Zosia Mamet: Feminism means we shouldn’t tear down others’ ideas of ‘success’

Zosia Mamet: Feminism means we shouldn’t tear down others’ ideas of ‘success’


I have been incredibly blessed with success in my chosen career. I’ve worked my ass off and had the support and encouragement of those around me to keep climbing. But what if tomorrow I decided I was content with the place I’d reached in acting and planned to open a small coffee shop in Vermont? That job wouldn’t necessarily be any easier, but I believe I would be considered less successful. My friends, some of them, would ask me if it was what I really wanted (code for “You’re making a mistake”). My agent would think I was insane, and my family would definitely be confused. And if I didn’t turn my little coffee shop into some world-renowned Magnolia Bakery of the north, if I kept it small and had a happy life, I probably wouldn’t be considered a success at that either, which is ridiculous.

We are so obsessed with “making it” these days we’ve lost sight of what it means to be successful on our own terms. As women we have internalized the idea that every morning we wake up, we have to go for the f—ing gold. You can’t just jog; you have to run a triathlon. Having a cup of coffee, reading the paper, and heading to work isn’t enough–that’s settling, that’s giving in, that’s letting them win. You have to wake up, have a cup of coffee, conquer France, bake a perfect cake, take a boxing class, and figure out how you are going to get that corner office or become district supervisor, while also looking damn sexy-but not too sexy, because cleavage is degrading-all before lunchtime. Who in her right mind would want to do that? And who would even be able to?

I think, unfortunately, some of our need to succeed professionally is a by-product of a good thing: feminism. Feminism was meant to empower us as women, to build us up for fighting on male-dominated battlefields. It did that, but it did some other things as well. It gave us female role models like Hillary and Oprah and Beyonce and in the process implied that mogul-hood should be every woman’s goal. We kept the old male ideas of success: power and money. We need new ones!

I hate that we look at women who choose not to run a country as having given up. I get angry that, when a woman decides to hold off on gunning for a promotion because she wants to have a baby, other women whisper that “she’s throwing away her potential.” That is when we’re not supporting our own. Who are we to put such a limited definition on success? The Merriam-***ster dictionary says success is “the correct or desired result of an attempt.” But you get to decide what you attempt. If you get off running a global hair care empire, more power to you, but if working as a hairdresser somewhere within that empire brings you joy, then that should be just as admirable. You shouldn’t feel like you’re letting down the team.

[From Glamour]

Cele|bitchy | Zosia Mamet: Feminism means we shouldn’t tear down others’ ideas of ‘success’

Black Prep School President Steps Down After Mocking White Classmates

Black Prep School President Steps Down After Mocking White Classmates

This is an interesting story IMO. She posted the offending pic to her personal instagram but it cost her the class presidency. Just like real life politicians, you need to be mindful in your private life as it will spill into your public life.

Black Prep School President Steps Down After Mocking White Classmates
By Beth Greenfield, Shine Staff | Healthy Living – 23 hours ago..

Maya Peterson in the controversial photo. Photo: Instagram via BuzzfeedThe most expensive Prep School in the country, the Lawrenceville School, spent much of its spring semester mired in racial tensions as its first Black student-**** President was forced to step Down for “mocking” White male students on Instagram.


In the photo that Maya Peterson posted of herself to Instagram in March when she was a senior, she poses as a typical “Lawrenceville boi” — wearing a Yale sweatshirt and duck boots, holding a hockey stick. It’s hashtagged #romney2016, #confederate, and #peakedinhighschool.

“I understand why I hurt people’s feelings, but I didn’t become President to make sure rich White guys had more representation on campus,” Peterson told BuzzFeed, which reported the story on Monday. “Let’s be honest. They’re not the ones that feel uncomfortable here.” Peterson graduated from Lawrenceville, a private School near princeton, N.J., in June.

Still, according to the school’s student publication, The Lawrence, After a group of students *****ed Dean of Students Nancy Thomas to the post, Thomas met with Peterson and decided it would be best for her to step Down as president. Thomas, the story notes, felt “it was not fitting of a student leader to make comments Mocking members of the community.” And so Peterson resigned, saying through an email to the student ****, “As your Student **** President, it is my job to do what is best for the community, but as a student it is my job to do what is best for myself. With that said, I have decided to step Down as President of The Lawrenceville School.”

Though the Lawrenceville School — where annual tuition is around $53,000 and the student **** is 55 percent white, 21 percent Asian, and 16 percent black/Hispanic — would not comment directly on the Peterson situation because of “privacy” issues, it did release the following statement to Yahoo Shine:

“The Lawrenceville School works hard to foster an inclusive, open, and engaging atmosphere that gives all students opportunities to be heard, feel respected and succeed. We do not tolerate racial discrimination and have had few issues on campus for many years now. Like any institution in America, we appreciate the challenge of having discussions about issues of diversity, and we remain committed to developing young people’s abilities to engage with these issues in productive ways.

“We respect the privacy of our students so we will not comment on the particulars of disciplinary situations. Every student knows we expect them to meet basic standards for honesty, integrity, and respect for others. ‎In turn, we recognize that adolescents make mistakes and give our students every chance to be successful. But, they also know there are consequences for their actions and ultimately they will be held accountable for their behavior. Their actions, and only their actions, guide that process.”

Peterson, who now lives in New York City, according to her Facebook page, could not be reached for comment by Yahoo Shine. But she told BuzzFeed that the controversy over her leadership started long before the Instagram photo, with cries from some students suggesting that the election she’d won had been fixed. She also notes that some of her initiatives as President — to institute a “diversity representative” on the student council board, and to create gender-neutral bathrooms, for example — were not well-received. She caught flak later in the year, she explains, for raising her fist in a “black power” salute along with several other students for a yearbook photo. But Peterson, a lesbian, says it was always her aim to reach out to minorities who often felt overlooked on campus. “The younger kids told me they felt comfortable opening up to me in a way they didn’t with other people,” she tells Buzzfeed.

Fellow Lawrenceville students seem torn over the situation. One told BuzzFeed that Peterson’s actions seemed “hateful,” while another called her “a great face of the New Lawrenceville.” On Twitter, commenters have been torn:

Chet Cannon ✔ @Chet_Cannon
Not impressed by Maya Peterson. I’m White (not rich/no confederate flags). Her HS tuition is $53,000 and she’s shaming "rich, white" people?

Impatience @Discomfort__
Thank you, Maya Peterson, for being you and for doing what I was afraid to do 6 years ago you have forced Lawrenceville to have this convo

“I’m not saying what I did was right,” Peterson told BuzzFeed. “But it wasn’t racist. I was just calling those guys exactly what they are. And Lawrenceville is the type of place where those kids are idolized.”


‘We hear you Taylor’: Apple music bows down changes it’s tune, to Taylor Swift.

‘We hear you Taylor’: Apple music bows down changes it’s tune, to Taylor Swift.

‘We hear you Taylor’: Apple changes its tune and bows down to Taylor Swift’s demands to pay artists during tech giant’s free music trial

Apple Music bows down to Taylor Swift’s demands to pay artists during free music trial | Daily Mail Online

  • Artists will be paid on a per-stream basis during free Apple music trial
  • It comes after tech giant asked Taylor Swift to provide free music
  • 25-year-old platinum artist slammed their request in an open letter
  • ‘We don’t ask you for free iPhones,’ Swift wrote in scathing Tumblr post
  • On Sunday evening, Apple VP personally phoned Swift to tell her of u-turn
  • Last year, she withdrew her music from Spotify which offers a free tier that is supported by advertisements

By Mia De Graaf For Dailymail.com
Published: 15:03 EST, 22 June2020 | Updated: 16:23 EST, 22 June2020

Apple has bowed down to Taylor Swift.

The superstar penned an open letter on Sunday morning, shaming the tech giant for its ‘shocking’ attempt to stream music for free without paying any artists.

Finally, after hours of negotiations, the firm has made a u-turn and will now pay every musician whose work is featured during the free trial when Apple music is rolled out on June 30.

‘We hear you @taylorswift13 and indie artists,’ wrote Apple vice president Eddy Cue on Twitter, after personally phoning the platinum-selling singer to deliver the news.

‘Apple will always make sure that artist are paid,’ he added. ‘#AppleMusic will pay artist for streaming, even during customer’s free trial period.’

In response, Swift tweeted her 59.2 million followers: ‘I am elated and relieved. Thank you for your words of support today. They listened to us.’

Success: Taylor Swift has won her battle to get Apple music to pay artists whose music is streamed for free


Artists whose music is played during the month-long free trial will be paid on a per-stream basis, Eddy Cue told Buzzfeed.
Subsequently, Apple will pay U.S. music owners 71.5 per cent of the sub******ion fee revenue.

‘When I woke up this morning and saw what Taylor had written, it really solidified that we needed to make a change,’ Cue told Billboard. ‘And so that’s why we decided we will now pay artists during the trial period.’

The dispute is the latest between music streaming companies and the Shake It Off singer, who is one of Spotify’s most outspoken critics.

Despite pleas from Spotify, who even made a We Love Taylor playlist in her honor, she refused to provide her chart-topping albums for free. Instead, her music is available on Jay Z’s pay-for sub******ion service, Tidal.

On Sunday, Apple came into the firing line.
‘I find it to be shocking, disappointing and completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company,’ Swift wrote in a posting on Tumblr that received international support.

Swift – whose 1989 was by far the top-selling US album last year and remains high on the charts – insisted that she was speaking for all artists and not just herself.

‘This is about the new artist or band that has just released their first single and will not be paid for its success.

‘This is about the young songwriter who just got his or her first cut and thought that the royalties from that would get them out of debt.

‘This is about the producer who works tirelessly to innovate and create, just like the innovators and creators at Apple are pioneering in their field…but will not get paid for a quarter of a year’s worth of plays on his or her songs.

‘I find it to be shocking, disappointing and completely unlike this historically progressive and generous company,’ Swift wrote in a posting on Tumblr, a portion of the post pictured above

Swift said that the tech giant, which is launching the new Apple music on June 30, will not pay for songs streamed during a free three-month trial period for new subscribers

‘These are not the complaints of a spoiled, petulant child. These are the echoed sentiments of every artist, writer and producer in my social circles who are afraid to speak up publicly because we admire and respect Apple so much.’

‘Three months is a long time to go unpaid, and it is unfair to ask anyone to work for nothing. I say this with love, reverence, and admiration for everything else Apple has done,’ she continued.

‘I hope that soon I can join them in the progression towards a streaming model that seems fair to those who create this music. I think this could be the platform that gets it right.

‘But I say to Apple with all due respect, it’s not too late to change this policy and change the minds of those in the music industry who will be deeply and gravely affected by this.

‘We don’t ask you for free iPhones. Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation.’

Apple holds a massive influence over the music industry through iTunes, the premier place to buy songs or albums digitally.
The company is now hoping to become a powerful force in streaming as it watches consumes flock to unlimited, on-demand online music.

Apple has not gone public with details on the payout structure, but is known to have been involved in intense negotiations with major record labels.

Prosecutors in New York and the neighboring state of Connecticut have started an initial probe on whether major labels are colluding with Apple to stop licensing content to rivals.
Swift said that 1989 would not appear on Apple Music, although she stopped short on pulling her entire catalog.

Last year, she withdrew all of her music from Spotify – which, controversially, offers a free tier that is supported by advertisements.

Spotify says that it nonetheless pays back artists and has given out $3 billion in royalties since the Swedish company’s launch in 2024.
Apple plans to charge $9.99 a month after the three-month trial.

The move by Swift, one of the most outspoken critics of streaming leader Spotify, delivers an early blow to Apple’s bid to dominate the booming sector



Taylor Swift removed her entire back catalog from music streaming service Spotify as she was promoting new album 1989, which sold 1.287 million copies in its first week, just shy of Britney Spears’ record for the biggest-ever album weekly sales by a female artist (1.319million).

‘If I had streamed the new album, it’s impossible to try to speculate what would have happened,’ Taylor told Yahoo of leaving Spotify.

‘Music is changing so quickly, and the landscape of the music industry itself is changing so quickly, that everything new, like Spotify, all feels to me a bit like a grand experiment.

‘And I’m not willing to contribute my life’s work to an experiment that I don’t feel fairly compensates the writers, producers, artists, and creators of this music.’

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Suge Knight ran someone down and fled the scene

Suge Knight ran someone down and fled the scene

Suge Knight

Hit And Run In Compton

Victim Dead

1/29/2015 4:00 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF

Suge Knight got into a fight on the set of a film project in Compton, and ran over a man … and we’re told the victim is dead … and Suge fled the scene.

Multiple witnesses tell us some kind of shoot — possibly for a movie or ********ary — was going down with Game, Ice Cube and Dr. Dre when Suge pulled up in his car.

We’re told a fight broke out between Suge and 2 crew members. Suge got back into his car, took the wheel and threw the vehicle in reverse … and ran over a bystander.

It’s unclear at this point if the victim was connected to the film project.

Sources connected with Suge tell TMZ … the 2 men who fought Suge were the instigators. Our sources say Suge was scared because he’s in frail health — in addition to being shot 6 times last summer, he recently almost died from a blood clot.

Sources tell TMZ … the victim is Terry Carter, who we’re told is a friend of Suge’s. Another man was also hit … Cle "Bone" Sloane — who’s appeared in "Training Day" and "End of Watch" — suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Story developing …

Read more: https://www.tmz.com#ixzz3QGQRV2OB

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Celine Dion’s husband steps down as her manager

Celine Dion’s husband steps down as her manager


Rene Angelil is stepping down as manager of wife Celine Dion, making way for veteran live entertainment exec Aldo Giampaolo to steer her career.

Giampaolo, a former head of Cirque du Soleil’s business unit, has been named CEO of Feeling Productions, which oversees Dion’s career from Las Vegas.

"Considering our long-standing friendship, our mutual respect, and our past collaborations, this was a logical step for all of us," said Angelil in a statement.

Angelil, who discovered Dion and led her to global stardom, will remain with Feeling Productions as chairman as Giampaolo moves his family to Las Vegas to take control of the company starting in August.

"I am extremely touched and honored to be offered this new challenge, and I see it as a continuation of the close working relationship that Rene and I have enjoyed for the past 25 years," said Giampaolo in his own statement.


Read more at ONTD: Oh No They Didn't! – Celine Dion’s husband steps down as her manager

John Sundahl Britney Spears’ ex-boyfriend shot down during a flight from Kabul

John Sundahl Britney Spears’ ex-boyfriend shot down during a flight from Kabul

Britney Spears’ ex-boyfriend killed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan: report

John Sundahl, 44, was shot down during a flight from Kabul, where he’d been working as a private contractor transporting officials across the war-torn nation, according to the Daily Mirror.

BY Rich Schapiro

Published: Sunday, January 18,2020, 1:51 AM
Updated: Sunday, January 18,2020, 1:52 AM
A helicopter pilot and Britney Spears ex-boyfriend — who helped the pop princess quit booze — has been killed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.
John Sundahl, 44, was shot down during a flight from Kabul, where he’d been working as a private contractor transporting officials across the war-torn nation, according to the Daily Mirror.
“She is devastated,” a source close to Spears told the UK paper. “Britney thought he was a lovely man.”
A former real estate whiz, Sundahl dated Spears, 33, in 2024 after they met at Alcoholics Anonymous in Los Angeles. He spoke openly about her alcohol abuse.

“I told her, ‘If you fall off the wagon I don’t think you’ll live,’” Sundahl told the National Enquirer in 2024. I told her, ‘If you don’t want to get sober for yourself, do it for your kids.’”
Spears publicly credited him with helping her overcome her drinking problems.
From his LA home, Sundahl’s brother Karl said officials told the family the Taliban was responsible for the brave pilot’s death.
“It’s heartbreaking,” Karl Sundahl said. “John went there to try to repair the country. He was trying to help people, he would often say that the country was in chaos.”

Sundahl’s **** was returned to the U.S. last week. A small family funeral was held at a Buddhist temple in Los Angeles, according to The Mirror.
“We had a really small funeral,” his brother said. “It was what John would have wanted.”

Britney Spears’ ex killed by Taliban in Afghanistan: report – NY Daily News

Toni Collette and Pierce Brosnan: ‘A Long Way Down’ NYC Premiere (6/30/2024)

Toni Collette and Pierce Brosnan: ‘A Long Way Down’ NYC Premiere (6/30/2014)

From dailymail.co.uk

Pierce Brosnan and Toni Collette at the New York Premiere of their film A Long Way Down on Monday, June 30, 2024




Full Article(s) and More Pictures on dailymail.co.uk:
Pierce Brosnan and Toni Collette don chic b&w ensembles for the NYC premiere of their film A Long Way Down | Mail Online