The Money Map Method Your Roadmap to Online Success

The Money Map Method: Your Roadmap to Online Success
The Money Map Method: Your Roadmap to Online Success
**** Product: The Money Map Method: Your Roadmap to Online Success – Video Bootcamp Series
COST: $97
Author: Declan O’ Flaherty
Size: 625 MB



A full blown, no holds barred, exclusive training series delivered to you in 9 modules spanning over 4 hours that can be watched Online and ed to Your hard drive in video, audio and ppt pdf format.Get ready to take notes! Declan will spill his guts letting you in on EVERY secret there is to building and running a successful, profitable Online business …without a budget!

HERE are just some of the awesome things you’ll discover…

The best places to search for hungry buyers actively looking for solutions to their problems

The Reason why 94% of people have abysmal open rates when it comes to their email marketing вЂ" and how you can easily avoid it from the very beginning

Why most people don’t opt-in on squeeze pages to get emails, but to freebies вЂ" and why Your subscribers will be eagerly waiting to open Your messages instead

Special conversion techniques only 1% of marketers use and 99% don’t even know about (game changer)

How to research, write and have a product up for sale in as little as a couple of hours

How to structure Your content in such a way that forces Your reader to take action

Why 50 вЂ" 100 page eBooks may very well be the worst kinds of products to create вЂ" and how you can create much more value in far less time by focusing on "one” specific problem

Why most people are afraid to create and sell their own products вЂ" and how this makes absolutely no sense when you can crank out quality products on demand

How email marketing and relationship building begins from the very first point of contact and how you can take complete control of the process from the very beginning

How you can save massive amounts of time by Implementing my productivity tips that are responsible for tripling my results with minimal effort

How one productivity hack guarantees you follow through with Your goals and forces Your overall results to substantially increase due to compounding

How I create eBook covers and squeeze pages for free вЂ" and sales pages for less than $10 (very cool)

The best way to Instantly generate high quality subscribers without doing any extra work or making any sales (This one is huge)

How to send super targeted traffic to Your squeeze pages to the highest quality freebies that blows them away (higher quality report вЂ" higher quality lead)

How to build that all Important buyers list with a OTO (one time offer) sales page you’re prospects cannot resist getting out their wallets for

And more!


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Zosia Mamet: Feminism means we shouldn’t tear down others’ ideas of ‘success’

Zosia Mamet: Feminism means we shouldn’t tear down others’ ideas of ‘success’


I have been incredibly blessed with success in my chosen career. I’ve worked my ass off and had the support and encouragement of those around me to keep climbing. But what if tomorrow I decided I was content with the place I’d reached in acting and planned to open a small coffee shop in Vermont? That job wouldn’t necessarily be any easier, but I believe I would be considered less successful. My friends, some of them, would ask me if it was what I really wanted (code for “You’re making a mistake”). My agent would think I was insane, and my family would definitely be confused. And if I didn’t turn my little coffee shop into some world-renowned Magnolia Bakery of the north, if I kept it small and had a happy life, I probably wouldn’t be considered a success at that either, which is ridiculous.

We are so obsessed with “making it” these days we’ve lost sight of what it means to be successful on our own terms. As women we have internalized the idea that every morning we wake up, we have to go for the f—ing gold. You can’t just jog; you have to run a triathlon. Having a cup of coffee, reading the paper, and heading to work isn’t enough–that’s settling, that’s giving in, that’s letting them win. You have to wake up, have a cup of coffee, conquer France, bake a perfect cake, take a boxing class, and figure out how you are going to get that corner office or become district supervisor, while also looking damn sexy-but not too sexy, because cleavage is degrading-all before lunchtime. Who in her right mind would want to do that? And who would even be able to?

I think, unfortunately, some of our need to succeed professionally is a by-product of a good thing: feminism. Feminism was meant to empower us as women, to build us up for fighting on male-dominated battlefields. It did that, but it did some other things as well. It gave us female role models like Hillary and Oprah and Beyonce and in the process implied that mogul-hood should be every woman’s goal. We kept the old male ideas of success: power and money. We need new ones!

I hate that we look at women who choose not to run a country as having given up. I get angry that, when a woman decides to hold off on gunning for a promotion because she wants to have a baby, other women whisper that “she’s throwing away her potential.” That is when we’re not supporting our own. Who are we to put such a limited definition on success? The Merriam-***ster dictionary says success is “the correct or desired result of an attempt.” But you get to decide what you attempt. If you get off running a global hair care empire, more power to you, but if working as a hairdresser somewhere within that empire brings you joy, then that should be just as admirable. You shouldn’t feel like you’re letting down the team.

[From Glamour]

Cele|bitchy | Zosia Mamet: Feminism means we shouldn’t tear down others’ ideas of ‘success’

Is Amal Clooney wasting away the "hallmark of success?"

Is Amal Clooney wasting away the "hallmark of success?"

Why Mrs Clooney is disappearing before our eyes: Amal and how scary-skinny is the new hallmark of success

PUBLISHED: 00:27, 23 May2020 | UPDATED: 08:06, 23 May2020

A year ago, no one outside illustrious legal circles knew the name Amal Alamuddin. Fewer still had an opinion about her clothes, figure, hair, handbag or shoes.
An internationally renowned human rights lawyer at the top of her career, her performance in court and her fine brain were all she was judged on.
Then she fell in love with an American film star called George Clooney.
A year on from their whirlwind engagement and wedding, this clever and thoughtful woman has been swept along by a tsunami of celebrity fascination, culminating in her being granted the ultimate ‘accolade’ of being referred to in glossy magazines as simply ‘Amal’.




October 24, 2024: A curvier-looking and still relatively unknown Amal out in London (left). March 19, 2024: Colourful trousers show off her still shapely figure in New York (right)

It took Kylie, Beyonce and Posh decades to achieve that.

She’s continued working since becoming Mrs Clooney, representing Greece’s fight for the return of the Elgin Marbles

But there’s a sting in the tail. This week, Amal was on the cover of Grazia magazine under the headlines ‘Amal Under Pressure?’ and ‘Sudden Fame Taking Its Toll . . . Struggling To Be Mrs Clooney’.
It repeated earlier claims on U.S. website Radar Online that she weighed little over seven stone and was a ‘walking skeleton’.
U.S. Star magazine claimed there were ‘fears for scary-skinny Amal’.

Amal and George Clooney on their wedding day (archive)






September 29: Like every bride, Amal’s lost a little weight for her wedding in Venice (left). October 13 : Newly-wed at Heathrow, but the pounds continue to fall off (right)

Unpleasant, yes, but even Amal’s greatest admirers cannot ignore the fact she seems to be disappearing before our eyes.
Even on her wedding day, the white trouser suit she wore billowed in the wind to reveal a woman who had shrivelled in the half-year before she tied the knot to Mr Clooney.
Why? Amal is not a vacuous pop star nor some WAG whose entire existence depends on being photographed on red carpets with the correct circumference of thigh.
I fear she has become the victim of the invidious pressure most women in the public eye seem to be falling victim to these days: that the only way to be seen as truly successful is to not only be super-glamorous, but super-skinny, too.
After the honeymoon, she went back to work, not in a lawyer’s sensible suits, but in the expensive couture of a Hollywood A-lister.




May 1: Stylish but smaller than ever on a Big Apple lunch date (left). Later that day: Showing off her lithe limbs at a Broadway play (right)

Read more: Amal Clooney and how scary skinny is the new hallmark of successÂ* | Daily Mail Online

Are You Too Clever For Success?

Are You Too Clever For Success?
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