How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

As we’ve previously reported, only about 1% of the budget of the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States goes to local pet ****ters, and the organization doesn’t operate any ****ters of its own. Not that you’d learn these facts from HSUS’s ads, which are full of dogs and cats.
An examination of HSUS’s 2024 tax return (the most recent available) reveals that although the extreme animal-liberation group took in more than $130 millionin revenues, very little went to local pet ****ters. How much went to help pet ****ters in your state? Take a look at the map below (PDF). The answer may shock you.
Of its $130 million in revenues, HSUS gave less than $10,000 to help local pet ****ters care for pets in 29 states. ****ters in nine States – Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Utah – didn’t receive a single dime from HSUS to help them care for pets.
If only 1% of HSUS’s budget goes to local pet ****ters, where Does the other 99% go? A few examples of wasteful HSUS spending:

Instead of funding the lavish lifestyles of HSUS execs who are socking away your donations in off-shore hedge funds, consider donating to pet ****ters in your area.

HumaneWatch | HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

How Does the Humane Society of the United States Spend Their Money?

HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

As we’ve previously reported, only about 1% of the budget of the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States goes to local pet ****ters, and the organization doesn’t operate any ****ters of its own. Not that you’d learn these facts from HSUS’s ads, which are full of dogs and cats.
An examination of HSUS’s 2024 tax return (the most recent available) reveals that although the extreme animal-liberation group took in more than $130 millionin revenues, very little went to local pet ****ters. How much went to help pet ****ters in your state? Take a look at the map below (PDF). The answer may shock you.
Of its $130 million in revenues, HSUS gave less than $10,000 to help local pet ****ters care for pets in 29 states. ****ters in nine States – Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Utah – didn’t receive a single dime from HSUS to help them care for pets.
If only 1% of HSUS’s budget goes to local pet ****ters, where Does the other 99% go? A few examples of wasteful HSUS spending:

Instead of funding the lavish lifestyles of HSUS execs who are socking away your donations in off-shore hedge funds, consider donating to pet ****ters in your area.

HumaneWatch | HSUS ****ter Spending in Your State

Berek, Rasul, Renwik and Rufus United states minor outlying i

Berek, Rasul, Renwik and Rufus United states minor outlying i
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