Michele Bachmann Claims Gay People Have ‘Bullied The American People’

Michele Bachmann Claims Gay People Have ‘Bullied The American People’

Yes, the People picked on, made fun of, denied rights, told they were freaks… yes they are actually bullies.

Especially the ones who committed suicide, biggest bullies of all.

Michele Bachmann Claims Gay People Have ‘Bullied The American People’

Michele Bachmann Claims Gay People Have ‘Bullied The American People’

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is still not pleased with Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s (R) decision to veto SB 1062 late last month.

In an interview with conservative radio host Lars Larson during last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, Bachmann said the downfall of the bill, which would Have allowed businesses to refuse service to gay individuals on religious grounds, illustrated how LGBT activists Have "bullied" voters and politicians.

"There’s nothing about gays in there. But the gay community decided to make this their measure," Bachmann said. "I think the thing that is getting a little tiresome, the gay community, they Have so bullied the American people, and they’ve so intimidated politicians. The politicians fear them, so that they think they get to dictate the agenda everywhere."

Bachmann said, however, that liberals likely wouldn’t attempt to change the U.S. Constitution to "take away" religious rights because "activist judges" and President Barack Obama will simply ignore the ******** instead.

"He’s a lawless president who’s violating the Constitution with every executive order," Bachmann said of Obama

Bachmann had voiced her opposition to Brewer’s veto in an interview with ABC News & Yahoo’s "Fine Print" earlier this month.

“I was sorry that she made the decision, and it’s because I believe that tolerance is a two-way street and we need to respect everyone’s rights, including the rights of People who Have sincerely held religious beliefs," Bachmann said. "Right now, there’s a terrible intolerance afoot in the United States, and it’s against People who hold sincerely held religious beliefs."

The congresswoman, who is set to retire after this congressional session, has previously dismissed the issue of school bullies targeting gays.

"That’s not a federal issue," Bachmann said in 2024.

here’s the link to the excerpt of the radio interview since it won’t post here.


‘Little People, Big World’ Stars Amy & Matt Roloff have separated

‘Little People, Big World’ Stars Amy & Matt Roloff have separated

‘Little People, Big World’ Stars Matt & Amy Roloff — We’ve Separated | TMZ.com

‘Little People, Big World’ Stars Matt & Amy Roloff — We’ve Separated



We’ve Separated


"Little People, Big World" couple Matt and Amy Roloff can’t stand living together anymore — they’ve just announced they’re separating after 26 years of marriage.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ, Matt and Amy have been living separately since the holidays — Amy currently resides in the family’s main house in Oregon … Matt lives in the guest house.

We’re told neither Amy nor Matt is currently pursuing other relationships — they’re just testing the waters living alone … for now anyway. So far, divorce isn’t on the table.

Matt has had a history of drinking problems — such as his 2024 DUI — but we’re told alcohol was NOT an issue in the split.

The Roloffs — who have 4 children — released a statement, saying, "Though we have weathered many storms together, we recently made the tough decision to engage in a trial separation."

Madonna: ‘We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people’

Madonna: ‘We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people’


On longevity in her career: “Popularity comes and goes. You need to know who you are, what you stand for, and why you’re here.”

On sexuality and ageism:
“Don’t be fooled, not much has changed – certainly not for women. We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people. Since I started, I’ve had people giving me a hard time because they didn’t think you could be sexual or have sexuality or sensuality in your work and be intelligent at the same time. For me, the fight has never ended.”

On collaborating with Kanye West on her album Rebel Heart:
“It’s a little bit of a bullfight, but we take turns. He knows that he’s walking into a room with a person with a strong point of view, and I do too. I listen to what he has to say, take it in, and he listens to what I say and takes it in. We didn’t agree on everything, but he has good ideas.”

On internet haters:
“You can hide behind your computer or your phone and say whatever you want – you’re not known. Could you say it to my face? Would you say it to my face? I doubt it.”

[From Cosmopolitan]

Cele|bitchy | Madonna: ‘We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people’

Kristen Stewart ‘judged harshly people’ who can’t deal with Alzheimer’s patients

Kristen Stewart ‘judged harshly people’ who can’t deal with Alzheimer’s patients


Kristen Stewart knew Julianne Moore way before they filmed their new indie drama Still Alice.
“I’ve known her for a number of years [because] I worked with her husband [Bart Freundlich] on a movie that I did when I was really little called Catch That Kid,” Stewart told me last night at the Still Alice screening at the AFI presented by Audi film festival. She was just 10 years old when Freundlich directed her in the 2024 crime comedy co-starring future High School Musical star Corbin Bleu. In Still Alice, Stewart plays the daughter of a woman with Alzheimer’s (Moore).

“Everyone always says that you want to work with people that you truly have a connection with, but it doesn’t always happen,” the Twilight star said. “That’s the kind of stuff that I really go after when I know that I could play her daughter because it’s not a stretch. It’s something that is so very much in us. The story is powerful and sad and scary, so I was very comfortable jumping into that with her.”
Moore gushed about Stewart, “I couldn’t love her more. She’s such a wonderful actress and she’s so emotional, so full of feeling. She really has it at her fingertips, and I just love her. I love her to death.”

Preparing for the movie involved intense research. Stewart spent time with an elderly Alzheimer’s patient with severe dementia.
“She was quite old, so it made sense that she wasn’t fully with me,” she said. “But I knew, for a second, that she had been dropped into her ****, and I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is rare, and this is very brief.’ I really held on to those few seconds, and I really appreciated it. Cut to two seconds later, we’re hanging out with her and her family, and she’s trying to say something about the dinner or something, and everyone’s just talking over her,” Stewart continued. “I felt instantly that she has so much to offer, and she might not be able to cognitively explain how she’s feeling, but she’s feeling so much. I had a connection to this subject. I judged harshly people who couldn’t deal.”

[From E! News]

Cele|bitchy | Kristen Stewart ‘judged harshly people’ who can’t deal with Alzheimer’s patients

صور Tit Thinks it’s People افلام خلفيات اغاني

تحميل صور فضائح Celebrity Gossip, Photos, Tit Thinks it’s People (technically nsfw) 2024 – 2024 يوتيوب فيديو افلام اغاني فيديو

Boobie puppets. It doesn’t get much deeper than that, folks. Image:…

Boobie puppets. It doesn’t get much deeper than that, folks.



Sir boobs-a-lot will rescue you!

Tit Thinks it’s People

Okay, so I’ve been on codeine laced cough syrup for a few days now… 😛

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Jessica Alba on being the boss at The Honest Company: ‘I’ve made people cry’

Jessica Alba on being the boss at The Honest Company: ‘I’ve made people cry’


Jessica Alba isn’t afraid to rule with an iron fist.
In order for the actress and entrepreneur (who turned 34 Tuesday!) to take her business The Honest Company to soaring heights, she’s had to be a straight-talking lady boss.
"I’m straight to the point. I’ve made people cry," the Sin City: A Dame to Kill For actress said in her May cover story in Moremagazine. "I have to say, ‘This isn’t personal. This is what needs to get done, and it’s just as simple as that. And … we’re not crying anymore.’ "

The wife and mother of two also said she’s learning to tone herself down when it comes to managing her eco-friendly empire, which offers natural goods, including cleaning materials, diapers and skincare products that are free of harmful chemicals and toxins. (They’re working on an organic tampon.)
"My [business] partners are men. Whenever I say something that’s kind of against their intuition, they go back and talk to their wives," she said.

She added, "And then their wives usually agree with me. So that’s how we get stuff done over here."
Balancing a billion-dollar business, a family and an acting career, Alba isn’t one to shy away from new challenges.
"I didn’t want to wake up and kick myself for not pursuing something I believed in," she said in the interview. "I couldn’t wait to reject the status quo, punch it in the face and kick it to the curb."


Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends and Influence People
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Idaho bill would allow doctors or cops to refuse service to LGBT people

Idaho bill would allow doctors or cops to refuse service to LGBT people

so fucking stupid!

so much for separation of church and state…

Idaho bill would allow doctors or cops to refuse service to LGBT people on religious grounds | The Raw Story

Idaho bill would allow doctors or cops to refuse service to LGBT people on religious grounds


An Idaho Republican can’t think of anyone in his state who has been forced to render aid to a gay or lesbian person against their will, and he’d like to keep it that way.

Rep. Lynn Luker outlined a proposal Tuesday backed by his conservative Christian allies to shield religious people from the threat of losing their professional licenses for refusing service or employment to anyone they conclude violates their religious beliefs.

“This is pre-emptive,” said Luker, a Boise Republican. “The issue is coming, whether it’s 10 years, or 15 years, or two years.”

Idaho requires professional licenses for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, attorneys, social workers, firefighters, police officers, real estate agents, and insurance providers.

He cited efforts by LGBT activists in other states to end discrimination against them – including two cases where same-sex couples in Oregon and New Mexico were denied service at a bakery for their wedding cake or wedding photographs – as his motivation to act quickly in Idaho.

Unlike those two states, Idaho’s Human Rights Act offers no protections for LGBT people, and Republican lawmakers have resisted efforts to include them.

The Cornerstone Family Council is backing Luker’s proposal, which is now awaiting a full hearing, to prevent the state from passing laws to block people from “living out their faith.”

“The free expression of religious freedom is no longer understood for what it was intended,” said Julie Lynde, executive director of the conservative Christian group associated with Focus on the Family. “There’s a double standard against people of traditional religious faiths.”

The Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses oversees 29 boards that issue licenses in a variety of fields.

If Luker’s proposal is passed into law, it would prevent the bureau or boards from revoking the license of any professional who declined “to provide or participate in providing any service that violates the person’s sincerely held religious beliefs.”

However, Luker noted, emergency personnel couldn’t refuse to treat someone and does not authorize the “the intentional infliction of emotional or physical injury.”

He also added that the measure protects only an individual’s license, and that employers would not be prohibited from firing workers who violated workplace policies.

A spokeswoman for the state’s American Civil Liberties Union said she couldn’t think of any previous issues this bill would address.

“This is a solution searching for a problem,” said Monica Hopkins, executive director of ACLU of Idaho.

Megan Fox: ‘Most people assume that I’m not very smart or educated’

Megan Fox: ‘Most people assume that I’m not very smart or educated’


The criticisms people have of her: “I would say most people assume that I’m not very smart or educated or earnest, because I have this image that I’m sort of narcissistic, chasing attention, and wanting people to like me. It makes me laugh because I’ve done plenty of interviews and when you read the article from beginning to end you can see that I’m not your typical music video model. My life is not about seeking other people’s approval because I know it isn’t going to come.”

Getting kicked off the Transformers franchise: “I think there’s a lot of growing personally that I needed to do, to control my passion. I really wanted to be a mom, and I wasn’t yet, and I really struggled with that. I was just too young to see where I wanted to go.”

The criticism of her acting abilities:
“In Transformers I was a kid. I had no idea what I was doing. There was nothing for me to do, but then I did nothing and that was my own call. I don’t take it personally because in some ways I acknowledge and agree. But at the same time, both established comedians and Quentin Tarantino have come up to me and said, ‘I really liked Jennifer’s ****. You were really good in that’. The people whose opinions matter liked it, so I’m OK with that.”

She’s not your mannequin:
“I’ve never had fun getting dressed up and going on the red carpet because there’s pressure there. You’re not just getting dressed because you think this is an amazing outfit. You’re getting dressed because there’s an obligation from your side to a certain designer and then you have to go and walk the carpet hoping that someone else isn’t wearing something similar. I’m just sort of the mannequin that they send out, so it’s just not a fun process for me.”

She’s not planning out her career:
“I don’t sit back and have a game plan and make decisions about my career like other actors do. I have no ego tied up into my career at all. If I get pitched into a movie I do it and that’s that; it doesn’t matter if it’s weird or small or huge. I trust my intuition.”

“I don’t think I need to teach my children with harsh words or with punishment. I believe that if I love them the right way, there’s no need for that. I’m a free-spirit mother. I don’t talk to Bodhi like he’s an adult, obviously, but I listen to everything he says to me and I believe in him: I believe that he sees things I don’t see, I believe he has things to teach me, and so I don’t act as a disciplinarian or an authority figure per se. I don’t ever want to be a restrictive force on him; I want to be an expansive force…I want him to be inspired by me because he constantly inspires me as well. Motherhood has really deepened me and has given me so much perspective. I’m very dedicated.”

[From E! News]

Cele|bitchy | Megan Fox: ‘Most people assume that I’m not very smart or educated’

Hilary Swank pays veterinary bills for people who can’t afford petcare

Hilary Swank pays veterinary bills for people who can’t afford petcare


Hilary is an animal lover and she often brings her dog, a Beagle Terrier mix named Kai, with her when she travels. She’s shown here with Kai at LAX on October 20th. I love that little derpy face of his! She’s also an animal philanthropist. She has a charity which connects at risk youth with ****ter pets. On Thanksgiving she’s going to co-host and produce a “Dog-A-Thon” urging animal lovers to adopt pets. Miranda Lambert is cohosting and the special will also feature Scarlett Johansson, Fergie, Josh Duhamel, Kesha, Kristen Bell, LeAnn Rimes and Betty White.

What’s more is that Hilary often pays people’s vet bills for them – anonymously, when they can’t afford to pay.

Hilary Swank… has made a habit of secretly paying veterinary bills for cash-strapped pet owners. “A number of vets around LA have Hilary on speed dial,” says a source, revealing that the Oscar winner will anonymously pick up the tab if someone can’t afford treatment for their injured critters. “She’s spent hundreds of thousands of dollars paying vet bills. She literally saves lives weekly, without seeking any credit!”
Hilary has made it her mission to help all creatures big and small, founding The Hilaroo Foundation, which brings together at-risk youth and abandoned animals. And this Thanksgiving, the actress is set to produce and cohost The Great American Dog-A-Thon, a two hour dog rescue special, on Fox. “She truly believes that every pet deserves a chance and will do anything in her power to save their lives.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, November 3, 2024]

Cele|bitchy | Hilary Swank pays veterinary bills for people who can’t afford petcare