollande was elected.

After Trierweiler’s hospital stay, she spent several days to rest at a presidential residence in the formal royal haunt of Versailles.

The President and Trierweiler are both scheduled to spend several days abroad. She is headed on a humanitarian trip to India on Sunday and Hollande is travelling to Turkey on an official visit Monday.

Hollande remains one of the most unpopular presidents in French history, but his approval ratings were nearly unchanged after news his Relationship was on the rocks began to spread.

It wasn’t clear what security detail Trierweiler might have in India. Her spokesman, Patrice Biancone, didn’t respond to repeated requests for comment from The Associated Press.

The affair has led to much hand-wringing in the French media about whether the country’s famous laissez-faire attitude about presidential infidelities was breaking down, as well as a debate over the border between a president’s public and private life.

A spokesman for parliamentary Socialists, Thierry Mandon, said on BFM TV that France doesn’t need a First lady.

"We’re not in a traditionally Anglo-Saxon country where the private life is dramatized, like in England or even more so in the United States," Mandon said. "We’re in a republic, and in a republic those with legitimacy are those who’ve been elected."

On the streets of Paris, opinions were divided over how to view Hollande’s breakup.

"He hid that from us. What else is he hiding?" restaurant **** Herve Charriere said.

Clara Rosenbois, a 23-year-old law student, was more forgiving of the president.

"I find it honest to clarify and at last make a decision like a man," Rosenbois said. "He should act the same way in politics, in an upright manner."

French news agency reports Francois Hollande has ended relationship with first lady after affair rumours | CTV News

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Grandson of president Richard Nixon to be divorced from his billionaire heiresss wife

Grandson of president Richard Nixon to be divorced from his billionaire heiresss wife

Billionaire grocery heiress files for divorce from Richard Nixon’s Grandson after three years of marriage

  • Andrea Catsimatidis filed for divorce from Christopher Nixon Cox
  • She is the daughter of John Catsimatidis, the billionaire owner of Gristedes grocery chain
  • He is the only son of Richard Nixon’s daughter, Tricia Nixon

The oddball political marriage of Richard Nixon’s Grandson to a much-younger billionaire grocery heiress is ending after three years.
Andrea Catsimatidis filed for divorce on Wednesday from Christopher Nixon Cox in Manhattan family court.
It’s unknown what caused the break up, which began with a lavish 2024 ceremony at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan. Some of New York’s biggest political names – including Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger – were in attendance.

Trouble in paradise: Andrea Catsimatidis. 24. Christopher Nixon Cox, 36, were pictured together on a European vacation in July. She filed for divorce on Wednesday

Catsimatidis caused a stir this week when she posed for this photo with her mother and former president Bill Clinton. Hillary attended Catsimatidis’ wedding

Catsimatidis is the daughter of John Catsimatidis, the owner of the Gristedes grocery chain and a former New York City Republican mayoral candidate. His fortunate is estimated at $3.1billion.

Their lavish 2024 marriage at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel included many of New York’s biggest political heavy hitters

Taking china by storm: The couple toured Beijing last year to retrace the steps of Cox Nixon’s grandfather during his famous 1972 visit to China

Nixon Cox is the only son of Richard Nixon’s daughter Tricia Nixon and Edward Cox, the longtime New York Republican State Committee.

Nixon Cox met Catsimatidis at her exclusive all-girls New York high school when he was campaigning for John McCain in 2024. She was just 17 at the time.

Catsimatidis, seen here with her father John in 2024, was just 17 when she met her future ex-husband when he made a campaign stop at her high school in 2024

Nixon Cox is 11 years older than Catsimatidis, now 24.
After their courtship, Catsimatidis became the talk of the Long Island social scene when she starting showing up to Nixon Cox’s staid political gatherings wearing skin-tight skirts and bosom-bearing tops.
Last year, the couple traveled to Beijing to retrace Richard Nixon’s seminal 1972 trip to China.
The couple have not commented on the split or what may have caused it.
They were we last pictured on a romantic European vacation together in July shortly after Catsimatidis celebrated her 24th birthday.

His parents are Tricia Nixon, daughter of Richard Nixon, and Edward Cox, a longtime New York state Republican party chairman

Andrea Catsimatidis files for divorce from Richard Nixon’s grandson Christopher | Daily Mail Online

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Black Prep School President Steps Down After Mocking White Classmates

Black Prep School President Steps Down After Mocking White Classmates

This is an interesting story IMO. She posted the offending pic to her personal instagram but it cost her the class presidency. Just like real life politicians, you need to be mindful in your private life as it will spill into your public life.

Black Prep School President Steps Down After Mocking White Classmates
By Beth Greenfield, Shine Staff | Healthy Living – 23 hours ago..

Maya Peterson in the controversial photo. Photo: Instagram via BuzzfeedThe most expensive Prep School in the country, the Lawrenceville School, spent much of its spring semester mired in racial tensions as its first Black student-**** President was forced to step Down for “mocking” White male students on Instagram.


In the photo that Maya Peterson posted of herself to Instagram in March when she was a senior, she poses as a typical “Lawrenceville boi” — wearing a Yale sweatshirt and duck boots, holding a hockey stick. It’s hashtagged #romney2016, #confederate, and #peakedinhighschool.

“I understand why I hurt people’s feelings, but I didn’t become President to make sure rich White guys had more representation on campus,” Peterson told BuzzFeed, which reported the story on Monday. “Let’s be honest. They’re not the ones that feel uncomfortable here.” Peterson graduated from Lawrenceville, a private School near princeton, N.J., in June.

Still, according to the school’s student publication, The Lawrence, After a group of students *****ed Dean of Students Nancy Thomas to the post, Thomas met with Peterson and decided it would be best for her to step Down as president. Thomas, the story notes, felt “it was not fitting of a student leader to make comments Mocking members of the community.” And so Peterson resigned, saying through an email to the student ****, “As your Student **** President, it is my job to do what is best for the community, but as a student it is my job to do what is best for myself. With that said, I have decided to step Down as President of The Lawrenceville School.”

Though the Lawrenceville School — where annual tuition is around $53,000 and the student **** is 55 percent white, 21 percent Asian, and 16 percent black/Hispanic — would not comment directly on the Peterson situation because of “privacy” issues, it did release the following statement to Yahoo Shine:

“The Lawrenceville School works hard to foster an inclusive, open, and engaging atmosphere that gives all students opportunities to be heard, feel respected and succeed. We do not tolerate racial discrimination and have had few issues on campus for many years now. Like any institution in America, we appreciate the challenge of having discussions about issues of diversity, and we remain committed to developing young people’s abilities to engage with these issues in productive ways.

“We respect the privacy of our students so we will not comment on the particulars of disciplinary situations. Every student knows we expect them to meet basic standards for honesty, integrity, and respect for others. ‎In turn, we recognize that adolescents make mistakes and give our students every chance to be successful. But, they also know there are consequences for their actions and ultimately they will be held accountable for their behavior. Their actions, and only their actions, guide that process.”

Peterson, who now lives in New York City, according to her Facebook page, could not be reached for comment by Yahoo Shine. But she told BuzzFeed that the controversy over her leadership started long before the Instagram photo, with cries from some students suggesting that the election she’d won had been fixed. She also notes that some of her initiatives as President — to institute a “diversity representative” on the student council board, and to create gender-neutral bathrooms, for example — were not well-received. She caught flak later in the year, she explains, for raising her fist in a “black power” salute along with several other students for a yearbook photo. But Peterson, a lesbian, says it was always her aim to reach out to minorities who often felt overlooked on campus. “The younger kids told me they felt comfortable opening up to me in a way they didn’t with other people,” she tells Buzzfeed.

Fellow Lawrenceville students seem torn over the situation. One told BuzzFeed that Peterson’s actions seemed “hateful,” while another called her “a great face of the New Lawrenceville.” On Twitter, commenters have been torn:

Chet Cannon ✔ @Chet_Cannon
Not impressed by Maya Peterson. I’m White (not rich/no confederate flags). Her HS tuition is $53,000 and she’s shaming "rich, white" people?

Impatience @Discomfort__
Thank you, Maya Peterson, for being you and for doing what I was afraid to do 6 years ago you have forced Lawrenceville to have this convo

“I’m not saying what I did was right,” Peterson told BuzzFeed. “But it wasn’t racist. I was just calling those guys exactly what they are. And Lawrenceville is the type of place where those kids are idolized.”…ml?cache=clear

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خليجيةTaiwan voters re-elected incumbent president Ma Ying-jeou on Saturday, endorsing his push for closer ties with Beijing and removing a potential irritant in Sino-U.S. relations.

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