Jennifer Lopez: I used to be ‘thickish’ but lost 10 pounds by going vegan

Jennifer Lopez: I used to be ‘thickish’ but lost 10 pounds by going vegan


She used to be “thickish”? “You got to work out, you got to watch what you eat. It’s a job – you’ve got to buckle down. I’ll be honest with you guys, since I had the babies about six years ago, I had that really stubborn 8 to 10 pounds on me. People are used to seeing me be kind of thickish, but when I started eating [vegan], right away I dropped like 8 to 10 pounds. It was a real change, but more than that I felt better and people were like, ‘Your energy’s better’ … everything’s better.”

You got to do this vegan thing:I feel great mentally and physically! I feel better when I’m in shape and taking care of myself. I did full vegan for almost four, five weeks, then I just started incorporating proteins for myself The truth is, even if you’re 70-80 percent vegan, it’s so much better having those vegetables, greens, plant-****d stuff. It’s going to change your life and health.”

Her kids went vegan too:
“When I started doing this, I got the whole household on board. They won’t love everything right away — when you go from regular milk to almond milk or rice mike, it’s a big change — but little by little they get into it … sometimes my son will be like, ‘I want American cheese, I don’t like this vegan cheese.’”

More diet, less fitness:
“I’m not an exercise fanatic. I don’t love it, but I do dance a lot for the shows, so that helps.”

[From Us Weekly & Extra] ounds_by_going_vegan/

Any**** going to admit to watching 50 Shades when it comes out?

Any**** going to admit to watching 50 Shades when it comes out?

I haven’t read the books, but I’ve been intrigued by all the trailers. And as much as I dislike Beyonce, I am intoxicated by her new goth rendition of "Crazy In Love" that she did for the movie (I think it’s in the Official Trailer #1 on YouTube). I’m curious how far they’re going to portray the BDSM (even though I haven’t read the books, I know it’s supposed to be really light BDSM), so that might reel me in. Anyone else?

with going to &will a song for future

with going to &will a song for future
a song from mo own words
I am gmy wordoing to leave you
I am going to leave you
but youuuuu will
promise me not to forget me
and you will tell me what will you plan after me
after me after meeeee

Blake Lively Dreams of Going to Harvard Business School

Blake Lively Dreams of Going to Harvard Business School

Blake Lively Dreams of Going to Harvard Business School!


Blake Lively has a new goal in her life, Going to Harvard to get her Business degree!
“I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School, and one of these days I will do that … in my spare time!” the 27-year-old actress shared to Britain’s Stylist magazine.

She added, “There are a lot of women in business, but they don’t get enough opportunities,” she says. “If you look at the facts, women spend the most on e-commerce sites, yet less than 30 percent of the companies that venture capitalists fund are female-driven, even though female-run companies are the most successful. Women connect with other women. So why are we are not looking at the numbers?”

Read more: Blake Lively Dreams of Going to Harvard Business School! | Blake Lively : Just Jared

Teenage girl dies of heart attack after not going to the toilet for eight weeks

Teenage girl dies of heart attack after not going to the toilet for eight weeks

Teenage girl dies of heart attack after not going to the toilet for eight weeks

The Independent
Alexandra Sims 11 hrs ago

© Nadine Hutton /Getty Images.. Emily Titterington died after going eight weeks without a bowel movement which left her with a compressed her chest cavity and displaced organs

A teenager suffering from a phobia of toilets has died from a heart attack.

Emily Titterington, 16, died after going eight weeks without a bowel movement which left her with a compressed her chest cavity and displaced organs.

An inquest in Turo, Cornwall, herd that Emily’s life could have been saved with appropriate medical treatment, but she has refused medical examinations.

Home Office pathologist Dr Amanda Jeffery said her symptoms were in keeping with a condition known as “stool withholding”, which is more frequent in children.

A post-mortem examination revealed that the 16-year-old had a “massive extension of the large bowel,” which Jeffery described as “like nothing I have ever seen before – it was dramatic”.

Emily, who also had mild autism, had suffered with bowel problems for most of her life but doctors had been unable to determine the cause.

Her GP Dr Alistair James said that Emily’s mother, Geraldine, 59, has battled with her daughter to be medically examined in the period leading up to her death, but her protests had been in vain.

Dr James told the coroner that he had prescribed laxatives but had not examined Emily’s abdomen.
He said: “Had I done so, we would be having a different conversation. Her death could have been avoided with the right treatment at the right point.”

Emily collapsed while at home in St Austell, Cornwall on 8 February 2024. Paramedics attempted to revive her but she was later pronounced dead in hospital.

Lee Taylor, a paramedic who attended the family’s home twice in the night of her death, described Emily as “looking pale” on his first visit.

She complained of pain between her shoulders blades, he told the inquest, but he did not notice any abdominal swelling and she refused to go to hospital and was extremely reluctant to be examined.

Taylor said that when he and student paramedic, Lisa Marie Edwards, arrived at the family home for the second time that night after 4am, “her father James was outside shouting at us to help, saying something had gone badly wrong.“

When they found Emily lying in the doorway of the bathroom Taylor said: “I could see that her abdomen was grossly extended. Her lower ribs had been pushed out further than her pubic bone – I was shocked.”

The inquest is ongoing.

Usdjpy is going down >>loss 25 pip , profit 190 pip

Usdjpy is going down >>loss 25 pip , profit 190 pip

السلام عليكم الاخوة والاخوات الكرام مرفق الشارت فهذا الزوج كسر نقطة مهمة 122.54 كانت دعم والان ارتد ليختبرها كمقاومة ولكن لم يستطع حيث وصل الى 122.54 وقرر النزول وسيكون الهدف ,120.50 سعر الدخول 122.40 والاستوب 122.65…تقبلوا تحيات اخوكم عادل المراكشي

Any**** going to admit to watching 50 Shades when it comes out?

Any**** going to admit to watching 50 Shades when it comes out?

I haven’t read the books, but I’ve been intrigued by all the trailers. And as much as I dislike Beyonce, I am intoxicated by her new goth rendition of "Crazy In Love" that she did for the movie (I think it’s in the Official Trailer #1 on YouTube). I’m curious how far they’re going to portray the BDSM (even though I haven’t read the books, I know it’s supposed to be really light BDSM), so that might reel me in. Anyone else?